Päivi Vesala
Tulliportti Teacher Training School, basic education, University of Eastern Finland Teacher Training School, Philosophical Faculty
[email protected] | +358 50 577 6130
6/6 items-
Koulupihan merkitys alakoulun oppilaille : lapsen ja ympäristön vastavuoroisen suhteen analyysi
Vesala Päivi. 2016. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland. Dissertations in Education, Humanities, and Theology G4 Doctoral dissertation (monograph) -
Young people's engagement with their school grounds expressed through colour, symbol and lexical associations: a Finnish-British comparative study
Dillon Patrick, Vesala Päivi, Suero Montero Calkin. 2014. Childrens geographies: advancing interdisciplinary understanding of younger peoples lives. -: 1 - 19 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
A comparative study of students engagement with their school grounds through a lexicon of emotions
Vesala Päivi, Dillon Patrick. Teoksessa: Ruismäki, H ja Ruokonen, I. (eds.)(toim.) , 2012. the 5th International Conference of Intercultural Arts Education 2012: Design Learning. s. 475-485. A4 Conference proceedings -
Koulupiha neljäsluokkalaisten kokemana - viisi merkitysulottuvuutta
VesalaPäivi. Teoksessa: Atjonen Päivi(toim.) , 2012. Oppiminen ajassa - kasvatus tulevaisuuteen. Joensuun vuoden 2011 kasvatustieteen päivien parhaat esitelmät artikkeleina. s. 419-434. Suomen kasvatustieteellinen seura A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Simulation in Complex Learning Domain: Greenhouse Effect
J.Kukkonen, S.Kärkkäinen, T.Keinonen, P.Vesala and A. Hurri. Teoksessa: Gabriel Gorghiou, Laura Monica Gorghiou, Adina Elena Glava, Catalin Cosmin Glava(toim.) , 2009. Colectia Stiintele Educatiei. s. 107-113. Casa CArtii de Stiinta B2 Book section -
What Is the Greenhouse Effect?: Fifth Graders¿ Ideas
Sirpa Kärkkäinen, Tuula Keinonen, Jari Kukkonen, Antti Hurri and Päivi Vesala. 2009. International journal of learning. 16: 415-429 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research