Kirsikka Aittola
Doctoral Researcher
MSc (Food and Nutrition), Authorized Nutritionist, PhD Researcher
Institute of Public Health and Clinical Nutrition, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences
I am an early stage researcher, nutritionist and expert of food sciences. I currently work at the Stop Diabetes (StopDia) project in the Department of Clinical Nutrition in Kuopio. The StopDia study was set to create and implement evidence-based and digitally supported strategies for the prevention of type 2 diabetes at population level in three regions in Finland. It is funded by the Strategic Research Council and lasts until year 2019. I take care of practical issues of the StopDia randomized controlled trial and handle the RCT data.
I am interested in eating behavior and eating competence of the StopDia study participants, who are at increased risk for type 2 diabetes. With my study I hope to enhance knowledge on eating-related behavior and it’s association with obesity and type 2 diabetes. My goal is to find more efficient ways to make long-lasting healthy lifestyle changes and to conduct effective lifestyle interventions in healthcare and thus, preventing type 2 diabetes.
I’d like to build a research network. I am also active in social media and write nutrition-related blog posts.
I am a PhD researcher in nutrition science, a licensed dietitian and an expert in food science. I am currently working on the Kuopio campus in the Unit of Public Health and Clinical Nutrition in the Stop Diabetes (StopDia) project. The goal of the StopDia study was to create and implement ways to prevent type 2 diabetes in Finland based on scientific evidence and utilize digital tools. The study was funded by the Academy of Finland, Strategic Research. I take care of the practical matters of the randomized controlled trial StopDia, communication and analyse data. I also work in the T2D-Data project, which aims to find out who will benefit from using the BitHabit app in terms of type 2 diabetes prevention.
I also work as a nutrition expert in the national FOODNUTRI project, where we develop a measure of diet quality, the Healthy Diet Index, as a digital app for health promotion and health care services. The goal of the Healthy Diet Index app is to improve the effectiveness of nutritional counselling.
In my dissertation, I study the quality of the diet, the Healthy Diet Index, and eating behavior, more specifically the Satter Eating competence, and their connection to risk factors for type 2 diabetes in the StopDia data. With my research, I hope to increase knowledge on eating-related behavior and its connection to obesity and type 2 diabetes. My goal is to find more effective ways to make long-term health-promoting lifestyle changes, implement effective lifestyle interventions in healthcare and municipalities, and thereby prevent type 2 diabetes.
I would like to build my research network. I am also active on Twitter and I like to participate in nutrition communication.
Research groups
11/11 items-
Associations of Lifestyle Patterns with Glucose and Lipid Metabolism in Finnish Adults at Increased Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
Manninen, Suvi; Tilles‐Tirkkonen, Tanja; Aittola, Kirsikka; Männikkö, Reija; Karhunen, Leila; Kolehmainen, Marjukka; Schwab, Ursula; Lindström, Jaana; Lakka, Timo; Pihlajamäki, Jussi; the Stop Diabetes study group. 2024. Molecular nutrition and food research. 68: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Eating competence and the Healthy Diet Index: novel approaches for the prevention of type 2 diabetes
Aittola, Kirsikka. 2024. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland. Dissertations in Health Sciences G5 Doctoral dissertation (article) -
Associations Between Engagement with the BitHabit Digital Lifestyle Intervention and Changes in Type 2 Diabetes Risk Factors
Liedes, Hilkka; Mattila, Elina; Honka, Anita; Absetz, Pilvikki; Aittola, Kirsikka; Manninen, Suvi; Lintu, Niina; Schwab, Ursula; Eloranta, Aino-Maija; Umer, Adil; Tilles-Tirkkonen, Tanja; Männikkö, Reija; Ruotsalainen, Ilona; Van Gils, Mark; Lindström, Jaana; Lakka, Timo; Pihlajamäki, Jussi; Vuorinen, Anna-Leena. 2023. Studies in health technology and informatics abstract -
Associations between weight loss history and factors related to type 2 diabetes risk in the Stop Diabetes study
Halali, F; Lapveteläinen, A; Aittola, K; Männikkö, R; Tilles-Tirkkonen, T; Järvelä-Reijonen, E; Absetz, P; Kolehmainen, M; Schwab, U; Lindström, J; Lakka, TA; Pihlajamäki, J; Karhunen, L. 2022. International journal of obesity. 46: 935-942 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Digitally Supported Lifestyle Intervention to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes Through Healthy Habits: Secondary Analysis of Long-Term User Engagement Trajectories in a Randomized Controlled Trial
Lavikainen, Piia; Mattila, Elina; Absetz, Pilvikki; Harjumaa, Marja; Lindström, Jaana; Järvelä-Reijonen, Elina; Aittola, Kirsikka; Männikkö, Reija; Tilles-Tirkkonen, Tanja; Lintu, Niina; Lakka, Timo; van Gils, Mark; Pihlajamäki, Jussi; Martikainen, Janne. 2022. Journal of medical internet research. 24: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Real-world effectiveness of digital and group-based lifestyle interventions as compared with usual care to reduce type 2 diabetes risk – A stop diabetes pragmatic randomised trial
Lakka, Timo A.; Aittola, Kirsikka; Järvelä-Reijonen, Elina; Tilles-Tirkkonen, Tanja; Männikkö, Reija; Lintu, Niina; Karhunen, Leila; Kolehmainen, Marjukka; Harjumaa, Marja; Mattila, Elina; Järvenpää, Riia; Ermes, Miikka; Mikkonen, Santtu; Martikainen, Janne; Poutanen, Kaisa; Schwab, Ursula; Absetz, Pilvikki; Lindström, Jaana; Pihlajamäki, Jussi. 2022. The Lancet regional health : Europe. 2023; 24: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Enhanced Eating Competence Is Associated with Improved Diet Quality and Cardiometabolic Profile in Finnish Adults with Increased Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
Aittola, Kirsikka; Karhunen, Leila; Männikkö, Reija; Järvelä-Reijonen, Elina; Mikkonen, Santtu; Absetz, Pilvikki; Kolehmainen, Marjukka; Schwab, Ursula; Harjumaa, Marja; Lindström, Jaana; Lakka, Timo; Tilles-Tirkkonen, Tanja; Pihlajamäki, Jussi. 2021. Nutrients. 13: 4030 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Formation and Validation of the Healthy Diet Index (HDI) for Evaluation of Diet Quality in Healthcare
Lindström, Jaana; Aittola, Kirsikka; Pölönen, Auli; Hemiö, Katri; Ahonen, Kirsti; Karhunen, Leila; Männikkö, Reija; Siljamäki-Ojansuu, Ulla; Tilles-Tirkkonen, Tanja; Virtanen, Eeva; Pihlajamäki, Jussi; Schwab, Ursula. 2021. International journal of environmental research and public health. 18: 2362 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Ruokavalioindeksi on yhteinen työkalu
Aittola, Kirsikka; Lindström, Jaana; Pölönen, Auli. 2021. Kehittyvä Elintarvike. 32: 40-41 D1 Article in a trade journal -
StopDia-hankkeesta vinkkejä terveyden edistämiseen ja hyte-johtamiseen
Tilles-Tirkkonen, Tanja; Männikkö, Reija; Lindström, Jaana; Harjumaa, Marja; Aittola, Kirsikka; Järvelä-Reijonen, Elina; Rantala, Eeva; Martikainen, Janne; Lakka, Timo; Pihlajamäki, Jussi. 2020. Ravitsemusasiantuntija. 6: 4-7 D1 Article in a trade journal