Anna-Maija Castrén
Professor of Sociology
Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
[email protected] | +358 50 349 8374
Anna-Maija works as a Professor of Sociology at the Department of Social Sciences, University of Eastern Finland. She is the coordinator of the multi-disciplinary bachelor program (social psychology, social pedagogy, and sociology) in the UEF’s Kuopio campus. Anna-Maija did her master’s and doctoral studies at the University of Helsinki and defended her PhD on everyday social networks and their life historical formation in Helsinki and in St. Petersburg in 2001. In her post doc, she focused on the networks of personal relationships, family, and kin, after separation. Both studies were published as monographs in Finnish.
Anna-Maija has expertise in qualitative social network analysis and together with colleagues has developed the figurational perspective (also configurational perspective) in studying personal relationships. She is interested in family understandings in different settings and life-stages, in friendship, family trajectories, marriage and weddings, and paths to parenthood. Her recent works focus on the families of new-borns (in Helsinki) whose mother was not in a hetero marriage at the time of the birth. NETREP is her recent research project that focuses on young adults’ intimate futures in Finland, Portugal and Scotland in the context of global crises.
Anna-Maija is a long-time board member of the European Sociological Association’s Research Network on Families and Intimate Lives (ESA RN13) and was elected as the chair of recently funded multi-disciplinary association, the Finnish Society for Research on Families and Personal Relationships (PELS).
Research groups
28/28 items-
Läheissuhteiden erityislaatu ja vertaisuus vastasynnyttäneiden aviottomien äitien tukiverkostoissa
Helin, Vaula; Castrén, Anna-Maija. Teoksessa: Malinen, Kaisa; Itäpuisto, Maritta; Kiili, Johanna; Moilanen, Johanna; Punna, Mari(toim.) , 2023. Vertaistuki ja kokemukseen perustuva asiantuntijuus lasten ja perheiden voimavarana. s. 281-314. Vastapaino A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Afterthoughts on an "Earthquake of Change"
Gouveia, Rita; Gauthier, Jacques-Antoine; Míngues Moreno, Almudena; Castrén, Anna-Maija; Martin, Claude; Česnuityté, Vida; Crespi, Isabella; Suwada, Katarzyna. Teoksessa: Castrén, Anna-Maija; Česnuityté, Vida; Crespi, Isabella; Gauthier, Jacques-Antoine; Gouveia, Rita; Martin, Claude; Moreno MÃnguez, Almudena; Suwada, Katarzyna(toim.) , 2021. The Palgrave Handbook of Family Sociology in Europe. s. 639-644. Palgrave Macmillan B2 Book section -
Baby's first family: Unmarried mothers' conceptions of their newborns' family members
Helin, Vaula; Castrén, Anna-Maija; Töttö, Pertti. 2021. Children and society. [Epub ahead of print 20 Nov 2021]: 1-18 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Crespi, Isabella; Česnuityté, Vida; Suwada, Katarzyna; Castrén, Anna-Maija; Martin, Claude; Gauthier, Jacques-Antoine; Gouveia, Rita; Mínguez, Almudena Moreno. Teoksessa: Castrén, Anna-Maija; Česnuityté, Vida; Crespi, Isabella; Gauthier, Jacques-Antoine; Gouveia, Rita; Martin, Claude; Moreno MÃnguez, Almudena; Suwada, Katarzyna(toim.) , 2021. The Palgrave Handbook of Family Sociology in Europe. s. 1-11. Palgrave Macmillan B2 Book section -
Redefining the Boundaries of Family and Personal Relationships
Gouveia, Rita; Castrén; Anna-Maija. Teoksessa: Castrén, Anna-Maija; Česnuityté, Vida; Crespi, Isabella; Gauthier, Jacques-Antoine; Gouveia, Rita; Martin, Claude; Moreno MÃnguez, Almudena; Suwada, Katarzyna(toim.) , 2021. The Palgrave Handbook of Family Sociology in Europe. s. 259-277. Palgrave Macmillan A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
The Palgrave Handbook of Family Sociology in Europe
Castrén, Anna-Maija; Česnuityté, Vida; Crespi, Isabella; Gauthier, Jacques-Antoine; Gouveia, Rita; Martin, Claude; Moreno Mínguez, Almudena; Suwada, Katarzyna. 2021. . . Palgrave Macmillan C2 Edited book, conference proceedings or special issue of a journal -
Ei vain sinun, minun tai meidän ero
Castrén, Anna-Maija. 2020. Perheyhteiskunta. : - E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
Perhe ja perhesuhteet naisten ja miesten hyvinvoinnin perustana Varkaudessa
Castrén, Anna-Maija; Kouvo, Antti. Teoksessa: Hänninen, Vilma; Kouvo, Antti; Kuusela, Pekka(toim.) , 2020. Elämää sinnittelevässä pikkukaupungissa: varkautelaisten arki ja hyvinvointi. s. 85-106. Tampere University Press A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Pysykää kotona! Missä niistä?
Castrén, Anna-Maija. 2020. Perheyhteiskunta. : - E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
Ero yhteiskunnallisena kysymyksenä
Castrén, Anna-Maija; Hakovirta, Mia; Kuronen, Marjo. 2019. Janus: sosiaalipolitiikan ja sosiaalityön tutkimuksen aikakauslehti. 27: 341-343 B1 Non-refereed journal articles