Kari Korolainen
Senior Researcher
PhD, docent. Senior researcher, Folklore and Cultural Studies. I explore borders and folklore a...
Karelian Institute, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
kari.korolainen@uef.fi | +358 50 575 6670
How do traditions – cultural continuities within immaterial and material folklore and customs – relate to geographical and other, more symbolic borders as well the plurality of mobilities? And what kinds of perspectives open up, when these issues are addressed from the viewpoint of material and visual culture, and aesthetic matters? How do we visualize, especially by means of sketching, things like immaterial folklore, beauty, or borders? What viewpoints research and arts, separately and together, provide for these questions?
Folklore and culture studies researcher Kari Korolainen is specialized in cultural traditions and mundane aesthetic issues, as well in visual and material culture, not only in the research but also from the practical stance. In the project the Lost Mitten and Other Stories (Jan 1, 2018-July 31, 2020), Korolainen combined research and visual arts. Accordingly, “Marjatta & Ilman Kinna” comic book was published (by Kirjokansi) in February 2020 In the earlier studies, Korolainen dealt with issues as the borderlands of (visual) arts, home decoration and cultural customs from the viewpoint of artification. Korolainen possess multidimensional expertise also in the issues relating to the collecting and the archives of the folklore materials. He used to work in the Finnish Literature Society Archive and in the North Karelian Museum. Formerly, he worked as a visual artist.
Research groups
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Alati laajenevan maaseudun arvoitus
Korolainen, Kari. 2024. Maaseutututkimus. 32: 110-118 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Kyläkoulun muuttuvat merkitykset
Kuusisto, Alina; Jauhiainen, Annukka; Jokila, Suvi; Korolainen, Kari; Pöllänen, Pirjo; Leppähaara, Susanna. 2024. Kasvatus ja aika. 18: 111-114 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Savulumi. Satiirinen sarjakuvitelma Olavinlinnasta
Korolainen, Kari. 2024. Kirjokansi F1 Independent work of art -
Sketching across borders
Korolainen, Kari. 2024. Nordic journal of art and research. 13: 1-23 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
The Ordinary Looks behind the Horrifying Screams: The Secrecies of Border Spirits in 20th Century Finnish Belief Narratives
Korolainen, Kari. 2024. Humanities. 13: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Ehtymättömän lähteen lähteillä
Korolainen, Kari Tapio. 2023. Elore. 30: 113-117 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Kulttuurinen kansalaisuus materiaalisen kulttuurin lävistäjänä
Korolainen, Kari. 2022. Elore. 29: 10-29 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Graphic Aspects of Mobility: Folkloristic-Ethnological Drawings as a Starting Point for Discussing Mobility and Borders
Korolainen, Kari. 2020. Folklore. 79: 115-136 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Marjatta & Ilman Kinna
Korolainen, Kari. 2020. . . Kirjokansi E2 Popularised monograph -
Nyt ja perinne - Aikakerrostumia Kansantieto-lehden kyselyvastauksissa piirrosten näkökulmasta tarkasteltuna
Korolainen, Kari. Teoksessa: Järvinen, Outi(toim.) , 2020. Suomen Museo - Finskt Museum 2020. s. 94-109. Suomen muinaismuistoyhdistys A3 Book section, Chapters in research books