Lauri Korhonen
Deputy Head of School
Associate Professor
Senior researcher of forest mensuration
School of Forest Sciences, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology
[email protected] | +358 50 466 5259
Specialist in remote sensing of forests, especially the use of airborne laser scanning and satellite images.
Research groups
97/97 items-
Estimating timber assortment reduction and sawlog proportions with the application of harvester measurements and open big geodata
Vähä-Konka, Ville; Korhonen, Lauri; Kärhä, Kalle; Maltamo, Matti. 2025. Trees, forests and people. 20: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Miten lehtialaindeksitietoa voitaisiin kerätä kansalaistieteen ja pelillistämisen avulla?
Zhang, Shaohui; Korhonen, Lauri; Nummenmaa, Timo; Bianchi, Simone; Maltamo, Matti. 2025. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja. 2025: . 25001 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Band configurations and seasonality influence the predictions of common boreal tree species using UAS image data
Kukkonen, Mikko; Myllymäki, Mari; Räty, Janne; Varvia, Petri; Maltamo, Matti; Korhonen, Lauri; Packalen, Petteri. 2024. Annals of forest science. 81: . 31 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Comparison of Semi-physical and Empirical Models in the Estimation of Boreal Forest Leaf Area Index and Clumping with Airborne Laser Scanning Data
Zhang, Shaohui; Korhonen, Lauri; Lang, Mait; Pisek, Jan; Díaz, Gastón M.; Korpela, Ilkka; Xia, Zhongyu; Haapala, Hanna; Maltamo, Matti. 2024. IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 62: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Drooni-aineistoon perustuva yksinpuintulkinta: kuinka hyödyntää kuviokohtaisia läpimittamittauksia kalibroinnissa?
Jääskeläinen, Johanna; Korhonen, Lauri; Kukkonen, Mikko; Packalen, Petteri; Maltamo, Matti. 2024. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja. 2024: . 24011 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Effects of model-overfit on model-assisted forest inventory in boreal forests with remote sensing data
Cosenza, Diogo N; Saarela, Svetlana; Strunk, Jacob; Korhonen, Lauri; Maltamo, Matti; Packalen, Petteri. 2024. Forestry. [Epub ahead of print 1 Nov 2024]: 1-15 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Estimating the accuracy of smartphone app-based removal estimates against actual wood-harvesting data from clear cuttings
Vähä-Konka, Ville; Korhonen, Lauri; Kärhä, Kalle; Maltamo, Matti. 2024. Iforest-biogeosciences and forestry. 17: 140-147 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Estimation of boreal forest biomass from ICESat-2 data using hierarchical hybrid inference
Varvia, Petri; Saarela, Svetlana; Maltamo, Matti; Packalen, Petteri; Gobakken, Terje; Næsset, Erik; Ståhl, Göran; Korhonen, Lauri. 2024. Remote sensing of environment. 311: . 114249 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
How to implement the data collection of leaf area index by means of citizen science and forest gamification?
Zhang, Shaohui; Korhonen, Lauri; Nummenmaa, Timo; Bianchi, Simone; Maltamo, Matti. 2024. Silva fennica. 58: . 24044 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Improving airborne laser scanning-based species-specific forest volume estimation using sentinel-2 time series
Mäkinen, Katri; Korhonen, Lauri; Maltamo, Matti. 2024. European journal of remote sensing. 57: . 2422315 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research