Matti Nykänen
University Lecturer
School of Computing, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology
8/8 items-
How to deal with unbelievable assertions
Nykänen Matti, Hakli Raul, Eloranta Satu, Niinivaara Olli. 2015. Annals of mathematics and artificial intelligence. 78: 323-360 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
A Hierarchy of Mildly Context-Sensitive Dependency Grammars
Yli-Jyrä Anssi, Nykänen Matti. Teoksessa: Jäger, G. Monachesi, P. Penn, G. Winter, S. (toim.)(toim.) , 2014. Proceedings of Formal Grammar 2004. s. 155-170. CSLI publications A4 Conference proceedings -
An automated gland segmentation and classification method in prostate biopsies: an image source-independent approach
Pääkkönen Jouni, Päivinen Niina, Nykänen Matti, Paavonen Timo. 2014. Machine vision and applications. 26: 103-113 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
A note on the genuine Sieve of Eratosthenes
Nykänen Matti. 2011. Journal of functional programming. 21: 563-572 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Cooperative Replies to Unbelievable Assertions: A Dialogue Protocol Based on Logical Interpolation
Nykänen M, Eloranta S, Niinivaara O,Hakli R. 2011. . . D4 Published development or research report or study -
Cooperative replies to unbelievable assertions. A Dialogue Protocol based on Logical Interpolation
Nykänen M, Eloranta S, Niinivaara O, Hakli R. Teoksessa: Filipe, J . ja Fred, A.(toim.) , 2011. ICAART 2011, Proceedings 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence vol. 2, Rome, Italy 28-30 January, 2011. s. 245-250. Springer A4 Conference proceedings -
Accommodative Belief Revision
Eloranta S, Hakli R, Niinivaara O, Nykänen M. Teoksessa: Hölldobler S, Lutz C, Wansing H(toim.) , 2008. Logics in Artificial Intelligence. 11th European Conference, JELIA 2008. Proceedings. s. 180-191. Springer A4 Conference proceedings -
Efficient discovery of statistically significant association rules
Hämäläinen W, Nykänen M. Teoksessa: Giannotti F, Gunopulos D, Turini F, Zaniolo C, Ramakrishnan N, Wu X(toim.) , 2008. Eighth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining. ICDM 2008. Proceedings. s. 203-212. IEEE Computer Society A4 Conference proceedings