Dawid Bunikowski
Part-Time Teacher
Docent, PhD, Visiting Lecturer/Instructor, Course Coordinator, Grant Recipient - School of Theology
School of Theology, Philosophical Faculty
I am a legal philosopher of Polish descent, residing in Eastern Finland (North Karelia, Joensuu). I did my PhD in Poland in 2009 (on law and morality: abortion, euthanasia, human fertilisation, cloning, pornography, prostitution, same-sex couples, etc.). I did different postgraduate studies in: 1) human resources management, 2) economics, 3) MBA-sustainable and inclusive leadership, 4) Jews in Poland, 5) Diploma in iure matrimoniali et processuali/Canon law for lawyers. I carried out my postdoctoral research at the University of Eastern Finland (UEF, School of Law), in 2013-2015 (on the recent global financial crisis as an axiological crisis: the crisis of law and the crisis of morality; business ethics/corporate governance). My Docent title was granted by the University of Lapland in 2022 (in the field of philosophy of law in the Arctic).
I am Associate Member at the Oxford University: https://www.bfriars.ox.ac.uk/people/dr-dawid-bunikowski/
I have been a Visiting Researcher at the UEF School of Theology since 2020. Additionally, I am a University Professor at the State University of Applied Sciences in Wloclawek (Department of Administration) in Poland. I am a Lecturer at the University of Guyana (Department of Law) in Guyana. I am a former Visiting Professor at Carleton University (Department of Law and Legal Studies) in Ottawa, Canada.
I am a law and religion scholar. I work on state church relations, religious freedom, Catholicism and Judaism, but also on relations between law, morality and religion. My main research interests concern as well: law and morality, law and politics, law and society, law and anthropology, law and language, etc. Much of my research has covered indigenous cultures in the Arctic like customary laws, recognition of indigenous rights or protection of sacred sites. I am also to ethical foundations of economy.
Moreover, I do “all things Polish”.
While in the School, I teach:
- ”Controversies and challenges of religion and law in Europe”,
- “Religion in Poland” (REES/Aleksanteri institute-course),
- “Good governance, the rule of law and religious freedom as approaches to sustainable development in the Global South” (UniPID course).
I also taught here (2022/2023):
- “Jews and Judaism in Poland, Russia, the Baltic countries and East Central Europe”,
- “Ukrainian-Polish relations: history, politics, culture, law, religion”.
Moreover, while in social sciences (2023/2024), I am the coordinator of the YUFE course “Global Migration and European Identity” and have taught “Populism in East Central Europe”.
8/27 items-
Protection of Sacred Sites – Between Legal Pluralism and Cultural Ecology
Bunikowski, Dawid. 2022. Nordicum-Mediterraneum. 17: 1-5 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
The Principles of Subsidiarity and Decentralisation During the COVID-19 Pandemic, with Particular Emphasis on the Polish and Finnish Legal Systems
Bunikowski, Dawid; Musiałkiewicz, Robert. 2022. Comparative law review. : 71-106 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
The Right of Indigenous Peoples to their Own Law
Bunikowski, Dawid. 2017. Retfaerd: nordisk juridisk tidsskrift. 40: 47-63 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
The decentralization method as a tool to implement social initiatives of citizens in multinational states
Bunikowski, Dawid; Ivanova, Kseniya. 2017. BRICS law journal. 4: 7-25 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Finland's Immigration Crisis
Bunikowski Dawid. 2016. Gatestone Institute. : - E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
The Future of the EU: Values and the Will of the People
Bunikowski Dawid. 2016. European Futures. : - E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
Sámi reindeer husbandry as a way of life: on culture, philosophy, cosmology, and law
Bunikowski Dawid. 2015. Current Developments in Arctic Law. 3: 3-6 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
The Ratification of ILO Convention No. 169 in Finland in the Eyes of the Sámi
Bunikowski Dawid. 2015. Current Developments in Arctic Law. 3: 7-9 B1 Non-refereed journal articles