Alexandre Nikolaev
University Lecturer
University Lecturer
General Linguistics
School of Humanities, Philosophical Faculty
[email protected] | +358 50 471 1565
Research groups
Most recent publications
de Souza, K., Nikolaev, A., & Koponen, M. (2025). Generative AI for technical writing: Comparing human and LLM assessments of generated content. Proceedings of the Joint 25th Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics and 11th Baltic Conference on Human Language Technologies (NoDaLiDa/Baltic-HLT 2025), 661–679.
Sulpizio, S., Günther, F., Badan, L., Basclain, B., Brysbaert, M., Chan, Y. L., Ciaccio, L. A., Dudschig, C., Duñabeitia, J. A., Fasoli, F., Ferrand, L., Filipović Đurđević, D., Guerra, E., Hollis, G., Job, R., Jornkokgoud, K., Kahraman, H., Kgolo-Lotshwao, N., Kinoshita, S., Kos, J., Lee, L., Lee, N. H., Mackenzie, I. G., Manojlović, M., Manouilidou, C., Martinic, M., del Carmen Méndez, M., Mišić, K., Na Chiangmai, N., Nikolaev, A., Oganyan, M., Rusconi, P., Samo, G., Tse, C.-S., Westbury, C., Wongupparaj, P., Yap, M. J. & Marelli, M. (2024). Taboo language across the globe: A multi-lab study. Behavior Research Methods, 56(4), 3794–3813.
Bermel, N., Knittl, L., Alldrick, M. & Nikolaev, A. (2024). Ideal and real paradigms: language users, reference works and corpora. Cognitive Linguistics, 35(2), 177–219.
Nikolaev, A., & Bermel, N. (2023). Studying negative evidence in Finnish language corpora. Word structure, 16 (2-3), 206–232.
Bermel, N., Knittl, L., & Nikolaev, A. (2023). Uncertainty in the production of Czech noun and verb forms. Word structure, 16 (2-3), 258–283.
Hyun, J., & Nikolaev, A. (2023). Neuroanatomical predictors of language and cognitive functions in aging. In M.Goral and A.Lerman (eds.) Advances in the Neurolinguistic Study of Multilingual and Monolingual Adults: In honor of Professor Loraine K. Obler. pp.64-75. Routledge: New York.
Nikolaev, A., Chuang, Y-Y., & Baayen, R.H. (2022). A generating model for Finnish nominal inflection using distributional semantics. Mental Lexicon 17(3), 368–394.
Kirjavainen, M., & Nikolaev, A. (2022). Investigation into the linguistic category membership of the Finnish planning particle tota. Pragmatics and Cognition, 29(2), 373-396.
Nikolaev, A., & Bermel, N. (2022). Explaining uncertainty and defectivity of inflectional paradigms. Cognitive Linguistics, 33(3), 585-621.
32/32 items-
Ideal and real paradigms: language users, reference works and corpora
Bermel, Neil; Knittl, Luděk; Alldrick, Martin; Nikolaev, Alexandre. 2024. Cognitive linguistics. 35: 177-219 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Taboo language across the globe: A multi-lab study
Sulpizio, Simone; Günther, Fritz; Badan, Linda; Basclain, Benjamin; Brysbaert, Marc; Chan, Yuen Lai; Ciaccio, Laura Anna; Dudschig, Carolin; Duñabeitia, Jon Andoni; Fasoli, Fabio; Ferrand, Ludovic; Filipović Đurđević, Dušica; Guerra, Ernesto; Hollis, Geoff; Job, Remo; Jornkokgoud, Khanitin; Kahraman, Hasibe; Kgolo-Lotshwao, Naledi; Kinoshita, Sachiko; Kos, Julija; Lee, Leslie; Lee, Nala H.; Mackenzie, Ian Grant; Manojlović, Milica; Manouilidou, Christina; Martinic, Mirko; del Carmen Méndez, Mari. 2024. Behavior research methods. 56: 3794-3813 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
A generating model for Finnish nominal inflection using distributional semantics
Nikolaev, Alexandre; Chuang, Yu-Ying; Baayen, R Harald. 2023. Mental lexicon. 2022; 17: 368-394 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Investigation into the linguistic category membership of the Finnish planning particle tota
Kirjavainen, Minna; Nikolaev, Alexandre. 2023. Pragmatics and cognition. 2022; 29: 373– 396 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Neuroanatomical Predictors of Language and Cognitive Functions in Aging
Hyun, JungMoon; Nikolaev, Alexandre. Teoksessa: Goral, Mira; Lerman, Aviva(toim.) , 2023. Advances in the Neurolinguistic Study of Multilingual and Monolingual Adults: In honor of Professor Loraine K. Obler. s. 64-75. Routledge A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Studying negative evidence in Finnish language corpora
Nikolaev, Alexandre; Bermel, Neil. 2023. Word structure. 16: 206-232 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Uncertainty in the production of Czech noun and verb forms
Bermel, Neil; Knittl, Luděk; Nikolaev, Alexandre. 2023. Word structure. 16: 258-283 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Explaining uncertainty and defectivity of inflectional paradigms
Nikolaev, Alexandre; Bermel, Neil. 2022. Cognitive linguistics. 33: 585-621 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Neuroanatomical correlates of macrolinguistic aspects in narrative discourse in unilateral left and right hemisphere stroke: A voxel-based morphometry study
Schneider, F; Marcotte, K; Brisebois, A; Townsend, SAM; Smidarle, AD; Loureiro, F; da Rosa Franco, A; Soder, RB; Nikolaev, A; Marrone, LCP; Hübner, LC. 2021. Journal of speech, language, and hearing research. 64: 1650-1665 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Demographic Effects on Longitudinal Semantic Processing, Working Memory, and Cognitive Speed
Vonk, J; Higby, E; Nikolaev, A; Cahana-Amitay, D; Spiro, A; Albert, M; Obler, LK. 2020. Journals of gerontology series b: psychological sciences and social sciences. 75: 1850-1862 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research