I am an Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Scholar working on early modern English letters and letter-writing. I am interested in both the texts of the letters and their material aspects. My current project is titled Material Practices Meet Sociolinguistics: Letter-writing in Seventeenth-century England, and I am surveying some 3,000 letters, looking at how their visual and material features (layout, folding and sealing) correlate with social aspects of the correspondents (age, gender, social rank, relationship of writer and recipient).
My work falls under the broad umbrella of historical sociolinguistics, and I study language use and language users in their social contexts. I have been particularly interested in multilingual practices such as code-switching (changing language within a single communicative event), especially in the letters of early English East India Company merchants (1600–1630). I also work on corpus compilation (the creation of linguistic resources for quantitative analysis), scholarly editing of historical texts, and historical literacy (particularly palaeography, the study of handwriting).
6/6 items-
Historiallisten tekstien kerrosteinen materiaalisuus korpuslingvistiikassa
Säily, Tanja; Kaislaniemi, Samuli. Teoksessa: Haapaniemi, Riku; Ivaska, Laura; Katajamäki, Sakari(toim.) , 2024. Tekstit ympärillämme : Kirjoituksia tekstikäsityksistä ja -käytänteistä. s. 167-178. Tampereen yliopisto -
The British East India Company in Southeast Asia
Kaislaniemi, Samuli. Teoksessa: Moody, Andrew J(toim.) , 2024. The Oxford Handbook of Southeast Asian Englishes. s. 34-53. Oxford University Press -
The Corpus of Early English Correspondence Extension Sampler (CEECES)
Kaislaniemi, Samuli; Saario, Lassi; Säily, Tanja. 2024. Research data journal for the humanities and social sciences. [Epub ahead of print 15 Feb 2024]: 1-12 -
Queen Elizabeth I's French Letters in the National Library of Russia [Vol. 21]
Coatalen, Guillaume; Kaislaniemi, Samuli. 2021. Studies in variation, contacts and change in english. . Helsingin yliopisto -
The burden of legacy: Producing the Tagged Corpus of Early English Correspondence Extension (TCEECE)
Saario, Lassi; Säily, Tanja; Kaislaniemi, Samuli; Nevalainen, Terttu. 2021. Research in corpus linguistics. 9: 104-131 -
Wrangling with non-standard data
Mäkelä, Eetu; Lagus, Krista; Lahti, Leo; Säily, Tanja; Tolonen, Mikko; Hämäläinen, Mika; Kaislaniemi, Samuli; Nevalainen, Terttu. Teoksessa: Reinsone, Sanita; Skadina, Inguna; Baklane, Anda; Daugavietis, Janis(toim.) , 2020. Proceedings of the Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 5th Conference (DHN 2020). s. 81-96.