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Honglin  Chen

Honglin Chen


Gerontological social work professor

Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies | +358 50 442 0209

Department of Social Work, School of Social Science and Business Studies, Eastern Finland University, Kuopio, Finland


Selected Journal Papers:

  1. Li, Y., Chen, H. (corresponding author), & Peng, X. (2021). Effect of physical frailty on elder mistreatment in a national survey: Examining psychological vulnerability, housework involvement, and financial independence as mediators. International Psychogeriatrics, 1-11. doi:10.1017/S1041610221000739
  2. Y. Liu , H. Li , B. Wu, X. Liu, H.L. Chen, H. Jin& C. Wu(2021). Association between primary caregiver type and mortality among Chinese older adults with disability: a prospective cohort study, BMC Geriatrics, 21:268,
  3. Chen, H.L. & Zhang, Y (2021) The practice of online service-learning:Research on the Effect of Social Work Education in the Epidemic. Social Construction, 8(4), 24-35.(In Chinese)
  4.  Chen, H.L.,Hu, M. & Zhang, Y(2021) Social work intervention study on AD caregivers in the Covid19 pandemic, Journal of Changzhi University.(In Chinese)
  5. Li, Y., Chan,W, Ran, M.S.,Chen, H. L. (corresponding author) (2021) Widowhood and depression among Chinese older adults: Examining coping styles and perceptions of aging as mediators and moderators’, Aging and Mental Health
  6. Li, Y.J. & Chen, H. L.(corresponding author), (2021),Gender convergence or divergence in the relationship between late-life depression and multiple stressors: Evidence from a national survey in China, Journal of Women & Aging.


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