I am a human geographer with research interests in economic development and cultural geography. In particular, I focus on economic development and education in the Global South, as well as the idea of “culturalization of natural resources” for the purposes of local development. At present I lead the project “Business and Sustainable Economic Development: African and European Perspectives” (BUSEDA) with partners in six African countries.
Research groups
37/37 items-
Vliyanie vneshnikh shokov na prostranstvennuyu strukturu naseleniya prigranichnykh territorii
Druzhinin, P V; Zimin, D A. 2019. Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. Seriâ 5, Èkonomika. 35: 397-418 -
Voting behaviour of Crimean Tatars 2012-2018: for or against Russia?
Zimin, Dmitry. 2019. Southeast european and black sea studies. 19: 293-313 -
The Solovetsky Islands: challenges of economic development
Zimin Dmitry. 2016. Baltic rim economies. : 40 -
Whose Partnership? Regional Participatory Arrangements in the Programming of ENPI CBC
Sarolta Németh, Matti Fritsch, Minna Piipponen, Gleb Yarovoy,Vladimir Isakov, Dmitry Zimin. 2014. -
Company towns on the border: the post-Soviet transformation of Svetogorsk and Kostomuksha
Zimin Dmitry, Kotilainen Juha, Prokhorova Evgenia. Teoksessa: Eskelinen Heikki, Liikanen Ilkka, Scott James(toim.) , 2012. The EU-Russia Borderland: New Contexts for Regional Cooperation. s. 151-166. Routledge -
How Can Foreign Companies Influence Russia's Economic Course? The Cases of Finnish Firms Fortum and Neste
Zimin Dmitry. 2012. Post-Soviet affairs. 28: 209-231 -
Russia's oil and gas export infrastructure: new routes, new actors
Zimin Dmitry. Teoksessa: Eskelinen Heikki, Liikanen Ilkka, Scott James(toim.) , 2012. The EU-Russia Borderland: New Contexts for Regional Cooperation. s. 114-130. Routledge -
TERCO Case Study on Finland - Russia
Németh Sarolta, Fritsch Matti, Eskelinen Heikki, Scott James, Zimin Dmitry, Izotov Aleksander. Teoksessa: Gorzelak Grzegorz et al.(toim.) , 2012. TERCO, Final Scientific Reprt II. s. 74-138. Espon -
The internationalization of Finnish companies: the Russian connection
Dmitry Zimin, Vesa Rautio. 2012. Polar geography. 35: 117-134 -
Promoting Investment in Russia's Regions
Zimin Dmitry. 2010. Eurasian geography and economics. 51: 653-668