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Hana  Vrzáková

Hana Vrzáková

Postdoctoral Researcher

Postdoctoral Researcher, Docent in Medical Photonics and Collaborative Interaction

School of Computing, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology

[email protected] | +358 50 326 7676

My research ambition is to understand and enhance human cognition, performance, and development. To achieve that I specialize in methods for multimodal modeling and nonlinear dynamic systems. The domains of interest include human-computer interaction, social interaction, collaborative learning, and surgical expertise. I have been conducting empirical research since 2010 and have a holistic experience with computer-supported collaborative work (CSCW) and human-computer interaction (HCI) research. The application domains of my research span (collaborative) problem solving, computer-supported collaborative learning, source-code reading, subtitles reading, and high-precision motor control, i.e., microsurgery or indoor climbing.

Research Groups


  • MicroDuet: Interpersonal Synchrony in Dual Microsurgical Performance in the Operating Room (Academy of Finland, 2021-2024)
  • MicroSpectre: Hyperspectral Characteristics of Tumorous and Vital Tissues for Intraoperative Hyperspectral Navigation (Saastamoinen Foundation)
  • Indoor Climbing: Eye-hand coordination, dynamics, and decision making

Research Areas

  • Understanding human performance, professionalism, and expertise
  • Interpersonal synchrony and coordination
  • Pervasive sensing, multimodal modeling, data science
  • Human computer interaction (HCI), Computer-supported Collaborative Work (CSCW)

Grants and Awards

  • 2021 – Academy of Finland, Postdoctoral Research grant
  • 2020 – Mobility Research Grant to Japan, Saastamoinen Foundation
  • 2020 – Best Paper Award, ACM Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK’20)
  • 2020 – European Cor Baayen Award (Top Six Honorary Mention Award)
  • 2012 – Best Paper – Honorable Mention, ACM Symposium on Eye-tracking Research and Applications


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