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Mikko  Vastaranta

Mikko Vastaranta


Digitalization and Knowledge Leadership in Forest-based Bioeconomy

School of Forest Sciences, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology

[email protected] | +358 50 512 7051

Dr. Mikko Vastaranta is a professor in digitalization and knowledge leadership in forest-based bioeconomy at the University of Eastern Finland’s School of Forest Sciences. He earned his M. Sc (2007) and PhD (2012) in forest resource science and technology from the University of Helsinki, where he also holds an adjunct professorship in remote sensing of forests. He has held positions as a research scientist at the Centre of Excellence in Laser Scanning Research, university lecturer in forest planning (University of Helsinki), visiting research scientists at the Pacific Forestry Centre (Canadian Forestry Service, Natural Resources Canada), and visiting professor at Shinshu University (Japan). His research focuses on examining nature-human-technology interactions using geoinformation science-based technologies and methods. Vastaranta has authored over 150 peer-reviewed scientific articles, and his recent publications can be found on Google Scholar.


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