Mikko Kolehmainen
Professor of environmental informatics and modeling
Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology
[email protected] | +358 44 290 2637
122/122 items-
Effect of pipe material and disinfectant on active bacterial communities in drinking water and biofilms
Siponen, Sallamaari; Ikonen, Jenni; Gomez-Alvarez, Vicente; Hokajärvi, Anna-Maria; Ruokolainen, Matti; Jayaprakash, Balamuralikrishna; Kolehmainen, Mikko; Miettinen, Ilkka T; Pitkänen, Tarja; Torvinen, Eila. 2025. Journal of applied microbiology. 136: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
A Novel Multi-Objective Hybrid Evolutionary-Based Approach for Tuning Machine Learning Models in Short-Term Power Consumption Forecasting
Vakhnin, Aleksei; Ryzhikov, Ivan; Niska, Harri; Kolehmainen, Mikko. 2024. AI. 5: 2461-2496 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
An open web-based GIS service for biomass data in Finland
Lehtonen, Eeva; Anttila, Perttu; Hakala, Kaija; Luostarinen, Sari; Lehtoranta, Suvi; Merilehto, Kirsi; Lehtinen, Harri; Mäntylä, Virpi; Maharjan, Anil; Niemeläinen, Oiva; Kolehmainen, Mikko. 2024. Environmental modelling and software. 176: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Weather-Based Prediction of Power Consumption in District Heating Network: Case Study in Finland
Vakhnin, Aleksei; Ryzhikov, Ivan; Brester, Christina; Niska, Harri; Kolehmainen, Mikko. 2024. Energies. 17: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
A physical-neural network approach for residential load forecasting with dynamic load control
Nakabi, T; Brester, C; Kolehmainen, M; Niska, H. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2023. 27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023). s. 1-5. Institution of engineering and technology A4 Conference proceedings -
Associations of altered hepatic gene expression in American lifestyle-induced obesity syndrome diet-fed mice with metabolic changes during NAFLD development and progression
Iannone, V; Lok, J; Babu, AF; Gómez-Gallego, C; Willman, RM; Koistinen, VM; Klåvus, A; Kettunen, MI; Kårlund, A; Schwab, U; Hanhineva, K; Kolehmainen, M; Nezami, H El. 2023. Journal of nutritional biochemistry. 115: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Automated load control detection using power quality data and machine learning
Brester, C; Hildén, A; Kolehmainen, M; Pakonen, P; Niska, H. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2023. 27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023). s. 1-5. Institution of engineering and technology A4 Conference proceedings -
Composition of active bacterial communities and presence of opportunistic pathogens in disinfected and non-disinfected drinking water distribution systems in Finland
Siponen, Sallamaari; Jayaprakash, Balamuralikrishna; Hokajärvi, Anna-Maria; Gomez-Alvarez, Vicente; Inkinen, Jenni; Ryzhikov, Ivan; Räsänen, Pia; Ikonen, Jenni; Pursiainen, Anna; Kauppinen, Ari; Kolehmainen, Mikko; Paananen, Jussi; Torvinen, Eila; Miettinen, Ilkka T; Pitkänen, Tarja. 2023. Water research. 2024; 248: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Evaluating neural network models in site-specific solar PV forecasting using numerical weather prediction data and weather observations
Brester, Christina; Kallio-Myers, Viivi; Lindfors, Anders V.; Kolehmainen, Mikko; Niska, Harri. 2023. Renewable energy. 207: 266-274 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
What is the most appropriate follow-up time for detecting the epidemiological relationship between coronary artery disease and its main risk factors: novel findings from a 35-year follow-up study
Voutilainen, Ari; Brester, Christina; Kolehmainen, Mikko; Tuomainen, Tomi-Pekka. 2023. Coronary artery disease. 34: 320-331 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research