Mervi Asikainen
Senior University Lecturer
Department of Physics and Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology | +358 50 442 1178
Research groups
79/79 items-
Vocational school students’ use and opinions of voluntary-based online learning solutions presented in a mathematics course
Suominen, Sanni; Ikonen, Kirsi; Leinonen, Risto; Viholainen, Antti; Asikainen, Mervi A. 2024. European journal of science and mathematics education. 12: 394-410 -
Finnish university physics teachers’ experiences of transferring to online teaching due to COVID-19 pandemic
Leinonen, Risto; Kesonen, Mikko HP; Asikainen, Mervi A. 2023. Sn social sciences. 3: -
Mekaniikan kurssikoevastausten analysointia Toulmin-perustaisella argumenttimallilla
Kesonen, Mikko; Kinnunen, Justus; Asikainen, Mervi. A; Leinonen, Risto. 2023. FMSERA Journal. [Julkaistu 2023-10-11]: 1-13 -
New vocational school students’ views and expectations concerning online learning and studying mathematics
Suominen, Sanni; Ikonen, Kirsi; Viholainen, Antti; Asikainen, Mervi. 2022. The online journal of distance education and e-learning. 10: 483-507 -
A comparison of Olympians' and regular students' approaches and successes in solving counterintuitive dynamics problems
Balta, Nuri; Asikainen, Mervi A. 2019. International journal of science education. 41: 1644-1666 -
Applying a simple model aiding in understanding the acceleration of a bungee jumper
Kesonen, Mikko HP; Leinonen, Risto; Asikainen, Mervi A. 2019. Physics education. 54: 45012 -
Finnish Ninth Graders' Gender Appropriateness of Occupations
Ikonen, Kirsi; Leinonen, Risto; Hirvonen Pekka E.; Asikainen Mervi A. 2019. Eurasia journal of mathematics, science & technology education. 15: em1811 -
Introductory students' attitudes and approaches to Physics problem solving: Major, achievement level and gender differences
Balta, Nuri; Asikainen, Mervi A. 2019. Journal of technology and science education. 9: 378-387 -
Using network analysis methods to investigate how future teachers conceptualize the links between the domains of teacher knowledge
Koponen, Mika; Asikainen, Mervi A; Viholainen, Antti; Hirvonen, Pekka E. 2019. Teaching and teacher education. 79: 137-152 -
Finnish mentor teachers' ideas of a good physics teacher
Asikainen, Mervi A; Hirvonen, Pekka E. Teoksessa: Pálsdóttir, Auður(toim.) , 2018. Science competencies for the future: Proceedings of the 12th Nordic Research Symposium on Science Education, June 7th - 9th 2017 Trondheim, Norway. s. 35-41. Norwegian University of Science and Technology