Academic emotions; thinking skills; metacognition; reflection; qualitative methods; advising for bachelor’s thesis
My research focuses on key themes of academic emotions, mathematics, and thinking skills, including reflection and metacognition.
Specifically, I am conducting a doctoral study on the thinking skills of comprehensive school students in mathematical problem-solving situations, with the goal of identifying the nature of these skills and potential differences. My research is primarily targeted towards mathematics education, with an additional interest in investigating the impact of emotions on learning. I am also exploring the connection between thinking skills, emotions, mathematical proficiency, and problem-solving abilities.
Ultimately, my objective is to provide guidance on how reflective and metacognitive practices can be integrated into instructional settings and assessment methods.
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"Oli yhtä vaikeet ja rankkaa ku vuorelle kiipeeminen, mutta sain tehtävän valmiiks!" — Tunnereflektiot oppilaiden itsearvioinnin perustana
Toikka, Susanna. 2024. Kielikukko. 43: 47-52 -
Combined conceptualisations of metacognitive knowledge to understand students’ mathematical problem-solving
Toikka, Susanna; Eronen, Lasse; Atjonen, Päivi; Havu-Nuutinen, Sari. 2024. Cogent education. 11: . 2357901 -
Matemaattisen ongelmanratkaisun aktivoimat tunnereflektiot ja niiden fasilitointi alkuopetuksessa
Toikka, Susanna; Eronen, Lasse; Atjonen, Päivi; Havu-Nuutinen, Sari. 2022. Kasvatus. 53: 335-349 -
Neljäsluokkalaisen ongelmanratkaisutilanteen reflektio kirjallisena ja puhuttuna itsearviointina
Toikka, Susanna; Eronen, Lasse; Korpela, Aleksi. 2022. FMSERA Journal. 5: 76-92