Paul Fryer
University Lecturer
Department of Geographical and Historical Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
[email protected] | +358 50 372 8521
Research groups
62/62 items-
Liikasen liikkeet: Agendalla kansalaisyhteiskunnan, EU:n ja rajan politiikat
Davydova-Minguet, Olga; Fryer, Paul; Kuusisto, Alina; Merovuo, Jenni; Piipponen, Minna; Pöllänen, Pirjo; Virkkunen, Joni. 2024. . . Pohjois-Karjalan historiallinen yhdistys ry D6 Edited professional book -
Spatial analysis of international student immigration in Russia
Soloviev, Ivan A.; Fryer, Paul J.; Shchitova, Natalia A.; Belozerov, Vitaly S.. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2021. . s. 402-414. A4 Conference proceedings -
Opyt izucheniia kyrgyzskoi migratsii v postsovetskoi Rossii: strategii, praktiki, formy kapitala
Gabdrakhmanova, Gulnara Faatovna; Sagdieva, Elvina Azadovna; Fryer, Paul. 2020. Etnograficeskoe obozrenie. 3: 54-70 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
The Sayan borderlands: Tuva's ethnocultural landscapes in changing natural and sociocultural environments
Dirin, Denis; Fryer, Paul. 2020. Geography, environment and sustainability. 13: 29-36 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Bordering in Post-Soviet Central Asia: two Tales from Tajikistan
Virkkunen Joni, Fryer Paul. Teoksessa: Liikanen Ilkka, Scott James W, Sotkasiira Tiina(toim.) , 2016. The EU's Eastern Neighbourhood: Migration, Borders and Regional Stability. s. 100-114. Routledge A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Crisis and Migration: Implications of the Eurozone Crisis for Perceptions, Politics, and Policies of Migration (Book Review)
Fryer Paul. 2016. Journal of borderlands studies. [epub ahead of print 10 Aug 2016]: 1-2 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Introduction: The end or the return of Sovietology? - Reflections on the fall of the Berlin Wall and beyond
Fryer Paul. 2016. International journal of contemporary economics and administrative sciences. 6: 1-3 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
What Kind of Choice? Understanding Migration in Tajikistan
Fryer Paul, Virkkunen Joni, Usmonov Furugzod. Teoksessa: Liikanen Ilkka, Scott James W, Sotkasiira Tiina(toim.) , 2016. THe EU's Eastern Neighbourhood: Migration, Borders and Regional Stability. s. 182-197. Routledge A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Book Discussion: Madeleine Reeves, Border Work: Spatial Lives of the State in Rural Central Asia
Fryer Paul, Gavrilis George, Nasritdinov Emil, Reeves Madeleine. 2015. Central Asian affairs. 2: 307-320 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Defining Home for Central Asian Labour Migrants in Russia.
Paul Fryer. 2015. Rossijskaja akademija nauk