Jari Vauhkonen
Professor of forest planning
School of Forest Sciences, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology
jari.vauhkonen@uef.fi | +358 50 470 7627
59/59 items-
Comments on “Effects of forest management on the spatial distribution of the willow tit (Poecile montanus)” by Kumpula et al.
Vauhkonen, Jari. 2024. Forest ecology and management. 570: . 122207 -
Conservation hotspots based on actual habitat preferences or artefacts of secondary map data processing – Correspondence on “Predicting valuable forest habitats using an indicator species for biodiversity”
Vauhkonen, Jari. 2024. Biological conservation. 296: -
Vahvan kestävyyden metsäpalvelut: Päätöstukea kestävämpään yksityismetsänomistukseen
Takala, Tuomo; Laakkonen, Anu; Rusanen, Katri; Pasanen, Hannes; Vauhkonen, Jari; Tahvanainen, Veera; Lehtinen, Ari; Tanskanen, Minna; Toppinen, Anne; Tikkanen, Jukka. 2024. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland. Reports and studies in forestry and natural sciences. . Itä-Suomen yliopisto -
Comments on Soimakallio et al. (2022) “Closing an open balance: The impact of increased tree harvest on forest carbon”
Vauhkonen, Jari. 2023. Global change biology bioenergy. 15: 536-537 -
Future browsing damage in seedling stands according to projected forest resources and moose population density
Vauhkonen, Jari; Matala, Juho; Nikula, Ari. 2023. Silva fennica. 57: . 23012 -
Stochastic multicriteria acceptability analysis as a forest management priority mapping approach based on airborne laser scanning and field inventory data
Rana, Parvez; Vauhkonen, Jari. 2023. Landscape and urban planning. 230: -
Towards strong sustainability forest services
Holopainen, Jani; Takala, Tuomo; Tikkanen, Jukka; Vauhkonen, Jari; Tahvanainen, Veera; Ranta, Aki; Laakkonen, Anu; Rusanen, Katri; Pasanen, Hannes; Tuominen, Minna; Lindberg, Henrik. 2023. Itä-Suomen yliopisto -
Using a digital elevation model to place overland flow fields and uncleaned ditch sections for water protection in peatland forest management
Niemi, Mikko T; Ojanen, Paavo; Sarkkola, Sakari; Vasander, Harri; Minkkinen, Kari; Vauhkonen, Jari. 2023. Ecological engineering. 190: . 106945 -
Assessing the provisioning potential of ecosystem services in a Scandinavian boreal forest : suitability and tradeoff analyses on grid-based wall-to-wall forest inventory data
Vauhkonen J, Ruotsalainen R. 2017. Forest ecology and management. 389: 272-284 -
Large tree diameter distribution modelling using sparse airborne laser scanning data in a subtropical forest in Nepal
Rana Parvez, Vauhkonen Jari, Junttila Virpi, Hou Zhengyang, Gautam Basanta, Cawkwell Fiona, Tokola Timo. 2017. Isprs journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing. 134: 86-95