Juuso Loikkanen
International Affairs Specialist
Coordination of international master’s degree programmes in the Philosophical Faculty Coordinati...
Student and Learning Services, University Services
[email protected] | +358 50 409 2532
clinical linguistics
early language education for intercultural communication
english language and culture
international affairs
international master's degree programmes
linguistic data sciences
on-site administrative services
pedagogy and teaching for sustainability
philosophical faculty
student and learning services
82/82 items-
Justin L. Barrett (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Science of Religion
Loikkanen, Juuso. 2024. Reviews in science, religion and theology. 3: 36-37 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
William H. U. Anderson (Ed.). Technology and Theology
Loikkanen, Juuso. 2023. Teologinen aikakauskirja. 128: 226-227 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Joulun ihme
Loikkanen, Juuso. 2022. Hakalainen. 2/2022: 38-39 E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
Mitä on laajennettu luonnollinen teologia?
Loikkanen, Juuso. 2022. Areiopagi.fi. : . E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
Ortodoksisen teologian salattu potentiaali teologian ja luonnontieteen dialogissa
Loikkanen, Juuso. 2022. Ortodoksia. 62: 171-174 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Peter Harrison & John Milbank (Eds.), After Science and Religion: Fresh Perspectives from Philosophy and Theology
Loikkanen, Juuso. 2022. Reviews in science, religion and theology. 1: 16-18 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
The Dialogue of Christianity and Science in the West and in the East
Loikkanen, Juuso. 2022. East Meets West Blog. : . E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
Could Science and Theology Point to the Same Truth?
Loikkanen, Juuso. 2021. UEFDSA newspaper. 3: 24 - 26 E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
Does It Make Sense to Try to Make Sense of Divine Action?
Loikkanen, Juuso. 2021. God and Nature. : - E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
Human Beings as Imago Dei and Homo Sapiens. Assessing the Substantive Interpretation of Imago Dei
Loikkanen, Juuso. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2021. . s. 258-265. Dialogo Publishing House SRL A4 Conference proceedings