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Filter people by last name 4361 profiles
  • Matias Kotro

    Part-Time Teacher

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  • Dan Kou

    Senior Researcher


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  • Marianne Kouhia

    Doctoral Researcher

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  • Satu-Sirkka Kouki

    Head of Academic Affairs


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  • Image:  Jari  Kouki

    Jari Kouki



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  • Image:  Katja  Koukkari

    Katja Koukkari

    Academic Affairs Coordinator


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  • Deepika Koundal

    Senior Researcher

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  • Suvi Kouri

    Grant-funded Researcher

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  • Image:  Antti-Jussi  Kouvo

    Antti-Jussi Kouvo

    University Lecturer


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  • Image:  Marina  Kovalchuk

    Marina Kovalchuk

    Doctoral Researcher

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  • Markus Kovanen

    IT Designer

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  • Lisa Kovanen

    Part-Time Teacher


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  • Image:  Alexandra  Kozlova

    Alexandra Kozlova

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  • Elena Kozlova

    Doctoral Researcher

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  • Siiri-Liisi Kraav

    Postdoctoral Researcher


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  • Image:  Johanna  Kraft

    Johanna Kraft

    Head of Services


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  • Adéla Králová

    Doctoral Researcher

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  • Roger Kramer

    Visiting Researcher

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  • Image:  Georgii  Krivoshein

    Georgii Krivoshein

    EDUFI visiting researcher


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  • Thales Kronenberger


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