Miguel Villoslada
Assistant Professor
Department of Geographical and Historical Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
[email protected] | +358 50 475 7384
Research groups
Digital Geosciences 01.01.2020 -
Land use as a modulator of land cover transitions… Finished 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2024
LANDMOD (Academy of Finland) – Land use as a modulator of land cover transitions and the ecosystem–atmosphere carbon balance
CHARTER (H2020) – Drivers and Feedbacks of Changes in Arctic Terrestrial Biodiversity (http://www.charter-arctic.org/tag/eu-horizon-2020/)
Innovative drone-based remote sensing tools for agricultural management and nature conservation (Estonian Academy of Sciences)
21/21 items-
Analyzing the structural elements, ecological characteristics, and impact assessment of local green infrastructure in the coastal zone of Estonia
Kaskevich, V; Villoslada, M; Ward, RD; Sepp, K. 2024. Ecological indicators. 169: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Increasing uptake of ecosystem service assessments: best practice check-lists for practitioners in Europe
Barton, David N; Immerzeel, Bart; Brander, Luke; Gret-Regamey, Adrienne; Huerta, Jarumi Kato; Kretsch, Conor; Le Clech, Solen; Rendon, Paula; Seguin, Joana; Coyote, Martha V Arambula; Almenar, Javier Babi; Balzan, Mario V; Burkhard, Benjamin; Carvalho-Santos, Claudia; Geneletti, Davide; Goni, Victoria Guisado; Giannakis, Elias; Liekens, Inge; Lupa, Piotr; Ryan, Gillian; Stepniewska, Malgorzata K; Tanacs, Eszter; Van't Hoff, Vince; Walther, Franziska E; Zoumides, Christos; Zwierzchowska, Iwona; G. 2024. One ecosystem. 9: A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
Spatial Distribution of Thaw Depth in Palsas Estimated From Optical Unoccupied Aerial Systems Data
Verdonen, Mariana; Villoslada, Miguel; Kolari, Tiina H M; Tahvanainen, Teemu; Korpelainen, Pasi; Tarolli, Paolo; Kumpula, Timo. 2024. Permafrost and periglacial processes. 2025; 36: 22-36 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Synergistic use of Sentinel-2 and UAV-derived data for plant fractional cover distribution mapping of coastal meadows with digital elevation models
Martínez Prentice, Ricardo; Villoslada, Miguel; Ward, Raymond D.; Bergamo, Thaisa F.; Joyce, Chris B.; Sepp, Kalev. 2024. Biogeosciences. 21: 1411-1431 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
The Arctic Plant Aboveground Biomass Synthesis Dataset
Berner, Logan T.; Orndahl, Kathleen M.; Rose, Melissa; Tamstorf, Mikkel; Arndal, Marie F.; Alexander, Heather D.; Humphreys, Elyn R.; Loranty, Michael M.; Ludwig, Sarah M.; Nyman, Johanna; Juutinen, Sari; Aurela, Mika; Happonen, Konsta; Mikola, Juha; Mack, Michelle C.; Vankoughnett, Mathew R.; Iversen, Colleen M.; Salmon, Verity G.; Yang, Dedi; Kumar, Jitendra; Grogan, Paul; Danby, Ryan K.; Scott, Neal A.; Olofsson, Johan; Siewert, Matthias B.; Deschamps, Lucas; Lévesque, Esther; Maire, Vincent;. 2024. Scientific data. 11: . 305 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
The value of hyperspectral UAV imagery in characterizing tundra vegetation
Putkiranta, Pauli; Räsänen, Aleksi; Korpelainen, Pasi; Erlandsson, Rasmus; Kolari, Tiina HM; Pang, Yuwen; Villoslada, Miguel; Wolff, Franziska; Kumpula, Timo; Virtanen, Tarmo. 2024. Remote sensing of environment. 308: . 114175 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Upscaling vascular aboveground biomass and topsoil moisture of subarctic fens from Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to satellite level
Villoslada, Miguel; Berner, Logan T; Juutinen, Sari; Ylänne, Henni; Kumpula, Timo. 2024. Science of the total environment. 933: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
From UAV to PlanetScope: Upscaling fractional cover of an invasive species Rosa rugosa
Bergamo, Thaísa, F; de Lima, Raul; Kull, Tiiu, Ward, Raymond; Sepp, Kalev; Villoslada, Miguel . 2023. Journal of environmental management. 336: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
RGB vs. Multispectral imagery: Mapping aapa mire plant communities with UAVs
Wolff, Franziska; Kolari, Tiina HM; Villoslada, Miguel; Tahvanainen, Teemu; Korpelainen, Pasi; Zamboni, Pedro AP; Kumpula, Timo. 2023. Ecological indicators. 148: . 110140 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Reindeer control over shrubification in subarctic wetlands: spatial analysis based on unoccupied aerial vehicle imagery
Villoslada, Miguel; Ylänne, Henni; Juutinen, Sari; Kolari, Tiina HM; Korpelainen, Pasi; Tahvanainen, Teemu; Wolff, Franziska; Kumpula, Timo. 2023. Remote sensing in ecology and conservation. 9: 687-706 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research