My main duties are related to Young Universities for the Future of Europe (YUFE) Alliance, which makes it possible to study and develop one’s skills physically and online in 10 universities around Europe. I lead YUFE’s work package on Lifelong learning and support the other multilevel development work related to YUFE in our own university. I am also happy to discuss about the opportunities provided by YUFE with different groups.
Additionally, I enhance the internationalization of studies of our Finnish students, and the integration of our international students by regional, national and international network cooperation.
8/8 items-
Academic bullying among faculty personnel in Estonia and Finland
Meriläinen, Matti; Käyhkö, Katinka; Köiv, Kristi; Sinkkonen, Hanna-Maija. 2019. Journal of higher education policy and management. 41: 241-261 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Using strategic alliances in developing more inclusive liberal adult education
Käyhkö, Katinka; Manninen, Jyri. Teoksessa: Sprung, Annette; Pilch Ortega, Angela(toim.) , 2019. Conference Proceedings: Building Solidarities for Anti-Racist Adult Education"". s. 42-55. ESREA European Society for Research on the Education of Adults D3 Professional conference proceedings -
"Open the doors!" : Migrants in Higher Education : Fostering Cooperation at Universities Seminar 13.-14.12.2016 in Jyväskylä
Käyhkö, Katinka; Bontenbal, Ilona; Bogdanoff, Minna. 2018. . . Jyväskylän yliopisto (The Finnish University Partenership for International Development (UniPID) D6 Edited professional book -
"Enemmän kuin pelkkä projekti" : Supporting Immigrants in Higher Education in Finland : SIMHE-UniPID -pilottihankkeen yhteenveto
Häkkinen, Marita; Käyhkö, Katinka; Bogdanoff, Minna. 2017. . . D4 Published development or research report or study -
"More than just a project" : Supporting Immigrants in Higher Education in Finland : summary of the SIMHE-UniPID pilot
Häkkinen, Marita; Käyhkö, Katinka; Bogdanoff, Minna. 2017. . . D4 Published development or research report or study -
Hiekkaa rattaissa? Siirtolaisuus ja turvapaikanhakijat suomalaista korkeakoulujärjestelmää kehittämässä
Käyhkö Katinka. 2017. Aikuiskasvatus. 37: 229-235 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Bullying and inappropriate behaviour among faculty personnel
Meriläinen Matti, Sinkkonen Hanna-Maija, Puhakka Helena, Käyhkö Katinka. 2016. Policy futures in education. 14: 617-634 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Kotoutujan kuvat : voimauttavaa toimintamuotoa etsimässä
Käyhkö Katinka. 2012. G2 Master’s thesis, polytechnic Master’s thesis