Ilkka Liikanen
Professor, Emeritus
Border and Russian Studies
Karelian Institute, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies | +358 50 439 4477
Research groups
Eurasian Studies 01.11.2017 -
Northern Dimensions of European Union Actorness Finished 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2019
1 itemsPublications
72/72 items-
Introduction: Post-Cold War Borders and Borderscapes
Laine, Jussi P; Liikanen, Ilkka; Scott, James W. Teoksessa: Laine, Jussi; Liikanen, Ilkka; Scott, James W(toim.) , 2018. Post-Cold War Borders: Reframing Political Space in Eastern Europe. s. 1-12. Routledge -
Post-Cold War Borders: Reframing Political Space in Eastern Europe
Laine, Jussi P; Liikanen, Ilkka; Scott, James W. 2018. . . Routledge -
Post-Cold War borders and the constitution of the international role of the European Union and the Russian Federation
Liikanen, Ilkka; Smith, Jeremy. Teoksessa: Laine, Jussi; Liikanen, Ilkka; Scott, James W(toim.) , 2018. Post-Cold War Borders: Reframing Political Space in Eastern Europe. s. 15-34. Routledge -
The Language of Borders
Konrad, Victor; Laine, Jussi P; Liikanen, Ilkka; Scott, James W; Widdis, Randy. Teoksessa: Brunn, Stanley D; Kehrein, Roland(toim.) , 2018. Handbook of the Changing World Language Map. s. 1-17. Springer -
The Politics of History of the Lost Land: Shifting European, National and Regional Approaches to the History of Karelia
Katajala, Kimmo; Liikanen, Ilkka. Teoksessa: Bazin, Anne; Perron, Catherine(toim.) , 2018. How to address the loss ? Forced migrations, lost territories and politics of history: A comparative approach in Europe and at its margins in the XXth century. s. 81-108. Peter Lang -
The end of the east-west division - postponed? The rise and fall of the neighbourhood as an alternative to the Cold War spatial imaginary
Liikanen, Ilkka. Teoksessa: Laine, Jussi; Liikanen, Ilkka; Scott, James W(toim.) , 2018. Post-Cold War Borders: Reframing Political Space in Eastern Europe. s. 54-71. Routledge -
The Formation of the Finnish Polity within the Russian Empire: Language, Representation, and the Construction of Popular Political Platforms, 1863-1906
Kurunmäki Jussi, Liikanen Ilkka. Teoksessa: Flier Michael S, Graziosi Andrea(toim.) , 2017. The Battle for Ukrainian: a Comparative Perspective. s. 473-494. Harvard University Press -
Building regional stability through cross-border coopertation: Changing Spatial Imaginaries and Sovereignty Concepts of EU Neighbourhood Policies
Liikanen Ilkka. Teoksessa: Liikanen Ilkka, Scott James W, Sotkasiira Tiina(toim.) , 2016. The EU's Eastern Neighbourhood: Migration, Borders and Regional Stability. s. 19-36. Routledge -
Concluding observations: The European Union, partnership and neighbourhoods
Liikanen Ilkka, Scott James W, Sotkasiira Tiina. Teoksessa: Liikanen Ilkka, Scott James W, Sotkasiira Tiina(toim.) , 2016. The EU's Eastern Neighbourhood: Migration, Borders and Regional Stability. s. 257-267. Routledge -
Introduction: The End of Wider Europe? The EU, changing borders and spatial imaginaries of post-Soviet space
Liikanen Ilkka, Scott James W, Sotkasiira Tiina. Teoksessa: Liikanen Ilkka, Scott James W, Sotkasiira Tiina(toim.) , 2016. The EU's Eastern Neighbourhood: Migration, Borders and Regional Stability. s. 1-16. Routledge