Mika Mononen
Senior Researcher
Department of Technical Physics, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology
[email protected] | +358 40 355 3112
Research groups
74/74 items-
Biomechanical modeling and imaging for knee osteoarthritis – is there a role for AI?
Mononen, Mika E; Turunen, Mikael J; Stenroth, Lauri; Saarakkala, Simo; Boesen, Mikael. 2024. Osteoarthritis imaging. 4: A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
Comparison of site-specific tensile, compressive, and friction properties of human tibiofemoral joint cartilage and their relationship to degeneration
Ristaniemi, Aapo; Tuppurainen, Juuso; Jäntti, Jiri; Nippolainen, Ervin; Afara, Isaac O; Mononen, Mika E; Korhonen, Rami K; Mäkelä, Janne TA. 2024. Journal of biomechanics. 177: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Effect of patient specificity on predicting knee cartilage degeneration in obese adults: Musculoskeletal finite-element modeling of data from the CAROT trial
Orozco, Gustavo A; Stenroth, Lauri; Esrafilian, Amir; Tanska, Petri; Mononen, Mika E; Henriksen, Marius; Alkjaer, Tine; Korhonen, Rami K; Isaksson, Hanna. 2024. Journal of orthopaedic research. 42: 2437-2449 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Gait data from 51 healthy participants with motion capture, inertial measurement units, and computer vision
Lavikainen, Jere; Vartiainen, Paavo; Stenroth, Lauri; Karjalainen, Pasi A; Korhonen, Rami K; Liukkonen, Mimmi K; Mononen, Mika E. 2024. Data in brief. 56: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Knee-Loading Predictions with Neural Networks Improve Finite Element Modeling Classifications of Knee Osteoarthritis: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative
Paz, Alexander; Lavikainen, Jere; Turunen, Mikael J; García, José J; Korhonen, Rami K; Mononen, Mika E. 2024. Annals of biomedical engineering. 52: 2569-2583 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Machine Learning Model Trained with Finite Element Modeling Can Predict the Risk of Osteoarthritis: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative
Mononen, Mika E; Liukkonen, Mimmi K; Turunen, Mikael J. 2024. Applied sciences. 14: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Predicting Knee Joint Contact Force Peaks During Gait Using a Video Camera or Wearable Sensors
Lavikainen, Jere; Stenroth, Lauri; Vartiainen, Paavo; Alkjaer, Tine; Karjalainen, Pasi A; Henriksen, Marius; Korhonen, Rami K; Liukkonen, Mimmi; Mononen, Mika E. 2024. Annals of biomedical engineering. 52: 3280-3294 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Site-specific elastic and viscoelastic biomechanical properties of healthy and osteoarthritic human knee joint articular cartilage
Linus, Awuniji; Tanska, Petri; Nippolainen, Ervin; Tiitu, Virpi; Töyras, Juha; Korhonen, Rami K; Afara, Isaac O; Mononen, Mika E. 2024. Journal of biomechanics. 169: . 112135 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Two-Stage Classification of Future Knee Osteoarthritis Severity After 8 Years Using MRI: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative
Nurmirinta, Teemu AT; Turunen, Mikael J; Korhonen, Rami K; Tohka, Jussi; Liukkonen, Mimmi K; Mononen, Mika E. 2024. Annals of biomedical engineering. 52: 3172-3183 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
X-ray with finite element analysis is a viable alternative for MRI to predict knee osteoarthritis: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative
Mononen, Mika E; Liukkonen, Mimmi K; Turunen, Mikael J. 2024. Journal of orthopaedic research. 42: 1964-1973 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research