Minna Tanskanen
1st Vice Dean
Senior University Lecturer
Vice Dean (responsible of higher education) Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
Department of Geographical and Historical Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
[email protected] | +358 50 372 8884
I work as a senior university lecturer in cultural geography, and my special area of responsibility is the development of subject teacher training, which is why I collaborate a lot with other faculties as well. Through the Erasmus projects, I have been doing international teaching development work for more than 20 years.
As the vice dean responsible for education at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies, I lead the faculty’s education development committee, and I am responsible for many e.g. on matters related to student selection, curriculum work, development of the quality of teaching and monitoring the progress of studies.
My research keywords are: geography, landscape geography, social environmental research, didactic geography and development of higher education. In recent years, I have participated especially in the interdisciplinary research of the forest owners’ forest discourses.
43/43 items-
Ajatuksia tulevan opettajan työelämälähtöisistä geomediataidoista
Pirttilä, Sanni; Huoponen. Anssi; Tahvanainen, Ville; Tanskanen, Minna. 2024. Terra: maantieteellinen aikakauskirja. 136: 120-124 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Vahvan kestävyyden metsäpalvelut: Päätöstukea kestävämpään yksityismetsänomistukseen
Takala, Tuomo; Laakkonen, Anu; Rusanen, Katri; Pasanen, Hannes; Vauhkonen, Jari; Tahvanainen, Veera; Lehtinen, Ari; Tanskanen, Minna; Toppinen, Anne; Tikkanen, Jukka. 2024. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland. Reports and studies in forestry and natural sciences. . Itä-Suomen yliopisto D4 Published development or research report or study -
Is a sustainability transition possible within the decision-support services provided to Finnish forest owners?
Takala, Tuomo; Tanskanen, Minna; Brockhaus, Maria; Kanniainen, Teija; Tikkanen, Jukka; Lehtinen, Ari; Hujala, Teppo; Toppinen, Anne. 2023. Forest policy and economics. 150: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Discursive barriers to voluntary biodiversity conservation: The case of Finnish forest owners
Takala, Tuomo; Brockhaus, Maria; Hujala, Teppo; Tanskanen, Minna; Lehtinen, Ari; Tikkanen, Jukka; Toppinen, Anne. 2022. Forest policy and economics. 136: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
En transición hacia sociedades bajas en carbono: análisis de las competencias para los estudios de geografía
Feliu, Jaume; Inkeroinen, Paula; Markuszewska, Iwona; Tanskanen, Minna; Nuss, Sergi; Vila-Subirós, Josep. 2021. Didáctica geográfica -
Forest owners as political actors
Takala, Tuomo; Lehtinen, Ari; Hujala, Teppo; Tanskanen, Minna; Brockhaus, Maria; Tikkanen, Jukka; Toppinen, Anne. 2021. Environmental science and policy -
Competing discourses of the forest shape forest owners' ideas about nature and biodiversity conservation
Takala, Tuomo; Hujala, Teppo; Tanskanen, Minna; Tikkanen, Jukka. 2019. Biodiversity and conservation -
Defining competences for future geography students in relation to low carbon societies
Feliu, Jaume; Inkeroinen, Paula; Markuszewska, Iwona; Tanskanen, Minna; Nuss, Sergi; Vila-Subirós, Josep. 2019. Journal of geography in higher education -
Discoursal power and multi-objective forestry in the Finnish print media
Takala, Tuomo; Lehtinen, Ari; Tanskanen, Minna; Hujala, Teppo; Tikkanen, Jukka. 2019. Forest policy and economics -
The rise of multi-objective forestry paradigm in the Finnish print media
Takala, Tuomo; Lehtinen, Ari; Tanskanen, Minna, Hujala, Teppo; Tikkanen, Jukka. 2019. Forest policy and economics