Larisa Leisiö
Deputy Head of School
School of Humanities, Philosophical Faculty
[email protected] | +358 50 596 9789
I am a professor of Russian language at the University of Eastern Finland. My research interests include language contacts, Samoyedic languages, and non-standard varieties of Russian including colloquial Russian, Russian in contact with Finno-Ugric languages, and language use in media. My approach to language is typological and usage-based. I studied Russian-Finnish contact in the speech of Finland Russians, in particular code switching, word order in possessive noun phrases, gender integration of Finnish nouns, and the case of the direct object. I traced the impact of Northern Baltic Finnic influence in Old East Slavic and Old Russian. I am a specialist in Samoyedic (<Uralic) languages, in particular Nganasan. I conducted field work with Forest Finns in Sweden, Finland Russians, Inari Sámi, Estonian Old Believers, as well as Northern Samoyeds in Siberia: Nganasans, Forest Enets, Forest Nenets, and Tundra Nenets.
Research groups
33/33 items-
Indigenous peoples of Northern Siberia: a hundred-year path of school education and identity transformation
Leisiö, Larisa. 2024. Larisa Leisiö's linguistic blog abstract -
Venäjän kielen opiskelu murroksessa
Leisiö, Larisa; Okkonen, Maiju. 2024. Idäntutkimus. 31: 61-62 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Kastren – osnovopoložnik uralʹskogo âzykoznaniâ
Leisiö, Larisa. 2023. Tomskij žurnal lingvističeskih i antropologičeskih issledovanij. 41: 165-171 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Maailmalla puhutaan venäjää monin eri tavoin
Leisiö, Larisa. 2023. Helsingin Sanomat. : B8 E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
М. А. Кастрен ‒ основоположник уральского языкознания [M. A. Castren – the Founder of Ural Linguistics]
Leisio, L. 2023. Tomskij žurnal lingvističeskih i antropologičeskih issledovanij. 41: 165-171 A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
Epäluottamus ja byrokratia vaikeuttavat ukrainalaisten elämää
Leisiö, Larisa. 2022. Karjalainen. 231: 17 E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
Hämeenmaalta Jamalille : Kirja Tapani Salmiselle
Kaheinen, Kaisla; Leisiö, Larisa; Erkkilä, Riku; Qiu, Toivo EH. 2022. . . Helsingin yliopisto C2 Edited book, conference proceedings or special issue of a journal -
Itä-Suomen yliopiston venäjän oppiaineen avoin kirje
Leisiö, Larisa. 2022. Karjalan Heili. 14: 7 E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
Tapani Salmisen 60-vuotispäivän kunniaksi
Leisiö, Larisa; Kaheinen, Kaisla; Erkkilä, Riku; Qiu, Toivo. Teoksessa: Kaheinen, Kaisla; Leisiö, Larisa; Erkkilä, Riku; Qiu, Toivo(toim.) , 2022. Hämeenmaalta Jamalille : Kirja Tapani Salmiselle. s. 1-2. Helda Open books B2 Book section -
Ukrainalaiset Suomessa
Leisiö, Larisa. 2022. Karjalan Heili. 42: 6 E1 Popularised article, newspaper article