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Filter people by last name 4345 profiles
  • Image:  Kasper  Katisko

    Kasper Katisko

    Senior Researcher

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  • Image:  Mari  Kattilakoski

    Mari Kattilakoski

    Postdoctoral Researcher


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  • Parvat Katwal

    Visiting Researcher

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  • Image:  Jussi  Kauhanen

    Jussi Kauhanen



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  • Petteri Kauhanen

    Visiting Researcher

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  • Image:  Virpi  Kaukio

    Virpi Kaukio

    Senior Researcher

    +358 50 437 0042

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  • Image:  Noora  Kaukola

    Noora Kaukola

    University Teacher


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  • Sirpa Kaunisto

    Visiting Researcher

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  • Image:  Juha  Kauppila

    Juha Kauppila

    University Lecturer


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  • Antti Kauppila

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  • Image:  Anne  Kauppinen

    Anne Kauppinen

    HR Specialist


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  • Image:  Asta  Kauppinen

    Asta Kauppinen

    International Affairs Specialist


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  • Image:  Susanna  Kauppinen

    Susanna Kauppinen

    University Teacher

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  • Image:  Anu  Kauppinen

    Anu Kauppinen



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  • Marko Kauppinen

    IT Designer


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  • Image:  Noora  Kauppinen

    Noora Kauppinen


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  • Heidi Kauppinen

    Visiting Researcher


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  • Halil Kayaduman

    Visiting Researcher

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  • Image:  Catherine Suubi Kayonga

    Catherine Suubi Kayonga

    Doctoral Researcher


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  • Zsolt Kazai

    Doctoral Researcher


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