Olivia Kuuri-Riutta
Doctoral Researcher
School of Forest Sciences, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology
Peatlands form a natural archive that store not only a huge amount of carbon, but also information about past vegetation, hydrology and carbon dynamics. In my PhD project, I investigate the recent climate-induced changes in peatland vegetation and testate amoeba communities, which are tightly connected with the peatland carbon cycle. My aim is to quantify the impacts of the ongoing climate change, particularly the suggested drying trend, on the functioning of peatland plant and microbial communities. By providing an insight to the past changes, my research will contribute to understanding the ongoing and future changes in northern peatlands.
I graduated as a Master of forest sciences from the University of Helsinki majoring in environmental change.
Research groups
2/2 items-
Recent hummock establishment in the margin of a subarctic fen, Finnish Lapland
Kuuri-Riutta, Olivia; Pilkama, Elmiina; Salminen-Paatero, Susanna; Vögeli, Camille; Mitchell, Edward A D; Lohila, Annalea; Tuittila, Eeva Stiina; Väliranta, Minna. 2024. Boreas. 53: 282-295 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Literature review on testate amoebae as environmental indicators and as a functional part of the microbial community in northern peatlands
Kuuri-Riutta, Olivia; Väliranta, Minna; Tuittila, Eeva-Stiina. 2022. Mires and peat. 28: . 28 A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review