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Pasi  Fränti

Pasi Fränti


School of Computing, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology

[email protected] | +358 50 442 2265

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Pasi Fränti received his MSc and PhD degrees from the University of Turku, 1991 and 1994 in Science. Since 2000, he has been a professor of Computer Science at the University of Eastern Finland (UEF). He has published 79 journals and 167 peer review conference papers, including 14 IEEE transaction papers. His main research interests are in machine learning, data mining, and pattern recognition including clustering algorithms and intelligent location-aware systems. Significant contributions have also been made in image compression, image analysis, vector quantization and speech technology.

Pasi Fränti is the head of the Machine Learning group at the school of computing at UEF. He has supervised 25 PhD students on the following topics: Clustering (9), Image and audio compression (5), Speech technology (4), Image processing, de-noising and HDR (3), Location-aware systems (3), and web mining (1). Six of the students originate from Russian including St. Petersburg (3), Uljanovsk (2) and Novosibirsk (1). All graduates work in research, teaching (postdoc, lecturer, associate professor), or in research & development in academia or in IT companies located in Finland, Shanghai, Singapore, Germany, Romania and Iran.


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