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Annele  Virtanen

Annele Virtanen


Department of Technical Physics, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology

[email protected] | +358 50 316 4118

Head of the Aerosol Physics Research Group:
I received my PhD in Tampere University of Technology (TUT, Department of Physics) 2004. After that I continued working as a postdoc and group leader at TUT. On January 2012 I moved to University of Eastern Finland (UEF) to lead the Aerosol Physics Laboratory. I have a strong background in measurement method development and applications related to atmospheric aerosols. My major research questions are related to the atmospheric aerosols: how they form, what are their properties and what is the role they play in the Earth’s climate through their interactions with water vapour. To study these questions in a comprehensive way I have established a wide international collaborative networks and consistently developed our own research infrastructure at UEF.
Major part of my research is funded by EU Framework program (e.g. project FORCeS, EUROCHAMP2020, ERC Starting Grant project QAPPA) and Academy of Finland.


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