Anna Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen
Law School, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
Anna Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen is Professor of Law and Ageing. Her research has focused on Elder Law combining jurisprudence (Civil Law and Social- and Medical Law) with social and medical sciences.
Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen received her PhD (law) from the University of Helsinki in 2003. The title of her thesis is “Legal Rights of People with Dementia”. Her second monograph (2013) deals with the legal possibilities to anticipate aging. In autumn 2017, she published a book “Basics of Elder Law” with Anja Karvonen-Kälkäjä.
Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen is involved in many research projects. She is sub-consortium PI in an international research project focusing on the specific issues concerning people who develop dementia or mild cognitive impairment while still working (MCI@work). She is also sub-consortium PI in national research project scrutinizing home-based palliative care of the elderly (MeRela). At the University of Eastern Finland, Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen leads the Neuro-Ethics and Law research team, which is part of the university’s multidisciplinary Neuroscience research community.
Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen teaches Elder and Guardianship law and is a teacher in course “Social Law Clinic”. She is docent (adjunct professor) in Family law at the University of Helsinki and docent (adjunct professor) in Elder law at the University of Lapland.
Research groups
Brain Research Unit (BRU) - Clinical Trial Unit 01.01.2022 - 24.09.2025
Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration and Early Onset… 01.01.2022 -
Center of Law and Welfare 01.01.2018 -
Neuro-Ethics and Law Research Team 01.08.2020 -
Civil Law Research Group 01.08.2020 -
House of Effectiveness 01.11.2018 -
Safeguarding welfare in times of pandemics 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2024
Access to justice for marginalized groups of older people in aging society 01.09.2023 - 31.12.2027
Meaningful relations; Patient and family carer encountering death at home (MeRela)
Neuro-Innovation 01.05.2021 - 30.04.2026
Working Life and Memory Impairment - Mental Wellbeing, Legal Security and Occupational Capacity of People with Early Onset Dementia
Dementia or MCI @ work in progress
UEF Brain Research Unit 2.0 01.03.2023 - 28.02.2025
Realization of the rights of people with epilepsy in the welfare state 01.01.2023 - 01.01.2033
Disability and Dignity 01.09.2021 - 31.08.2025
Old-age social exclusion in home care - prevalence, meanings & intervention (SOLDEX) 01.09.2021 - 31.08.2025
Shadows in Paradise? Rights of People with Dementia in a Welfare State 01.01.2022 - 31.05.2032
56/56 items-
Access to justice in the light of everyday problems and prejudice: A pilot study on the experiences of people with epilepsy in Finland
Issakainen, Mervi; Ervasti, Kaijus; Teerikangas, Minni; Kälviäinen, Reetta; Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen, Anna. 2024. Seizure: european journal of epilepsy. 120: 189-193 -
Ajokielto hankaloitaa arkea
Ervasti, Kaijus; Isskainen, Mervi; Teerikangas, Minni; Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen, Anna. 2024. Epilepsialehti. 54: 12-13 -
Diverging medical and legal perceptions of the need for legal guardianship in people with dementia: A qualitative study
Näkki, Kaisa; Mäki‐Petäjä‐Leinonen, Anna; Ervasti, Kaijus; Halkoaho, Arja; Nurmi, Sanna‐Maria; Solomon, Alina; Suhonen, Noora‐Maria; Portaankorva, Anne M.; Krüger, Johanna; Solje, Eino. 2024. European journal of neurology. 31: -
Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen, Anna. Teoksessa: Tammenlehto, Laura; Weckström, Katja; Niemi, Matti Ilmari(toim.) , 2024. Yksityisoikeus - käsitteet, periaatteet ja tulkintatraditio. s. 342-349. Edita -
Evaluating the need for legal guardianship in people with dementia: gaining insight into professionals’ assessment criteria
Näkki, Kaisa; Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen, Anna; Ervasti, Kaijus; Solje, Eino. 2024. International journal of law, policy and the family. 38: -
Oikeudellinen toimintakyky ja oikeudelliset kelpoisuudet
Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen, Anna; Tammenlehto, Laura. Teoksessa: Tammenlehto, Laura; Weckström, Katja; Niemi, Matti Ilmari(toim.) , 2024. Yksityisoikeus - käsitteet, periaatteet ja tulkintatraditio. s. 22-27. Edita -
The impact on employment and education of caregiving for a family member with young onset dementia: A scoping review
Kokorelias, Kristina M; Nadesar, Nirusa; Bak, Katherine; Boger, Jennifer; Nygård, Louise; Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen, Anna; Nedlund, Ann Charlotte; Astell, Arlene. 2024. Dementia. [Epub ahead of print 16 April 2024]: 1-32 -
Voimavaroja ja haavoittuvuuksia ikääntyvien arjessa korona-aikana
Issakainen, Mervi; Alanen, Taina; Etelävuori, Paulette; Fabricius, Kaija; Fågel, Stina; Grönberg, Tuulikki; Hatara, Pekka; Holmberg, Irma; Kuivalainen, Leena; Martinmäki, Sinikka; Mattila, Leena; Muukka, Rauni; Niemelä, Anna-Liisa; Palva, Sini; Piipari, Veli-Matti; Pispa, Olli; Rihu, Asko; Tikka, Pirjo; Viljaranta, Liisa; Westerlund, Kirsti; Teerikangas, Minni; Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen, Anna; Ervasti, Kaijus. 2024. Gerontologia. 38: 71-77 -
‘Something is dropped out of the journey of life’: perceived spaces of opportunity among people with dementia
Gadd, Katri; Mauranen, Katariina; Issakainen, Mervi; Ervasti, Kaijus; Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen, Anna; Solje, Eino. 2024. GeoJournal. 89: -
Autonomiaa relaatioissa – ikääntyvien ihmisten kokemuksia autonomiansa toteutumisesta
Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen, Anna. Teoksessa: Tiensuu, Paul; Aalto-Heinilä, Maija; Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen, Anna(toim.) , 2023. Itsemääräämisoikeus : Teoriasta käytäntöön. s. 349-364. Vastapaino