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Laura  Assmuth

Laura Assmuth

Professor, Emerita

Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies | +358 50 442 1179

Research groups


  • Introduction: Translocal Familyhood and Lifelines across Borders. Jointly with Marit Aure, Marina Hakkarainen and Pihla Maria Siim. In Migration and families in East and North Europe: Translocal Lifelines. Editors Laura Assmuth, Marit Aure, Marina Hakkarainen and Pihla Maria Siim. London: Routledge 2023 (in print).

    Overcoming the Burden of Distance: Emotions in the Family Lives of Estonian Men Working in Finland. Jointly with Keiu Telve. In Migration and families in East and North Europe: Translocal Lifelines. Editors Laura Assmuth, Marit Aure, Marina Hakkarainen and Pihla Maria Siim. London: Routledge 2023 (in print).

    Children in Translocal Families. Jointly with Marina Hakkarainen, Aija Lulle and Pihla Maria Siim. In Translocal Childhoods and Family Mobility in East and North Europe. Editors Laura Assmuth, Marina Hakkarainen, Aija Lulle and Pihla Maria Siim. London and New York: Palgrave MacMillan 2018, 3-33.

    School as Institution and as Symbol in Estonian Migrant Families’ Lives in Finland. Jointly with Pihla Maria Siim. In Translocal Childhoods and Family Mobility in East and North Europe. Editors Laura Assmuth, Marina Hakkarainen, Aija Lulle and Pihla Maria Siim. London and New York: Palgrave MacMillan 2018, 163-187.

    The Journey Continues. Jointly with Anca Enache, Marina Hakkarainen, Aija Lulle, Airi Markkanen and Pihla Maria Siim. In Translocal Childhoods and Family Mobility in East and North Europe. Editors Laura Assmuth, Marina Hakkarainen, Aija Lulle and Pihla Maria Siim. London and New York: Palgrave MacMillan 2018, 255-262.

    Kotona kahdessa maassa? Ylirajaisen lapsuuden tulkinnat Suomeen muuttaneissa virolaisissa lapsiperheissä. (In Finnish) (Having a home in two countries? Interpretations of transnational childhood in Estonian families living in Finland.) Jointly with Pihla Siim. Antti Kivijärvi ja Marja Peltola (toim.) Lapset ja nuoret muuttoliikkeessä. Nuorten elinolot 2016 -vuosikirja. (Children and youth in migration. Finnish Yearbook on Youth 2016.) Helsinki: Nuorisotutkimusseura 2016, 91-105.

    Mobility patterns between Estonia and Finland: what about children? Jointly with Pihla Siim. Kirsti Jõesalu and Anu Kannike (eds.), Cultural Patterns and Life Stories. Acta Universitatis Tallinnensis, Socialia/Humaniora.Tallinn: Tallinn University Press, 2016, 273-304.

    Intertwining identities: the politics of language and nationality in the Estonian-Russian borderlands. In Jenny Berglund, Thomas Lundén and Peter Strandbrink (eds.), Crossings and Crosses. Borders, Educations and Religions in Northern Europe. Boston: De Gruyter 2015, 29-46.

    ”La mia posizione e sempre stata diversa e isolata”. Un dialogo con Clara Gallini. (In Italian) (“My position has always been different and isolated”. A dialogue with Clara Gallini.) Jointly with Marja-Liisa Honkasalo. La ricerca folklorica Vol. 67/68 2013, 275-287.

    Having, Loving, Being in the Periphery: Interpretations of Locality in the National Landscape of Koli, Eastern Finland. Jointly with Eeva Uusitalo. In Luis Silva and Elisabete Figueiredo (eds.), Shaping Rural Areas in Europe: Perceptions and Outcomes on the Present and the Future. Köln: Springer Verlag 2013, 57-74.

    Asymmetries of gender and generation on a post-Soviet borderland. In Jutta Lauth Bacas and William Kavanagh (eds.), Border Encounters. Proximity and Asymmetry at Europe’s Frontiers. Oxford: Berghahn Books 2013, 142-163.

    Families on the Move in Europe: children’s perspectives. Jointly with Aija Lulle. Siirtolaisuus – Migration 3/2013, 3-10.

    Rajat, raja-alueet ja rajanylitykset: tutkimuskohde ja tutkimuksellinen näkökulma. (In Finnish) (Borders, border areas and border crossings: a research topic and a perspective.) Janus. Sosiaalipolitiikan ja sosiaalityön tutkimuksen aikakauslehti. (Janus: Finnish journal for research in social policy and social work.) Vol. 20 No. 3, 2012, 295-301.
    Making a living in a national landscape: family entrepreneurs, villagers and tourists in Koli, Eastern Finland. (In Japanese.) Jointly with Eeva Uusitalo. In Keiko Yamaguchi (ed.), The Survival of Hometown: Local Lifestyles in Finland and Aomori. (In Japanese.) Tokyo: Kouseisha Kouseikaku Co. 2012, 137-165.
    Rural Belongings: Baltic Russian identities in Estonian and Latvian Borderlands. In Aili Aarelaid-Tart and Li Bennich-Björkman (eds.), Baltic Biographies at Historical Crossroads. London: Routledge 2012, 107-124.

    Viron nopeasti kiitävä aika. (In Finnish) (Time passes quickly in Estonia.) Idäntutkimus (The Finnish Review of East European Studies) 3/2011, 46-48.

    Kirosana? Solidaarisuus ja sen puute jälkisosialistisissa Baltian maissa. (In Finnish) (An ugly word? Solidarity and the lack of it in the post-socialist Baltic states.) In Arto Laitinen and Anne Birgitta Pessi (eds.), Solidaarisuus. (Solidarity.) Helsinki: Gaudeamus 2011, 222-233.

    Naisia molemmin puolin rajaa: tutkimuksellisia kohtaamisia Venäjän, Viron ja Latvian rajaseuduilla. (In Finnish) (Women on both sides of the border: research encounters in the borderlands between Estonia, Latvia and Russia.) In Meri Kulmala and Aino Saarinen (eds.), Naistutkijana Venäjän kentillä. (Feminist researchers in Russian fieldsites.) Aleksanteri-sarja 5/2010. Helsinki: Kikimora Publications 2010, 66-84.

    Identities and Identity Politics on the Baltic Border: an Estonian School in Russia. Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis XIX. Studia Anthropologica III 2009, 165-179.

    Identiteetit Venäjän, Viron ja Latvian rajalla. (In Finnish) (Identities at the border between Russia, Estonia and Latvia.) Idäntutkimus (The Finnish Review of East European Studies) 4/2007, 47-58.

    Politicizing language at a Post-Soviet border: an Estonian school in Russia. Suomen Antropologi (Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society) Vol 32 No. 1 2007, 36-46.

    To which state to belong? Ethnicity and Citizenship at Russia’s new European Union borders. In Thomas M. Wilson and Hastings Donnan (eds.), Culture and Power at the Edges of the State. National support and subversion in European border regions. Münster: Lit Verlag 2005, 255-288.

    Me ja muut. Periferian identiteettejä. (In Finnish) (We and others. Identities in the peripheries.) In Anu Hirsiaho, Mari Korpela and Liisa Rantalaihto (eds.), Kohtaamisia rajoilla. (Encounters at borders.) Festschrift für Professor Ulla Vuorela. Helsinki: SKS 2005, 92-108.
    – Published in Estonian-language translation (Meie ja “teised”: perifeeria identiteedid) in Karl Pajusalu and Jan Rahman (eds.), Piirikultuurid ja –keeled. (Border cultures and languages.) Publications of Võro Institute no. 17. Võro Instituut: Võru, 41-55.

    Ethnicity and citizenship in the borderlands between Estonia, Latvia and Russia. In Risto Alapuro, Ilkka Liikanen and Markku Lonkila (eds.), Beyond Post-Soviet Transition: Micro Perspectives on Challenge and Survival in Russia and Estonia. Helsinki: Kikimora Publications 2004, 128-147.

    Itä-Euroopan tutkimus ja antropologia. (In Finnish) (East European research and anthropology). Idäntutkimus (The Finnish Review of East European Studies) 4/2003, 20-31.

    Nation building and everyday life in the borderlands between Estonia, Latvia and Russia. Focaal – European Journal of Anthropology no. 41, 2003, 59-69.

    Antropologian naisongelma. (In Finnish) (The Problem of Women in Anthropology.) Jointly with Anna-Maria Tapaninen. In Tapio Nisula (ed.), Näkökulmia kulttuureihin. Antropologian historiaa ja nykysuuntauksia. (Perspectives on Cultures. On the History and Trends in Anthropology.). Helsinki: Gaudeamus 1994, 136-195.

    Näkökulmia Italiaan: Etelän ja Pohjoisen työllisyyserot. (In Finnish) (Perspectives on Italy: Differences in Employment between the South and the North.) In Pekka Kosonen (ed.), Näkökulmia Eurooppaan ja integraatioon. (Perspectives on Europe and Integration.) University of Helsinki, Sociology of Law Series No.7, Helsinki 1993, 27-45.

    Napolilaisuus ja naisten työ. Elämäntavan rakentuminen. (In Finnish) (Neapolitan Culture and Women’s Work: The Structuring of a Lifestyle.) Suomen Antropologi (Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society) 2/1989, 45-61.

    Joulu suomalaisen nykykulttuurin rituaalina. (In Finnish) (Christmas as a Ritual in Modern Finnish Culture.) Sosiologia 3/1987, 187-197.

  • ”Joskus Suomessa tulee ikävä Viroon”. Ylirajainen perhe-elämä lasten näkökulmasta. (”Sometimes in Finland I miss Estonia.” Translocal family life from children’s perspective.) Jointly with Pihla Maria Siim. Muuttoliike – Migration 2/2022, 14-18.

    Muuttoliikkeet arjen turvallisuuden tutkimuksen kohteena. (Migration studied from the perspective of everyday security.) Jointly with Olga Davydova-Minguet, Ville-Samuli Haverinen, Noora Kotilainen, Teemu Oivo, Jaana Palander, Saara Pellander, Minna Piipponen, Eeva-Kaisa Prokkola, Pirjo Pöllänen, Anni Rannikko, Tiina Sotkasiira ja Joni Virkkunen. In Arjen turvallisuus ja muuttoliikkeet. (In Finnish) (Everyday security and migration.) Editors Laura Assmuth, Ville-Samuli Haverinen, Pirjo Pöllänen, Anni Rannikko and Tiina Sotkasiira. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society 2021, 7-30.

    Lasten arkinen toimijuus ylirajaisen perhe-elämän kontekstissa. (In Finnish) (Children’s everyday agency in the context of translocal familyhood.) In Arjen rihmastot. Festschrift für Prof. Eeva Jokinen. (Rhizomes of everyday life.) Helena Hirvonen, Antero Puhakka ja Pirjo Pöllänen (toim.). Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland Press 2019, 209-216.
    Kulttuurisista törmäyksistä erilaisten ihmisten kohtaamiseen. Rajojen tutkimuksen näkökulmia. (In Finnish) (From cultural clashes to human encounters: perspectives from border research.) In Oona Ilmolahti ja Sinikka Selin (toim.) Rohkea kynä. Festschrift für Prof. Maria Lähteenmäki. (A Coragious Pen. Festschrift für Prof. Maria Lähteenmäki.) Turenki: Työväen historian ja perinteen tutkimuksen seura 2017, 181-190.

    Rajat ja reuna-alueet tutkimuskohteina ja näkökulmina. (In Finnish) (Borders and fringe areas as research locations and perspectives.) In Päivi Harinen, Mari Käyhkö and Anni Rannikko (eds.), Mutta mikä on tutkimuksen teoreettinen kysymys? Festschrift für Prof. Leena Koski. (But what is the theoretical question of the study?) Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland Press 2014, 251-262.

    Ratsuhevonen luonnon ja kulttuurin välissä: näkökulma muuttuvaan eläinsuhteeseen. (In Finnish) (The horse between nature and culture: a perspective on the changing human-animal relationship.) Book review on Nora Schuurman: ”Hevoset hevosina”. Eläimen ja sen hyvinvoinnin tulkinta. (Horses as Horses: the Interpretation of Horse and its Welfare.) Alue ja Ympäristö 41:2, 2012, 106-108.

    Book review on Salla Tuori: The Politics of Multicultural Encounters. Feminist Postcolonial Perspectives. Finnish Journal of Ethnicity and Migration 2/2010, 93-95.

    Rural Futures: Ethnographies of Transformation from Finland, Estonia, Russia and Ukraine. Jointly with Eeva Uusitalo. In Martyn Warren and Susie Bissell (eds.), Rural Futures: Dreams, Dilemmas and Dangers. Conference Proceedings, CD-format. Plymouth, UK: University of Plymouth 2008. 7 pages.

    “We used to be so international”: Everyday Cross-Border Relations at the Estonian-Latvian-Russian Borderlands. In Zaneta Ozolina (ed.), Expanding Borders: Communities and Identities. Conference Proceedings of an International Conference. Riga: University of Latvia Press 2006, 301-311.

    Ühendavad või eraldavad piirid? Etnilisus ja igapäevaelu Läti, Venemaa ja Eesti piirialadel. (In Estonian) (Do borders unite or divide? Ethnicity and everyday life in the borderlands between Latvia, Russia and Estonia.) In Karl Pajusalu and Jaan Rahman (eds.), Läänemeresoome ühendusteed. (Connecting paths in the Baltic Sea region.) Conference proceedings. Võru: Võro Instituut 2001, 11-27.

    Book review on Amanda Coffey: The Ethnographic Self. Fieldwork and the Representation of Identity. Acta Sociologica Vol. 43 No. 1, 2000, 95-97.

    Marginal locations, central concerns. Suomen Antropologi (Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society) 3, 1997, 62-64.

    Book review on Victoria Goddard: Gender, Family and Work in Naples, and Anna-Maria Tapaninen: Kansan kodit ja kaupungin kadut. Etnografinen tutkimus eteläitalialaisesta kaupungista. In Martin Rhodes (ed.), Southern European welfare states: between crisis and reform. London: Frank Cass 1997, 271-273.

    Book review on Victoria Goddard: Gender, Family and Work in Naples, and Anna-Maria Tapaninen: Kansan kodit ja kaupungin kadut. Etnografinen tutkimus eteläitalialaisesta kaupungista. South European Society and Politics Vol. 1 Issue 3, 1996, 171-172.

    Monitoimisia naisia moninaisella maaseudulla. (In Finnish) (Multiactive women in a multifaceted countryside.) Book review on Riitta Högbacka, Naisena maaseudulla. (Women in the countryside.) Maaseudun uusi aika (Finnish Journal of Rural Studies) 1/1996, 89-90.

    From sex/gender to the body. Book review on Vigdis Broch-Due, Ingrid Rudie and Tone Bleie, eds., Carved Flesh/Cast Selves. Gendered Symbols and Social Practices. NORA: Nordic Journal of Women’s Studies 1/1995, 60-62.

    Onko pohjoiskarjalaisilla perheviljelmillä tulevaisuutta? (In Finnish) (Is there a Future for Northern Karelian Family Farms?) Book review on Ray Abrahams, A Place of their Own. Family Farming in Eastern Finland. Suomen Antropologi (Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society) 1/1994, 57-60.

    The Family in Italy from Antiquity to the Present. (Eds. Richard Saller and David Kertzer.) Book review, Gender & History Vol. 6 No.1, 1994, 138-140.

    A Place of their Own. Family Farming in Eastern Finland. (Ray Abrahams.) Book review, Folk. Journal of the Danish Ethnological Society Vol. 35/1993, 171-175.

  • Migration and families in East and North Europe: Translocal Lifelines. Editors Laura Assmuth, Marit Aure, Marina Hakkarainen and Pihla Maria Siim. London: Routledge 2023 (in print).
    Arjen turvallisuus ja muuttoliikkeet. (In Finnish) (Everyday security and migration.) Editors Laura Assmuth, Ville-Samuli Haverinen, Pirjo Pöllänen, Anni Rannikko and Tiina Sotkasiira. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society 2021. 236 pp.

    Translocal Childhoods and Family Mobility in East and North Europe. Editors Laura Assmuth, Marina Hakkarainen, Aija Lulle and Pihla Maria Siim. London and New York: Palgrave MacMillan 2018. 271 pp.

    The Baltic Sea Islands of Estonia: a periphery in transition. Editors Laura Assmuth and Aili Kelam. Tallinn: Estonian Academy Publishers 2001. 144 pp. Articles by Laura Assmuth:
    On the margin, at the centre: a view from a northern European periphery, 9-17.
    A case study of a fishing village on Saaremaa island, 103-141.

    Saarte elu murdlainetes. Saaremaa ja väikesaared üleminekuühiskonnas. (In Estonian) (Post-socialism and everyday life on the Estonian islands.) Editors Laura Assmuth and Aili Kelam. Tallinn: Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Kirjastus 1998. 143 pp. Articles by Laura Assmuth: 1. Saaremaa, Eesti murranguaegne perifeeria. (Saaremaa, an Estonian periphery in transition.), 7-18. 2. Kaluriküla, kolhoosiküla, turismiküla, linnalähipiirkond: Nasva küla Saaremaal. (“Socialism or capitalism, Nasva is doing well” – the story of a Saaremaa fishing village.), 100-140.

    Women’s work, women’s worth: changing lifecourses in highland Sardinia. Helsinki: Finnish Anthropological Society, 1997. 316 pp.

    Naisten ansiotyö ja kulttuurinen muutos eteläitalialaisessa kaupunkiyhteisössä. (In Finnish) (Women’s work and cultural change in a Southern Italian urban community.) Helsinki: Ministry of Social Welfare and Health, Board for Equal Rights, Publications D:1, 1993. 181 pp.

  • Sallaa tutkimassa. (In Finnish) (Studying the municipality of Salla.) Jointly with Tuula Tuisku and Eeva Uusitalo. Ruralia 1, 2012, 13.

    Donne di campagna, ma orgogliose di essere sarde e cittadine dell’Europa. (In Italian) (Country women, but proud to be Sardinian and European.) Sardegna Economica. Bimestrale della Camera di Commercio di Cagliari. 1/2000, 33-36.

    Finland. In Susan Carol Rogers, Thomas M. Wilson and Gary W. McDonogh (eds.) European Anthropologies. A Guide to the Profession. Arlington, VA: American Anthropological Association/Society for the Anthropology of Europe 1996, 16-17, 53.

    Sosiologia – keskusteluja yhteiskunnan kanssa. (In Finnish) (Sociology – Discussions with Society.) Video film, 30 min. Jointly with Ritva Uusitalo, Maria Söderholm and Tarja Tolonen. Helsinki: Department of Sociology, University of Helsinki 1994.

    Antropologiaa supermarketin hyllyltä: American Anthropological Association, Annual Meeting 2.-6.12.1992 San Francisco, USA. (In Finnish) (Anthropology from a supermarket shelf: AAA Annual Meeting 1992.) Suomen Antropologi (Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society) 2/1993, 43-44.

    Sosiologian etninen herääminen? – huomioita sosiologipäiviltä Helsingissä 22.-23.3.1991. (In Finnish) (The ethnic awakening of sociology? – observations from the annual meeting of Finnish sociologists 1991.) Suomen antropologi (Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society) Vol. 16 No. 2, 1991, 47-48.

    Kaikki mailman naistutkijat – liittykää yhteen. (In Finnish) (All women’s studies scholars around the world – unite.) Konferenssi Gender and class. Empirical and theoretical developments, Belgia, syyskuu 1989. Jointly with Riitta Oittinen). Naistutkimustiedote (Bulletin of Women’s Studies in Finland) 9/4, 13-17.

  • Labor migration and translocal families: mobile lives during the pandemic. Jointly with Marit Aure, Marina Hakkarainen and Pihla Maria Siim. Baltic Rim Economies 3/2021. Labor migration and translocal families: Mobile lives during the pandemic | Baltic Rim Economies (

    Tapahtuipa silloin, kun me mentiin Suomeen/See oli siis kui Soome läksime. (In Finnish and in Estonian). (It happened when we went to live in Finland.) EST-FIN project comic strip newspaper, tabloid format.
    – as annex of the weekly journal Maaleht, circulation ca. 40 000. Art work Martin Rattas, research Laura Assmuth, Pihla Siim and Keiu Telve. 12 pp. Tartu: Ekspress Meedia 2019.
    – as free-of-charge tabloid, circulation 1000 copies. 24 pp. Tartu: Ekspress Meedia 2019.

    Olisiko parempi lähteä takaisin Viroon? Tutkimus ylirajaisesta elämästä lasten näkökulmasta. (In Finnish) (Would it be better to return to Estonia? A study on transnational life from the children’s perspective.) Jointly with Pihla Siim. ELO (Journal of the Tuglas Society) 2015, 4-7.

    Moninaiset identiteetit Viron ja Venäjän välisellä rajaseudulla. (In Finnish) (Multiple identities in the border area between Estonia and Russia.) In Sofi Oksanen and Imbi Paju (eds.), Kaiken takana oli pelko. Miten Viro menetti historiansa ja miten se saadaan takaisin. (Fear was behind it all. How Estonia lost its history and how to regain it.) Helsinki: WSOY 2009, 497-526.
    – Published in Estonian-language translation (Identiteetide paljusus Eesti ja Venemaa vahelistel piirialadel) in Sofi Oksanen and Imbi Paju (eds.), Kõige taga oli hirm. Kuidas Eesti oma ajaloost ilma jäi. (Fear was behind it all. How Estonia lost its history.) Tallinn: Eesti Päevalehe Kirjastus, 2010, 512-538.

    Saarenmaa ja Setumaa – kaksi erilaista Viron reuna-aluetta. (In Finnish) (Saaremaa and Setomaa – two different fringe areas of Estonia.) Tuglas-Seuran jäsenlehti (Journal of the Tuglas Society) No.5/2005, 13-15.

    Suomalainen perhe, Amerikkalainen perhe, Kehitysmaaperhe. (In Finnish) (The Finnish Family, The American Family, the Family in Developing Countries.) Articles in Encyclopedia Studia – Tietokeskus. Jyväskylä: Weilin & Göös 1994, 154-159.

    Lasten päivähoito – etuus vai investointi. (In Finnish) (Children’s daycare – a privilege or an investment.) Jointly with Markus Sovala. Suunta 2000 No. 4/1994, 39-43.

  • Edited and translated for publication in Finnish, jointly with Mervi Leppäkorpi, the keynote paper Competitors or Companions: Re-Thinking Impacts of Immigration by Bridget Anderson (Kumppaneita vai kilpailijoita? Maahanmuuton vaikutusten uudelleenarviointia), Janus: Sosiaalipolitiikan ja sosiaalityön tutkimuksen aikakauslehti Vol 23, 1, 83-92, 2015.

  • Tapahtuipa silloin, kun me mentiin Suomeen/See oli siis kui Soome läksime. (In Finnish and in Estonian). (It happened when we went to live in Finland.) Comic strip exhibition of the project Inequalities in Motion: Transnational Families in Estonia and Finland. Collaboration between research, art and journalism (EST-FIN). Art work Martin Rattas, research Laura Assmuth, Pihla Siim and Keiu Telve.
    – Saaremaa castle, Kuressaare, Estonia 15.5-30.9.2019-
    – Museum of Freedom and Occupations, Tallinn, Estonia 11.10.2019-31.3.2020

    Mural painting “Wings over the Gulf of Finland”. Art work of the project Inequalities in Motion: Transnational Families in Estonia and Finland. Collaboration between research, art and journalism (EST-FIN). Art work Martin Rattas, research Laura Assmuth, Pihla Siim and Keiu Telve. Pärnu, Estonia, July 2019.


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