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Filter people by last name 4345 profiles
  • Essi Kalliolahti

    Doctoral Researcher

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  • Image:  Ulla  Kaltiala

    Ulla Kaltiala

    Communications specialist


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  • Maureen Kamau

    Research Assistant

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  • Oleg Kambur

    Project Researcher

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  • Dorota Kaminska

    Visiting Researcher

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  • Image:  Minna  Kamppuri

    Minna Kamppuri

    University Teacher


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  • Image:  Hanna  Kamppuri

    Hanna Kamppuri

    Information Services Advisor

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  • Teemu Kamula

    Project Researcher

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  • Image:  Jukka  Kananen

    Jukka Kananen

    Head of Services


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  • Image:  Pirkko  Kanerva

    Pirkko Kanerva

    Clinical Research Nurse


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  • Eino Kanerva

    Grant-funded Researcher

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  • Image:  Jingoo Goo Kang

    Jingoo Goo Kang

    Assistant Professor


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  • Image:  Jyrki  Kangas

    Jyrki Kangas

    Professor, Emeritus


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  • Reetta Kangaslampi

    Doctoral Researcher

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  • Image:  Jonna  Kangasniemi

    Jonna Kangasniemi

    Doctoral Researcher

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  • Image:  Iiris  Kangasniemi

    Iiris Kangasniemi

    Project Researcher

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  • Image:  Kanishka  Kanishka

    Kanishka Kanishka

    Doctoral Researcher

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  • Image:  Paula  Kankaala

    Paula Kankaala

    Visiting Researcher


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  • Image:  Eila  Kankaanpää

    Eila Kankaanpää

    Research Director


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  • Image:  Jenni  Kankaanpää

    Jenni Kankaanpää

    Doctoral Researcher


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