Hanna Lahtinen (PhD) is a psychologist specialized in legal psychology and works as a university lecturer at University of Eastern Finland. Investigating child abuse and developing better practice for children to get access to justice has been her main interest as a practitioner and an academic for over two decades now. Her research has focused on child abuse disclosure and training investigative interviewers. Lahtinen is also an expert-member at the Administrative court of Eastern Finland and trains professionals from different fields in interviewing children. She is currently involved on two EU -funded projects:
1) In Knowledge to Prevent (2KNOW) project Lahtinen focuses on research during 1.3.2023 – 1.3.2025. Project 2KNOW aims to support and improve national and international data collection on violence against children by developing a sustainable and replicable data collection model that is suited to gathering information about online sexual violence against children.
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2) COST Action to Establish networks to implement the principles on effective interviewing for investigations (ImpleMendéz) during 1.10.2023 – 30.9.2027. The project aims to support and improve national and international networks for wider implementation of the ‘Mendez Principles’, ending cruel and inhumane practices that have adversely affected so many lives through unethical interrogations. Lahtinen represents Finland in the Management Committee of the project and is a co-leader in the Working group 3 (Vulnerability themes).
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20/20 items-
Developing investigative interviewing practice in Finland – starting from child victims and witnesses
Lahtinen, Hanna-Mari; Hietajärvi, Maria. Teoksessa: Walsh, Dave; Bull, Ray; Areh, Igor(toim.) , 2024. Routledge International Handbook of Investigative Interviewing and Interrogation. s. 448-459. Routledge -
Differences Between Girls and Boys in the Disclosure of Sexual Violence
Hietamäki, Johanna; Husso, Marita; Arponen, Tiia; Lahtinen, Hanna-Mari. 2024. Journal of interpersonal violence. 39: 2629-2654 -
Exploring disparities among dark web child sexual abuse material users: Self-reports of offenders
Lahtinen, Hanna; Ovaska, Anna. 2024. -
Knowledge to prevent online sexual violence against children : Insights from a survey of child sexual abuse material offenders
Insoll, Tegan; Diaz Bethencourt, Eva; Ovaska, Anna; Lahtinen, Hanna-Mari; Vaaranen-Valkonen, Nina. 2024. . . Suojellaan lapsia ry -
Väkivallattoman lapsuuden turvaamiseen tarvitaan vahva tietopohja
Kaakinen, Markus; Malja, Marjo; Korpilahti, Ulla; Pollari, Kirsi; Iivonen, Esa; Mielityinen, Laura; Laajasalo, Taina; Helenius, Jenni; Lahtinen, Hanna; Länsikallio, Riina; Järvinen, Saija. 2024. Päätösten tueksi. . Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos -
Lapsiin kohdistuva seksuaaliväkivalta
Lahtinen, Hanna; Laajasalo, Taina; Juusola, Aino. Teoksessa: Bildjuschkin, Katriina(toim.) , 2023. Seksuaaliväkivaltatyön perusteet. s. 123-132. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos -
Child abuse disclosure: from perspectives of children to influencing attitudes and beliefs held by interviewers
Lahtinen, Hanna-Mari. 2022. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland. Dissertations in Education, Humanities, and Theology -
Lapset ja nuoret tarvitsevat tietoa väkivallan eri muodoista
Lahtinen, Hanna. 2022. Haaste. 2/2022: . -
Haavoittuvassa asemassa olevan kuulusteltavan oikeusturva rikoksen esitutkinnassa - erityisen huomion kohteena autismi ja ADHD
Kara, Sanna; Lahtinen, Hanna; Mikkola, Katri; Tolvanen, Matti; Tuusa, Minna. 2021. Defensor legis. 102: 851-870 -
Children's Disclosures of Physical Abuse in a Population-Based Sample
Lahtinen, HM; Laitila, A; Korkman, J; Ellonen, N; Honkalampi, K. 2020. Journal of interpersonal violence. [Epub ahead of print 04 July 2020]: -