Suvi-Maria Saarelainen
Deputy Head of School
Associate Professor
ThD, Practical Theology, Psychology of Religion, Qualitative & Narrative studies
School of Theology, Philosophical Faculty
[email protected] | +358 50 467 6975
My research interest is focused on the experience of meaning during/in life changes and transitions of life. My doctoral thesis focused on how emerging adults with cancer appraised their life as meaningful. In addition, I was interested to study the role of spirituality in the coping process. During the post doctoral phase, I am studying meaning in life among the elderly; furthermore, I am scrutinizing how they see gerontechonlgy as part of their care. In our Meaningful Relations -project, the focus is in the experiences of patients and carers going through palliative care at home.
While working as a post doc at the department of applied psychology, Univ. of Huddersfield, UK, I worked in two (ongoing) project. In the first project we are analysing the dyadic interviews of patient and carer during the end-of-life care. Second, we launched a new project focusing on well-being of the post graduate students (PGR).
Visual research methods I found very intriguing. In all of my studies, I have employed visual elements.
Research groups
Existential Wellbeing 01.01.2021 -
Impact of Covid-19 to experience of meaning 01.03.2020 -
Neuro-Ethics and Law Research Team 01.08.2020 -
97/97 items-
COVID-19 distress, sources of meaning, and crisis of meaning in the Finnish context
Ojalammi, Jonna; Peltomäki, Isto; Palmi, Noora; Saarelainen, Suvi-Maria. 2024. Mental health, religion and culture. 27: 71-86 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Chaplains Forming a Meaningful Relationship with Older People with Dementia - Insights to Pastoral Care in Nursing Home Settings
Saarelainen, Suvi-Maaria; Vähäkangas, Auli; Pirhonen, Jari. 2024. Journal of empirical theology. [Epub ahead of print 11 July 2024]: 1-19 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Diakonian näkökulma ikäihmisten eksistentiaalisiin kysymyksiin: Åsta Marie Olafsson. Existential Issues and Existential Conversations in Old Age: A Diaconal Approach
Saarelainen, Suvi-Maria. 2024. Diakonian tutkimus. 1: 81 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Eksistentiaalisia kysymyksiä maallistumisen paineessa – narratiivinen analyysi pappien työstä hoivakodeissa
Pirhonen, Jari; Saarelainen, Suvi-Maria; Vähäkangas, Auli; Hautsalo, Katja; Pietilä, Ilkka. 2024. Gerontologia. 38: 52-70 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Elämän merkityksen kokemus ja uskonto psykologisen tutkimuksen kohteina
Peltomäki, Isto; Ojalammi, Jonna; Palmi, Noora; Saarelainen, Suvi-Maria. Teoksessa: Pauha, Teemu; Haimila, Roosa(toim.) , 2024. Uskonto mielessä. Psykologisia näkökulmia uskonnollisuuteen ja henkisyyteen. s. 150-164. Gaudeamus A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Existential loneliness and meaning-in-life in the lived experience of nursing home residents
Larsson, Helena; Saarelainen, Suvi-Maria; Sjöberg, Marina; Dezutter, Jessie; Haugan, Gørill. 2024. International journal of care and caring. [Epub ahead of print 03 June 2024]: 1-19 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Finnish Palliative Care Nurses' and Physicians' Perceptions of Spirituality and Spiritual Care Related to Their Attitudes toward End-of-Life Care
Goyarrola, Raimo; Lamminmaki, Annamarja; Sipola, Virpi; Karvinen, Ikali; Peake, Minna; Saarelainen, Suvi-Maria; Santavirta, Nina; Niemi-Murola, Leila; Pöyhiä, Reino. 2024. Palliative medicine reports. 5: 247-257 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Koronapandemian ja Venäjän Ukrainaan hyökkäämisen merkitykset ikäihmisille
Ojalammi, Jonna; Saarelainen, Suvi-Maria. 2024. Gerontologia. 38: 34-51 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Meaning in Late Life: A Scoping Review
Vissers, Julie; Peltomäki, Isto; Duppen, Daan; Haugan, Gørill; Larsson, Helena; Saarelainen, Suvi-Maria; Dezutter, Jessie. 2024. Journal of happiness studies. 25: . 21 A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
Nuorten pappien työhyvinvointi ja -uupumus – sukupuolisidonnaista vai ei?
Palmi, Noora; Tervo-Niemelä, Kati; Saarelainen, Suvi-Maria. Teoksessa: Tervo-Niemelä, Kati; Salminen, Veli-Matti; Palmi, Noora(toim.) , 2024. Opinnoista pappisuralle: Pappeuteen kasvu, haasteet ja muutokset. s. 339-379. Kirkon tutkimuskeskus A3 Book section, Chapters in research books