Timo Pukkala
Professor, Emeritus
School of Forest Sciences, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology
Modelling ecosystem services, simulation, optimization
278/278 items-
Boron fertilization in a boreal Norway spruce forest: long-lasting effects on growth and nutrition
Vartiainen, Arttu; Bhatt, Vijay D; Aphalo, Pedro J; Pukkala, Timo; Räisänen, Mikko; Kilpeläinen, Jouni; Heräjärvi, Henrik; Haapala, Antti; Lehto, Tarja. 2025. Plant and soil. [Epub ahead of print 16 Jan 2025]: 1-15 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
A hybrid method for delineating homogeneous forest segments from LiDAR data in Catalonia (Spain)
Pukkala, Timo; Aquilue, Nuria; Kutchartt, Erico; Trasobares, Antoni. 2024. European journal of remote sensing. 57: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Models for simulating the temporal development of black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera L. ssp. trichocarpa (Torr. & Gray ex Hook.) Brayshaw) plantations in Iceland
Heidarsson, Larus; Pukkala, Timo; Snorrason, Arnor. 2024. Icelandic agricultural sciences. 37: 25-37 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Stochastic Optimization of the Management Schedule of Korean Pine Plantations
Tong, Qianping; Jin, Xingji; Pukkala, Timo; Dong, Lihu; Li, Fengri. 2024. Forests. 15: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Developing Weibull-based diameter distributions for the major coniferous species in Heilongjiang Province, China
Sa, Qila; Jin, Xingji; Pukkala, Timo; Li, Fengri. 2023. Journal of forestry research. 34: 1803-1812 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Does expanding wood use in construction and textile markets contribute to climate change mitigation?
Hurmekoski, Elias; Kunttu, Janni; Heinonen, Tero; Pukkala, Timo; Peltola, Heli. 2023. Renewable and sustainable energy reviews. 174: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Individual-tree growth models for lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) in Iceland
Heidarsson, Larus; Pukkala, Timo; Snorrason, Arnor. 2023. Icelandic agricultural sciences. 36: 81-93 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
A Comparison of Four Methods for Automatic Delineation of Tree Stands from Grids of LiDAR Metrics
Sun, Yusen; Jin, Xingji; Pukkala, Timo; Li, Fengri. 2022. Remote sensing. 14: . 6192 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Effect of Land-Use Change on Runoff in Hyrcania
Ahmadi-Sani, Naser; Razaghnia, Lida; Pukkala, Timo. 2022. Land. 11: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Improved guidelines for any-aged forestry
Pukkala, Timo. 2022. Journal of forestry research. 33: 1443-1457 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Individual-tree growth models for Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) in Iceland
Heiðarsson L; Pukkala T; Snorrason A. . 2022. Icelandic agricultural sciences. 35: 3-16 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Mitigating the risk of wind damage at the forest landscape level by using stand neighbourhood and terrain elevation information in forest planning
Ruotsalainen, Roope; Pukkala, Timo; Ikonen, Veli-Pekka; Packalen, Petteri; Peltola, Heli. 2022. Forestry. 2023; 96: 121-134 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Predicting Individual Tree Diameter of Larch (Larix olgensis) from UAV-LiDAR Data Using Six Different Algorithms
Sun, Yusen; Jin, Xingji; Pukkala, Timo; Li, Fengri. 2022. Remote sensing. 14: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Species selection in areas subjected to risk of root and butt rot: applying Precision forestry in Norway
Aza, Ana; Kallio, A Maarit I; Pukkala, Timo; Hietala, Ari; Gobakken, Terje; Astrup, Rasmus. 2022. Silva fennica. 56: . 10732 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Two-level optimization approach to tree-level forest planning
Sun, Yusen; Jin, Xingji; Pukkala, Timo; Li, Fengri. 2022. Forest ecosystems. 9: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
长白落叶松人工林多目标经营模式研究 [Research on multi-target business model of larch plantation in Changbai]
Song Lei; Jin, Xingji; Pukkala, Timo; Li, Fengri. 2022. Nanjing Linye Daxue xuebao. 47: 150-158 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Assessing the externalities of timber production
Pukkala, Timo. 2021. Forest policy and economics -
Can Kohonen networks delineate forest stands?
Pukkala, Timo. 2021. Scandinavian journal of forest research -
Developing distance-dependent growth models from irregularly measured sample plot data - A case for Larix olgensis in Northeast China
Dong, Lihu; Pukkala, Timo; Li, Fengri; Jin, Xingji. 2021. Forest ecology and management -
Economic losses in carbon forestry due to errors in inventory data
Ruotsalainen, Roope; Pukkala, Timo; Kangas, Annika; Myllymäki, Mari; Packalen, Petteri. 2021. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Effects of errors in basal area and mean diameter on the optimality of forest management prescriptions
Ruotsalainen, Roope; Pukkala, Timo; Kangas, Annika; Packalen, Petteri. 2021. Annals of forest science -
Measuring the social performance of forest management
Pukkala, Timo. 2021. Journal of forestry research -
Self-learning growth simulator for modelling forest stand dynamics in changing conditions
Pukkala, Timo; Vauhkonen, Jari; Korhonen, Kari T; Packalen, Tuula. 2021. Forestry -
Stand delineation based on laser scanning data and simulated annealing
Sun, Yusen; Wang, Weifang; Pukkala, Timo; Jin, Xingji. 2021. European journal of forest research -
Analyzing ingrowth using zero-inflated negative binomial models
Lappi, Juha; Pukkala, Timo. 2020. Silva fennica -
At what carbon price forest cutting should stop
Pukkala, Timo. 2020. Journal of forestry research -
Calculating the Additional Carbon Sequestration of Finnish Forestry
Pukkala, Timo. 2020. Journal of sustainable forestry -
Combining spatial and economic criteria intree-level harvest planning
Packalen, Petteri; Pukkala, Timo; Pascual, Adrián. 2020. Forest ecosystems -
Delineating forest stands from grid data
Pukkala, Timo. 2020. Forest ecosystems -
Evaluating the accuracy of ALS-based removal estimates against actual logging data
Vähä-Konka, Ville; Maltamo, Matti; Pukkala, Timo; Kärhä, Kalle. 2020. Annals of forest science -
Impact of structural changes in wood-using industries on net carbon emissions in Finland
Hurmekoski, E; Myllyviita, T; Seppälä, J; Heinonen, T; Kilpeläinen, A; Pukkala, T; Mattila, T; Hetemäki, L; Asikainen, A, Peltola, H. 2020. Journal of industrial ecology -
Improved Cellular Automaton for Stand Delineation
Jia, Weiwei; Sun, Yusen; Pukkala, Timo; Jin, Xingji. 2020. Forests -
Modelling Non-timber Forest Products for Forest Management Planning in Europe
Miina, Jari; Kurttila, Mikko; Calama, Rafael; de-Miguel, Sergio; Pukkala, Timo. 2020. Current forestry reports -
Modelling the cone yields of Korean pine
Jin, X; Li, F; Pukkala, T; Dong, L. 2020. Forest ecology and management -
Multi-objective forestry increases the production of ecosystem services
Díaz-Yáñez, Olalla; Pukkala, Timo; Packalen, Petteri; Lexer, Manfred J; Peltola, Heli. 2020. Forestry -
Trade-offs between economic profitability, erosion risk mitigation and biodiversity in the management of uneven-aged Abies alba Mill. stands
Selkimäki, Mari; González-Olabarria, José Ramón; Trasobares, Antoni; Pukkala, Timo. 2020. Annals of forest science -
Variation in forest landowners' management preferences reduces timber supply from Finnish forests
Heinonen, Tero; Pukkala, Timo; Asikainen, Antti. 2020. Annals of forest science -
A new approach to the development of management instructions for tree plantations
Jin, Xingji; Pukkala, Timo; Li, Fengri. 2019. Forestry -
Developing growth models for tree plantations using inadequate data - a case for Korean pine in Northeast China
Jin, Xingji; Pukkala, Timo; Li, Fengri; Dong, Lihu. 2019. Silva fennica -
Effect of increased wood harvesting and utilization on required greenhouse gas displacement factors of wood-based products and fuels
Seppälä, Jyri; Heinonen, Tero; Pukkala, Timo; Kilpeläinen, Antti; Mattila, Tuomas; Myllyviita, Tanja; Asikainen, Antti; Peltola, Heli. 2019. Journal of environmental management -
How to manage mixed secondary forest in a sustainable way?
Dong, L; Jin, X; Pukkala, T; Li, F; Liu, Z. 2019. European journal of forest research -
Ilmastonmuutoksen torjunta edellyttää maltillisia metsänhakkuita
Mehtätalo, Lauri; Pukkala, Timo. 2019. HELSINGIN SANOMAT -
Multifunctional comparison of different management strategies in boreal forests
Díaz-Yáñez, O; Pukkala, T; Packalen, P; Peltola, H. 2019. Forestry -
Simulating the effects of wind and snow damage on the optimal management of Norwegian spruce forests
Díaz-Yáñez, Olalla; Arias-Rodil, Manuel; Mola-Yudego, Blas; González-Olabarria, José Ramón, Pukkala, Timo. 2019. Forestry -
Stem taper and bark functions for Norway spruce in Norway
Pukkala, Timo; Holt Hanssen, Kjersti; Andreassen, Kjell. 2019. Silva fennica -
The effects of sample plot selection strategy and the number of sample plots on inoptimality losses in forest management planning based on airborne laser scanning data
Ruotsalainen, R; Pukkala, T; Kangas, A; Vauhkonen, J; Tuominen, S; Packalen, P. 2019. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Using ALS raster data in forest planning
Pukkala, Timo. 2019. Journal of forestry research -
Aggregating microsegments into harvest blocks by using spatial optimization and proximity objectives
Heinonen, Tero; Mäkinen, Antti; Rasinmäki, Jussi; Pukkala, Timo. 2018. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Carbon forestry is surprising
Pukkala, Timo. 2018. Forest ecosystems -
Effect of species composition on ecosystem services in European boreal forest
Pukkala, Timo. 2018. Journal of forestry research -
Effect of wind damage on the habitat suitability of saproxylic species in a boreal forest landscape
Zubizarreta-Gerendiain, Ane; Pukkala, Timo; Peltola, Heli. 2018. Journal of forestry research -
Effects of Plot Positioning Errors on the Optimality of Harvest Prescriptions When Spatial Forest Planning Relies on ALS Data
Pascual, A; Pukkala, T; De-Miguel, S. 2018. Forests -
Effects of forest management and harvesting intensity on the timber supply from Finnish forests in a changing climate
Heinonen, Tero; Pukkala, Timo; Kellomäki, Seppo; Strandman, Harri; Asikainen, Antti; Venäläinen, Ari; Peltola, Heli. 2018. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Influence of size and shape of forest inventory units on the layout of harvest blocks in numerical forest planning
Pascual, Adrián; Pukkala, Timo; de Miguel, Sergio; Pesonen, Annukka; Packalen, Petteri. 2018. European journal of forest research -
Influence of timber harvesting costs on the layout of cuttings and economic return in forest planning based on dynamic treatment units
Pascual, Adrian; Pukkala, Timo; de-Miguel, Sergio; Pesonen, Annukka; Packalen, Petteri. 2018. Forest systems -
Instructions for optimal any-aged forestry
Pukkala, Timo. 2018. Forestry -
Meta optimization of stand management with population-based methods
Jin, Xingji; Pukkala, Timo; Li, Fengri. 2018. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Metsätalouden suunnittelun tutkimuspolut
Packalen, Tuula; Pukkala, Timo. 2018. Taksaattoriklubi -
Optimal management of larch (Larix olgensis A. Henry) plantations in Northeast China when timber production and carbon stock are considered
Peng, Wei; Pukkala, Timo; Jin, Xingji; Li, Fengri. 2018. Annals of forest science -
Optimized cellular automaton for stand delineation
Pukkala, Timo. 2018. Journal of forestry research -
Optimizing the debarking and cutting schedule of cork oak stands
Pasalodos-Tato, María; Pukkala, Timo; Cañellas, Isabel; Sánchez-González, Mariola. 2018. Annals of forest science -
Optimizing the joint production of timber and marketed mushrooms in Picea abies stands in eastern Finland
Tahvanainen, Veera; Miina, Jari; Pukkala, Timo; Kurttila, Mikko. 2018. Journal of forest economics -
Synergies and trade-offs in the production of NWFPs predicted in boreal forests
Kurttila, Mikko; Pukkala, Timo; Miina, Jari. 2018. Forests -
Adaptive management rules for Pinus nigra Arnold ssp. salzmannii stands under risk of fire
González-Olabarria José Ramón, Garcia-Gonzalo Jordi, Mola-Yudego Blas, Pukkala Timo. 2017. Annals of forest science -
Does management improve the carbon balance of forestry?
Pukkala Timo. 2017. Forestry -
How does forest composition and structure affect the stability against wind and snow?
Olalla Diaz Yanez, Mola-Yudego Blas, González-Olabarria José Ramón, Pukkala, Timo. 2017. Forest ecology and management -
Modelling of the spread of Dothistroma septosporum in Europe
Möykkynen T, Fraser S, Woodward S, Brown A, Pukkala T. 2017. Forest Pathology -
Optimal crosscutting: any effect on optimal stand management?
Pukkala Timo. 2017. European journal of forest research -
Optimal management of Korean pine plantations in multifunctional forestry
Jin Xingji, Pukkala Timo, Li Fengri, Dong Lihu. 2017. Journal of forestry research -
Optimal nitrogen fertilization of boreal conifer forest
Pukkala Timo. 2017. Forest ecosystems -
Scenario analyses for the effects of harvesting intensity on development of forest resources, timber supply, carbon balance and biodiversity of Finnish forestry
Heinonen T, Pukkala T, Mehtätalo L, Asikainen A, Kangas J, Peltola H. 2017. Forest policy and economics -
Scenario analyses on the effects of fertilization, improved regeneration material, and ditch network maintenance on timber production of Finnish forests
Heinonen Tero, Pukkala Timo, Asikainen Asikainen, Peltola Heli. 2017. European journal of forest research -
Transfer and response functions as a means to predict the effect of climate change on timber supply
Pukkala Timo. 2017. Forestry -
A management planning system for even-aged and uneven-aged forests in northeast China
Jin X, Pukkala T, Li F. 2016. Journal of forestry research -
Continuous cover management reduces wind damage
Pukkala Timo, Laiho Olavi, Lähde Erkki. 2016. Forest ecology and management -
Effects of wind damage on the optimal management of boreal forests under current and changing climatic conditions
Zubizarreta-Gerendiain Ane, Pukkala Timo, Peltola Heli. 2016. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Fine-tuning heuristic methods for combinatorial optimization in forest planning
Jin Xingji, Pukkala Timo, Li Fengri. 2016. European journal of forest research -
Integrated use of GIS, remote sensing and multi-criteria decision analysis to assess ecological land suitability in multi-functional forestry
Ahmadi Sani, N, Babaie Kafaky S, Pukkala T, Mataji A. 2016. Journal of forestry research -
Optimal management of Pinus pinea stands when cone and timber
Pasalodos-Tato M, Pukkala T, Calama R, Canellas I, Sanchez-Gonzalez M. 2016. European journal of forest research -
Optimal multi-product management of stands producing timber and wild berries
Miina Jari, Pukkala Timo, Kurttila Mikko. 2016. European journal of forest research -
Plenterwald, Dauerwald, or clearcut?
Pukkala Timo. 2016. Forest policy and economics -
Selecting the trees to be harvested based on the relative value growth of the remaining trees
Vauhkonen Jari, Pukkala Timo. 2016. European journal of forest research -
Using spatial optimization to create dynamic harvest blocks from LiDAR-based small interpretation units
Pascual A, Pukkala T, Rodríguez F, de-Miguel S. 2016. Forests -
Which type of forest management provides most ecosystem services?
Pukkala Timo. 2016. Forest ecosystems -
Climate-sensitive models for mushroom yields and diversity in Cistus ladanifer scrublands
Hernández-Rodríguez María, de-Miguel Sergio, Pukkala Timo, Oria-de-Rueda Juan Andrés, Martín-Pinto Pablo. 2015. Agricultural and forest meteorology -
Effects of wood harvesting and utilisation policies on the carbon balance of forestry under changing climate: A Finnish case study
Zubizarreta-Gerendiain Ane, Pukkala Timo, Peltola Heli. 2015. Forest policy and economics -
Monitavoitteinen metsäsuunnittelu
Kurttila Mikko, Pukkala Timo, Miina Jari. 2015. Luonnonvarakeskus -
Multipurpose use possibility of Zagros forest areas using GIS, RS and AHP
Sani Naser Ahmadi, Kafaky Sasan Babaie, Mataji Asadollah, Pukkala Timo. 2015. Agro-Geoinformatics -
Mustikka- ja puolukkasatojen mallitus ja huomioiminen metsien käsittelyssä
Miina Jari, Turtiainen Marjut, Salo Kauko, Hotanen Juha-Pekka, Pukkala Timo. 2015. Luonnonvarakeskus -
Optimizing continuous cover management of boreal forest when timber prices and tree growth are stochastic
Pukkala Timo. 2015. Forest ecosystems -
Simulated Heterobasidion disease development in Picea abies stands following precommercial thinning and the economic justification for control measures
Wang Liying, Gunulf Aanna, Pukkala Timo, Ronnberg Jonas. 2015. Scandinavian journal of forest research -
Use of depth-first search and direct search methods to optimize even-aged stand management: a case study involving maritime pine in Asturias (northwest Spain)
Arias-Rodil Manuel, Pukkala Timo, González-González José Mario, Barrio-Anta Marcos, Diéguez-Aranda Ulises. 2015. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Which trees should be removed in thinning treatments?
Pukkala Timo, Lähde Erkki, Laiho Olavi. 2015. Forest ecosystems -
Comparison of the potential spread of pinewood nematode (Bursaphelencus xylophilus) in Finland and Iberia simulated with a cellular automaton model
Pukkala T, Möykkynen T, Robinet C. 2014. Forest Pathology -
Does biofuel harvesting and continuous cover management increase carbon sequestration?
Pukkala Timo. 2014. Forest policy and economics -
Dynamic Treatment Units in Forest Management Planning
Pukkala Timo, Packalén Petteri, Heinonen T. 2014. Managing Forest Ecosystems -
Effects of climate change on optimised stand management in the boreal forests of central Finland
Zubizarreta-Gerendiain A, Pukkala T, Kellomäki S, Garcia-Gonzalo J, Ikonen V-P, Peltola H. 2014. European journal of forest research -
Evaluation of different approaches to individual tree growth and survival modelling using data collected at irregular intervals - a case for Pinus patula in Kenya
Juma Rita, Pukkala Timo, de-Miguel Sergio, Muchiri Mbae. 2014. Forest ecosystems -
Growth models for six Eucalyptus species in Angola
Delgado-Matas Cristobal, Pukkala Timo. 2014. Southern forests -
Height increment of understorey Norway spruces under different tree canopies
Laiho Olavi, Pukkala Timo, Lähde Erkki. 2014. Forest ecosystems -
Impact of management intensity on landscape-level mushroom productivity: A regional model-based scenario analysis
de-Miguel Sergio, Bonet Jóse Antonio, Pukkala Timo, Martinez de Aragón Juan. 2014. Forest ecology and management -
Integración del riesgo de incendio en la planificación de la gestión forestal a nivel de paisaje
Gonzalez Olabarria J-R, Pukkala T. 2014. Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales -
Integrating fire risk in stand management scheduling. An application to Maritime pine stands in Portugal
Garcia-Gonzalo J, Pukkala T, Borges JG. 2014. Annals of operations research -
Integrating pine honeydew honey production into forest management optimization
de-Miguel Sergio, Pukkala Timo, Yesil Ahmet. 2014. European journal of forest research -
Land use evolution and management under recurrent conflict conditions: Umbundu agroforestry system in the Angolan Highlands
Delgado-Matas Cristobal, Mola-Yudego Blas, Gritten David, Kiala-Kalusinga David, Pukkala Timo. 2014. Land use policy -
Modelling the potential spread of Fusarium circinatum, the causal agent of pitch canker in Europe
Möykkynen Timo, Capretti Paolo, Pukkala Timo. 2014. Annals of forest science -
Modelling the spread of a potential invasive pest, the Siberian moth (Dendrolimus sibiricus) in Europe
Möykkynen Timo, Pukkala Timo. 2014. Forest ecosystems -
Modelo Integral de regeneracion de P. pinea L.: esquemas optimos de la gestion bajo el clima actual y future.
Manso, R., Calama, R., Pukkala, T., Miina, J. & Pardos, M.. 2014. -
Optimizing any-aged management of mixed boreal forest under residual basal area constraints
Pukkala Timo, Lähde Erkki, Laiho Olavi. 2014. Journal of forestry research -
Stand management optimization - the role of simplifications
Pukkala Timo, Lähde Erkki, Laiho Olavi. 2014. Forest ecosystems -
The use of forest decision support systems in Finland
Kurttila M, Heinonen T, Hujala T, Kangas A, Nuutinen T, Pukkala T, Pykäläinen J, Rasinmäki J, Tikkanen J. 2014. Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning -
Using optimization to solve tree misidentification and uneven measurement interval problems in individual-tree modeling of Balsa stand dynamics.
de-Miguel Sergio, Pukkala Timo, Morales Manuel. 2014. Ecological engineering -
A comparison of fixed- and mixed-effects modeling in tree growth and yield prediction of an indigenous neotropical species (Centrolobium tomentosum) in a plantation system.
de-Miguel Sergio, Guzmán Gustavo, Pukkala Timo. 2013. Forest ecology and management -
Alikasvoksesta ylispuuksi
Lähde, E. & Pukkala, T.. 2013. Joen Forest Program Consulting -
Dynamics treatment units: combining spatial optimization methods and LiDAR aiming at a flexible and adaptive forest management and planning.
de Miguel, S., Pukkala, T. Pasalodos, J.. 2013. Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales -
Growth models based on radial increment observations for eight pine species in Angola.
Delgado-Matas C, Pukkala T. 2013. Southern forests -
Impact on pine honey production on wood production and forest management.
Pukkala T, Yesil A, de Miguel S. 2013. -
Intra-specific differences in allometric equations for aboveground biomass of eastern Mediterranean Pinus brutia
de-Miguel S, Pukkala T, Nabil A, Shater Z. 2013. Annals of forest science -
Jatkuva kasvatus vähentää puuntuotannon ja metsän muiden käyttömuotojen välisiä ristiriitoja.
Lähde, E. & Pukkala, T.. 2013. Joen Forest Program Consulting -
Jokametsän kasvumallit laajentavat suunnittelun mahdollisuuksa.
Pukkala, T.. 2013. Joen Forest Program Consulting -
Metsälaki ja metsälaskelmat - eroja ja yhtäläisyyksiä.
Pukkala, T.. 2013. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja -
Metsätalouden hiilitase - pelkkä nollako?
Pukkala, T.. 2013. Joen Forest Program Consulting -
Modelling Pinus pinea forests management to attain natural regeneration under present and future climatic scenarios.
Manso R, Pukkala T, Pardos M, Miina J, Calama R. 2013. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Optimization of the traditional land-use system in the Angolan highlands.
Delgado-Matas, C. & Pukkala, T.. 2013. International journal of sustainable development and world ecology -
Productivity and optimal management of the uneven-aged hardwood forests of Hyrcania
Bayat M, Pukkala T, Namiranian M, Zobeiri M. 2013. European journal of forest research -
Species interactions in the dynamics of even- and uneven-aged boreal forests.
Pukkala T, Lähde E, Laiho O. 2013. Journal of sustainable forestry -
A model for predicting the growth of Eucalyptus globulus seedling stands in Bolivia
Guzmán G, Morales M, Pukkala T, de-Miguel S. 2012. Forest systems -
Anticipatory vs adaptive optimization of stand management when tree growth and timber prices are stochastic
Pukkala Timo, Kellomäki Seppo. 2012. Forestry -
Continuous Cover Forestry
Pukkala, T. von Gadow, K (eds.). 2012. Springer -
Effects of forest inventory errors on the area and spatial layout of harvest blocks
Islam N, Pukkala T, Kurttila M, Mehtätalo L, Heinonen T. 2012. European journal of forest research -
Evaluating marginal and conditional predictions of taper models in the absence of calibration data
de Miguel Sergio, Mehtätalo Lauri, Shater Zuheir, Kraid Bassel, Pukkala Timo. 2012. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Even-aged or uneven-aged modeling approach? A case for Pinus brutia
de Miguel, S., Pukkala, T., Assaf, N. & Bonet, J.-A.. 2012. Annals of forest science -
Growth and yield of nine pine species in Angola.
Delgado-Matas, C. & Pukkala, T.. 2012. Journal of forestry research -
Historical emergence and current application of CCF.
Schütz, J.-P., Pukkala, T., Donoso, P.J. and von Gadow, K.. 2012. Managing Forest Ecosystems -
Immediate effect of thinning on the yield of Lactarius group deliciosus in Pinus pinaster forests in Northeastern Spain
Bonet, J.A., de Miquel, S., Martínez de Aragón, J., Pukkala, T. & Palahí, M.. 2012. Forest ecology and management -
Integration of GIS, RS and MCDM for Ecological Land Suitability Assessment In Multiple-use Forestry.
Ahmadi-Sani, N., Babaie-Kafaki, S., Pukkala, T. & Mataji, A.. 2012. Archives des sciences -
Models for simulating the development of Siberian larch (Larix sibirica) plantations in Hallormsstaður Iceland.
Heiðarsson, L. & Pukkala, T.. 2012. Icelandic agricultural sciences -
Predicting the growth and yield of Pinus radiata in Bolivia
Guzman, G., Pukkala, T., Palahí, M. & de-Miquel, S. 2012. Annals of forest science -
Relationships between economic profitability and habitat quality of Siberian jay in uneven-aged Norway spruce forest.
Pukkala, T., Sulkava, R., Lähde, E. & Jaakkola, L.. 2012. Forest ecology and management -
Site and stand characteristics related to surface erosion occurrence in forests of Catalonia (Spain)
Selkimäki Mari, González-Olabarria José Ramon, Pukkala Timo. 2012. European journal of forest research -
Yield models for ectomycorrhizal mushrooms in Pinus sylvestris forests with special focus on Boletus edulis and Lactarius group deliciosus
Martínez-Peña F, de-Miguel S, Pukkala T, Bonet JA, Ortega-Martínez P, Aldea J, Martínez de Aragón J. 2012. Forest ecology and management -
A growth and yield model for even-aged Pinus brutia Ten. stands in Syria.
Shater, Z., de-Miguel, S., Kraid, B, Pukkala, T. & Palahí, M.. 2011. Annals of forest science -
A multifunctional comparison of even-aged and uneven-aged forest management in a boreal region
Pukkala, T., Lähde, E., Laiho, O. Salo, K. & Hotanen, J.-P.. 2011. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Combining a predicted diameter distribution with an estimate based on a small sample of diameters
Mehtätalo Lauri, Comas Carlos, Pukkala Timo Palahi Marc. 2011. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Comparison of the growth of six Eucalyptus species in Angola.
Delgado-Matas, C. & Pukkala, T.. 2011. International journal of forestry research -
Consideration of strong winds, their directional distribution and snow loading in wind risk assessment related to landscape level forest planning.
Heinonen Tero, Pukkala Timo, Ikonen Veli-Pekka, Peltola, Heli, Gregow Hilppa & Venäläinen Ari. 2011. Forest ecology and management -
Continuous Cover Forestry
Pukkala, T. & von Gadow, K. (eds.). 2011. Springer -
Continuous Cover Forestry in Finland - Recent Research Results
Pukkala, T., Lähde, E. & Laiho, O.. 2011. Springer -
Dynamic treatment units in Eucalyptus plantations
Packalén, P., Heinonen, T., Pukkala, T., Vauhkonen, J. and Maltamo, M. 2011. Forest science -
Integrating fire risk considerations in landscape-level forest planning
González-Olabarria, J.-R. & Pukkala, T.. 2011. Forest ecology and management -
Metsän jatkuva kasvatus.
Pukkala, T., Lähde, E. & Laiho, O.. 2011. Joen Forest Program Consulting -
Optimizing forest management in Finland with carbon subsidies and taxes.
Pukkala, Timo. 2011. Forest policy and economics -
Predicting understory maximum shrubs cover using altitude and overstory basal area in different Mediterranean forests.
Coll Lluís, González-Olabarria José Ramón, Mola-Yudego Blas, Pukkala Timo & Messier Christian. 2011. European journal of forest research -
Taper functions for lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) and Siberian larch (Larix sibirica) in Iceland
Heidarsson, L. & Pukkala, T.. 2011. Icelandic agricultural sciences -
Uneven- vs even-aged management in Finnish boreal forests
Laiho Olavi, Lähde Erkki and Pukkala Timo. 2011. Forestry -
Using optimization for fitting individual-tree growth models for uneven-aged stands
Pukkala, T., Lähde, E. & Laiho, O.. 2011. European journal of forest research -
Variable-density thinning in uneven-aged forest management ¿ a case for Norway spruce in Finland
Pukkala, T., Lähde, E. and Laiho, O.. 2011. Forestry -
An application of a reduced cost approach to spatial forest planning
Pukkala, T. Heinonen, T. & Kurttila, M.. 2009. Forest science -
Effect of the inclusion of mushroom values on the optimal management of even-aged pine stands of Catalonia
Palahi, M., Pukkala, T., Bonet, J.A., Colinas, C., Fisher, R.F. & Martinez se Aragon, J.R.. 2009. Forest science -
Growth and yield models for uneven-sized forest stands in Finland.
Pukkala, T., Lähde, E. & Laiho, O.. 2009. Forest ecology and management -
Integrating the risk of wind damage into forest planning
Heinonen, Tero, Pukkala, Timo, Ikonen, Veli-Pekka, Peltola, Heli, Venäläinen, Ari, Dupont, Sylvain. 2009. Forest ecology and management -
Modelling the production of wild mushrooms in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forests in Catalonia.
Palahi, M., Bonet, J.A., Pukkala, T., Fisher, C., Martinez de Aragon, J. & Colinas, C.. 2009. EFI Proceedings -
Models for the optimal management of Pinus radiata D. Don in Galicia (north-western Spain) under risk of fire.
Pasalodos-Tato, M.., Pukkala, T. & Castedo-Dorado, F.. 2009. Allgemaine Forst und Jagd Zeitung -
Optimal management of Pinus radiata silvopastoral systems established on abandoned agricultural land in Galicia (north-western Spain).
Pasalodos-Tato, M.., Pukkala, T., Rodriguez, R., Nunez, F. & Mosquera Losada, M.R.. 2009. Silva fennica -
Population-based methods in the optimization of stand management
Pukkala, T.. 2009. Silva fennica -
Predicting scenic beauty of forest stands in Catalonia (North-east Spain).
Blasco, E., González-Olabarria, J.R., Rodriguéz-Veiga, P., Pukkala, T., Kolehmainen, O. & Palahí, M. 2009. Journal of forestry research -
Tilatason metsäsuunnitelman koostaminen metsikkötason optimoinnilla.
Kurttila, M.. & Pukkala, T.. 2009. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja -
Assessing fire risk in stand-level management in Galicia. Modelling
Palalodos-Tato, M. & Pukkala, T.. 2008. WITPress -
Designing Green Landscapes.
Gadow, K.v. & Pukkala, T.. 2008. Springer Science+Business Media B.V. -
Empirical models for predicting the production of wild mushrooms in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forests in the Central Pyrenees
Bonet, J.A., Pukkala, T., Fischer, C., Palahí, M., Martinez de Aragon, J. & Colinas, C.. 2008. Annals of forest science -
Integrating multiple services in the numerical analysis of landscape design.
Pukkala, T.. 2008. Managing Forest Ecosystems -
Modelling site quality and individual-tree growth in pure and mixed Pinus brutia stands in north-east Greece
Palahi, M. Pukkala, T., Kasimiadis, D., Konstantinos, P. & Papageorgiou, A.C.. 2008. Annals of forest science -
Optimizing the management of Pinus nigra Arn. stands under endogenous risk of fire in Catalonia.
González-Olabarria, J.R., Palahí, M., Pukkala, T. & Trasobares, A.. 2008. Investigacion Agraria: Sistemas Recursos Forestales -
The use of tree level vs. stand level data in forest planning ¿ does it really matter?
Palahi, M. Pukkala, T. & Trasobares, A.. 2008. Annals of forest science -
Application of ant colony optimization for the risk management of wind damage in forest planning
Zeng Hongcheng;Pukkala Timo;Peltola Heli;Kellomäki Seppo. 2007. Silva fennica -
Biodiversity conservation in commercial boreal forestry: the optimal rotation age and retention tree volume
Koskela Erkki;Ollikainen Markku & Pukkala Timo. 2007. Forest science -
Biodiversity policies in commercial boreal forests: optimal design of subsidy and tax combinations.
Koskela;E.;Ollikainen;M. & Pukkala;T.. 2007. Forest policy and economics -
Characterization of forest fires in Catalonia (north-east Spain).
González;J.R. & Pukkala;T.. 2007. European Journal of Forest Research -
Comparison of approaches to integrate energy wood estimation into the Finnish compartment inventory system
Tahvanainen Timo;Kaartinen Kalle;Pukkala Timo;Maltamo Matti. 2007. Silva fennica -
Comparison of beta, Johnsons SB, Weibull and truncated Weibull functions for modeling the diameter distribution of forest stands in Catalonia (north-east Spain)
Palahí;M.;Pukkala;T.;Blasco;E. & Trasobares;A.. 2007. European Journal of Forest Research -
Juurikäävän leviäminen Etelä-Suomen kuusikoissa ja kuusi-mänty-sekametsissä mekanistisen mallin mukaan.
Möykkynen Timo & Pukkala Timo. 2007. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja -
Maintenance of flying squirrel habitat and timber harvest: a site specific spatial model in forest planning calculations
Hurme Eija;Kurttila;Mikko;Mönkkönen;Mikko;Heinonen Tero & Pukkala Timo. 2007. Landscape ecology -
Optimising the management of even-aged Pinus sylvestris L. stands in Galicia, north-western Spain
Pasalodos-Tato;M. & Pukkala;T.. 2007. Annals of forest science -
Possibilities to aggregate raster cells through spatial optimization in boreal planning.
Heinonen Tero;Kurttila Mikko & Pukkala Timo. 2007. Silva fennica -
Predicting stand damage and tree survival in burned forests in Catalonia (North_East Spain).
González;J.R.;Trasobares;A.;Palia;M. & Pukkala;T.. 2007. Annals of forest science -
The use of heurestic optimization in risk management of wind damage in forest planning
Zeng Hongcheng;Pukkala Timo;Peltola Heli. 2007. Forest ecology and management -
Using expert knowledge to model forest stand vulnerability to fire
Gonzales Jose;Kolehmainen Osmo;Pukkala Timo. 2007. Computers and electronics in agriculture -
Biologisten prosessien taloudellinen ohjaus metsäsuunnittelussa.
Pukkala;T.. 2006. Gaudeamus -
Calibrating predicted tree diameter distributions in Catalonia, Spain.
Palahí;M.;Pukkala;T. & Trasobares;A.. 2006. Silva fennica -
Interactive forest planning with NIPF owners.
Pykäläinen;J.;Kurttila;M. & Pukkala;T.. 2006. Working papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute -
Modelització del risc dincendis per la gestió forestal a Catalunya
Palahí;M.;González;J.R.;Pukkala;T. & Trasobares;A.. 2006. Silvicultura -
Modelling the diameter distribution of Pinus sylvestris, Pinus nigra and Pinus halepensis forest stands in Catalonia using the truncated Weibulll function.
Palahí;M.;Pukkala;T. & Trasobares;A.. 2006. Forestry -
Monimuotoisuuden edistäminen metsien spatiaaliseen rakenteeseen vaikuttamalla.
Pukkala;T. & Kurttila;M.. 2006. -
Muut kuin puuaineiset tuotteet metsäsuunnittelussa.
Pukkala;T.. 2006. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja -
Optimising the semi-continuous cover forestry of Finland.
Pukkala;T.. 2006. Allgemaine Forst und Jagd Zeitung -
Optimizing heuristic search in forest planning.
Pukkala;T.& Heinonen;T.. 2006. Nonlinear analysis: real world applications -
Puun hinta ja taloudellisesti optimaalinen hakkuun ajankohta.
Pukkala;T.. 2006. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja -
A fire probability model for forest stands in Catalonia (north-east Spain). Annals of Forest Science
González;J.R.;Palahí;M.;Trasobares;A. & Timo Pukkala;T.. 2005. Annals of forest science -
Examining the performance of six heuristic optimization techniques in different forest planning problems
Pukkala;T. & Kurttila;M.. 2005. Silva fennica -
Growth Models for the indigenous forests and trees in Savannakhet, Lao PRD.
Pukkala;T.. 2005. Sustainable Forestry and Rural Development Project - Lao PDR -
Integrating fire risk considerations in forest management planning in Spain a landscape level perspective
González;J.R.. Palahí;M. & Pukkala;T.. 2005. Landscape ecology -
Metsikön tuottoarvon ennustemallit kivennäismaan männiköille, kuusikoille ja rauduskoivikoillle.
Pukkala;T.. 2005. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja -
Modeling infection and spread of Heterobasidion annosum in coniferous forests in Europe.
Thor;M;Möykkynen;T;Pratt;J E;Pukkala;T;Rönnberg;J;Shaw;C G III;Stenlid;J;Ståhl;G & Woodward;S.. 2005. U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service -
Modeling infection and spread of Heterobasidion annosum in even-aged Fennoscandian conifer stands
Pukkala;T.;Möykkynen;T.;Thor;M.;Rönnberg;J.;Stenlid;J.. 2005. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Multi-attribute assessment of acceptability of operations in the pulp and paper industries
Mikkilä;M.;Kolehmainen;O. & Pukkala;T.. 2005. Forest policy and economics -
Métodos de optimización heurística para la resolución de modelos de planificación forestal.
Palahí Marc & Pukkala Timo. 2005. Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales -
Optimising the management of Pinus sylvestris L. stand under the risk of fire in Catalonia (north-east Spain)
Gonzalez;J.R.;Pukkala;T. & Palahi;M.. 2005. Annals of forest science -
Optimising the management of a heterogeneous stand
Pukkala Timo & Miina Jari. 2005. Silva fennica -
Optimising the management of uneven-aged Pinus sylvestris L. and Pinus nigra Arn. Mixed stands in Catalonia, north-east Spain
Trasobares;A. & Pukkala;T.. 2005. Annals of forest science -
Regional expert models for bilberry and cowberry yields in Finland
Ihalainen Marjut;Pukkala Timo & Saastamoinen Olli. 2005. Boreal environment research -
STAND: A decision support system for the management of even-aged stands in Finland
Pukkala;T. & Miina;J.. 2005. Springer -
The use of multi-criteria decision analysis and multi-objective optimisation in forest planning
Pukkala;T.. 2005. Springer -
Volume and Taper Models for Forest Trees in Lao PDR
Pukkala;T.. 2005. Sustainable Forestry and Rural Development Project -
A comparison between one- and two-neighbourhoods in heuristic search with spatial forest management goals
Heinonen Tero & Pukkala Timo. 2004. Silva fennica -
Dealing with ecological objectives in the Monsu planning system
Pukkala Timo. 2004. Silva Lusitana -
Examining alternative landscape metrics in ecological forest landscape planning: a case for capercaillie in Catalonia Investigaciones Agrarias
Palahí ;M.;Pukkala;T.;Pascual;L. & Trasobares;A.. 2004. Sistemas de Recursos Forestales -
Growth and yield model for uneven-aged mixtures of Pinus sylvestris L. and Pinus nigra Arn. in Catalonia, north-east Spain
Trasobares;A.;Pukkala;T. & Miina;J.. 2004. Annals of forest science -
Site index model for Pinus sylvestris in north-east Spain
Palahí Marc;Tome;M.;Pukkala Timo;Trasobares Antoni & Montero;G.. 2004. Forest ecology and management -
Spatiaaliset tekijät uudistusikäisen metsikön hakkuupäätöksessä
Ylikoski;P.;Niskanen;Y.;Hänninen;H.;Kurttila;M. & Pukkala;T.. 2004. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja -
Using past growth to improve individual-tree diameter growth models for uneven-aged mixtures of Pinus sylvestris L. and Pinus nigra Arn. In Catalonia, north-east Spain.
Trasobares;A. & Pukkala;T.. 2004. Annals of forest science -
Combining holding-level economic goals with spatial landscape-level goals in the planning of multiple ownership forestry.
Kurttila Mikko;Pukkala Timo. 2003. Landscape ecology -
Empirical prediction models for Vaccinium Myrtillus and V. vitis-idaea berry yields in North Karelia, Finland
Ihalainen Marjut;Salo Kauko & Pukkala Timo. 2003. Silva fennica -
Individual-tree growth and mortality models for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in north-east Spain.
Palahi Marc;Pukkala Timo;Miina Jari;Montero G.. 2003. Annals of forest science -
Mustikan ja puolukan tuotoksen ennustemallit Pohjois-Karjalan alueelle
Ihalainen Marjut;Salo Kauko & Pukkala Timo. 2003. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja -
Optimising the management of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands in Spain based on individual-tree models.
Palahi Marc;Pukkala Timo. 2003. Annals of forest science -
Predicting the timber supply from private forests - a utility theoretic approach.
Pukkala Timo;Ketonen Taina;Pykäläinen Jouni;Kangas Jyrki. 2003. Forest policy and economics -
Spatial harvest scheduling approach for areas involving multiple ownership.
Jumppanen Juha;Kurttila Mikko;Pukkala Timo;Uuttera Janne. 2003. Forest policy and economics -
Alue-ekologisten tarkastelujen malleja tilanrajat ylittavään yksityismetsien suunnitteluun.
Kurttila Mikko;Pukkala Timo;Kangas Jyrki. 2002. Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen tiedonantoja -
Alue-ekologisten tarkastelujen malleja tilanrajat ylittävään yksityismetsien suunnitteluun
Kurttila;M.;Pukkala;T. and Kangas;J.. 2002. Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen tiedonantoja -
Application of ecological field theory in distance-dependent growth modelling.
Miina Jari;Pukkala Timo. 2002. Forest ecology and management -
Combining economic and ecological efficiency in the forest planning of multiple ownership forestry
Kurttila;M. and Pukkala;T.. 2002. -
Decreasing the fragmentation of old forests in landscapes involving multiple ownership in Finland: economic, social and ecological consequences.
Kurttila Mikko;Uuttera Janne;Mykrä Sakari;Kurki Sami;Pukkala Timo. 2002. Forest ecology and management -
Effect of cuttings on the scenic beauty of a tree stand
Silvennoinen;H.;Pukkala;T. & Tahvanainen;L.. 2002. Scandinavian journal of forest research -
Evaluating the economic, social and ecological effects of restructuring forest landscape under multiple ownership
Kurttila;M.;Uuttera;J.;Mykrä;S.;Kurki;S. & Pukkala;T.. 2002. Forest ecology and management -
Expert models for bilberry and cowberry yields in Finnish forests
Ihalainen Marjut;Alho Juha;Kolehmainen Osmo;Pukkala Timo. 2002. Forest ecology and management -
Introduction to multi-objective forest planning
Pukkala;T.. 2002. Managing Forest Ecosystems -
Measuring non-wood forest outputs in numerical forest planning
Pukkala Timo. 2002. Kluwer Academic Publishers -
Measuring non-wood forest outputs in numerical forest planning
Pukkala;T.. 2002. Managing Forest Ecosystems -
Modelling trees' effect on maize in the Grevillea robusta + maize system in Central Kenya.
Muchiri Mbae;Pukkala Timo;Miina Jari. 2002. Agroforestry Systems -
Models for bilberry and cowberry yields in Forests
Ihalainen;M.;Alho;J.;Kolehmainen;O. & Pukkala;T.. 2002. Forest ecology and management -
Optimising the management of Eucalyptus grandis stands in Zimbabwe
Mabvurira;D. & Pukkala;T.. 2002. Forest ecology and management -
Optimizing the management of maize-Grevillea robusta fields in Kenya.
Muchiri Mbae;Pukkala Timo;Miina Jari. 2002. Agroforestry Systems -
Recommendations for standardized documentation and further development of forest growth simulators
Pretzsch;H.;Biber;P.;Dursky;K.;von Gadow;K.;Hasenauer;H.;Kändler;H.;Kenk. K. Kublin;E.;Nagel;J.;Pukkala;T.;Skovsgaard;J.P.;Sodtke;R. & Sterba;H.. 2002. Forstwissenschaftliche Centralblatt -
Team report from University of Joensuu, Faculty of Forestry, forest mensuration and planning
Maltamo Matti;Anttila Perttu;Eerikäinen Kalle;Lehikoinen Mikko;Löfman Satu;Malinen Jukka;Pukkala Timo;Pykäläinen Jouni;Sironen Susanna. 2002. Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen tiedonantoja -
The performance of alternative spatial objective types in forest planning calculations: a case for flying squirrel and moose.
Kurttila Mikko;Pukkala Timo;Loikkanen Janne. 2002. Forest ecology and management -
Thinning response and thinning bias in a young Scots pine stand.
Pukkala Timo;Miina Jari;Palahi Marc. 2002. Silva fennica -
Yield of Grevillea robusta in the maize fields of Kenya.
Muchiri Mbae;Miina Jari;Pukkala Timo. 2002. Journal of Tropical Forest Science -
Modelling cowberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) and bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) yields from mineral soils and peatlands on the basis of visual field estimates
Ihalainen Marjut & Pukkala Timo. 2001. Silva fennica -
An expert system for tree species selection in eastern and southern African region.
Nguvulu;C.;Z.;Härkönen;S.;Chendauka;B.;Kigomo;B.;Musokonyi;C.;Muturi;G.;Nshubemuki;L.;Phiri;M. & Pukkala;T.. 2000. -
Developing decision support tools for the management of Grevillea robusta - maize agroforestry systems in Kenya
Muchiri Mbae;Pukkala Timo;Miina Jari. 2000. -
Establishment and management of tree plantations in southern and eastern Africa
Pukkala Timo;Eerikäinen Kalle (toim.). 2000. Tiedonantoja/ Joensuun yliopisto, metsätieteellinen tiedekunta -
Estimation of tree stand characteristics through computer visualisation.
Rautalin;M. Uusitalo;J. & Pukkala;T.. 2000. Landscape and Urban Planning -
HERO: Heuristic optimisation for multi-criteria forestry decision analysis.
Kangas;J.;Pukkala;T. & Kangas;A. 2000. -
Integrating timber price scenario modeling with tactical management planning of private forestry at forest holding level.
Kangas;J.;Leskinen;P. & Pukkala;T.. 2000. Silva fennica -
Optimising the management of even-aged Shorea robusta stands in southern Nepal using individual tree growth models
Rautiainen Olavi;Pukkala Timo;Miina Jari. 2000. Forest ecology and management -
Optimizing the management of a Picea abies stand under risk of butt rot
Möykkynen Timo;Miina Jari;Pukkala Timo. 2000. Forest Pathology -
Selection of tree species for plantation forests in eastern and southern Africa
Pukkala Timo. 2000. Tiedonantoja/ Joensuun yliopisto, metsätieteellinen tiedekunta -
Super-HERO: Visuaalinen käyttöliittymä vuorovaikutteiseen optimointiin
Pukkala Timo;Pykäläinen Jouni / Pukkala Timo. 2000. Tiedonantoja/ Joensuun yliopisto, metsätieteellinen tiedekunta -
Sustainable forest management.
von Gadow;K.;Pukkala;T.;& Tome;M. 2000. (Editors).. 2000. Kluwer Academic Publishers -
Using numerical optimization for specifying individual-tree competition models
Miina Jari;Pukkala Timo. 2000. Forest science -
ViewPlan ja Virsu: Tie paperisuunnitelmasta tietokonesuunnitelmaan.
Pukkala;T.. 2000. -
Visualisointi ja hypermedia metsäsuunnittelussa
Pukkala Timo (toim.). 2000. Tiedonantoja/ Joensuun yliopisto, metsätieteellinen tiedekunta -
Growth and yield modelling of tree plantations in South and East Africa
Pukkala Timo;Eerikäinen Kalle (toim.). 1999. Tiedonantoja/ Joensuun yliopisto, metsätieteellinen tiedekunta -
Mitä metsän hoidon ja käytön ryhmäsuunnittelu voisi olla ?
Pykäläinen Jouni;Pukkala Timo;Kurttila Mikko. 1999. Tiedonantoja/ Joensuun yliopisto, metsätieteellinen tiedekunta -
Optimising the management of Eucalyptus grandis plantations in Zimbabwe
Pukkala Timo;Mabvurira Danaza. 1999. Tiedonantoja/ Joensuun yliopisto, metsätieteellinen tiedekunta -
A spatial yield model for optimizing the thinning regime of mixed stands of Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies
Pukkala Timo;Miina Jari;Kurttila Mikko;Kolström Taneli. 1998. Scandinavian journal of forest research -
Dependence of stand management on management goal
Pukkala Timo;Miina Jari;Rautiainen Olavi. 1998. Tiedonantoja/ Joensuun yliopisto, metsätieteellinen tiedekunta -
Expert systems and their use in tree species selection
Nshubemuki Ladislaus;Pukkala Timo. 1998. Tiedonantoja/ Joensuun yliopisto, metsätieteellinen tiedekunta -
Modelling the growth of tree plantations and agroforestry systems in South and East Africa
Pukkala Timo;Eerikäinen Kalle. 1998. Tiedonantoja/ Joensuun yliopisto, metsätieteellinen tiedekunta -
Modelling the spread of butt rot in a Picea abies stand in Finland to evaluate the profitability of stump protection against Heterobasidion annosum
Möykkynen;Miina;Pukkala;von Weissenberg. 1998. Forest ecology and management -
Modelling the tree-crop interactions in agroforestry systems
Pukkala Timo. 1998. Tiedonantoja/ Joensuun yliopisto, metsätieteellinen tiedekunta -
Multimedia as a documentation tool of forest planning
Pukkala Timo;Pykäläinen Jouni;Lehikoinen Mikko. 1998. -
Response to different thinning intensities in young Pinus sylvestris
Pukkala Timo;Miina Jari;Kellomäki Seppo. 1998. Scandinavian journal of forest research -
Tree seedling production and management of plantation forests
Pukkala Timo;Eerikäinen Kalle. 1998. Tiedonantoja/ Joensuun yliopisto, metsätieteellinen tiedekunta -
Tree-selection algorithms for optimizing thinning using a distance-dependent growth model
Pukkala Timo;Miina Jari. 1998. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
A method for stochastic multiobjective optimization of stand management
Pukkala Timo;Miina Jari. 1997. Forest ecology and management -
A Participatory Approach to Tactical Forest Planning
Kangas Jyrki;Loikkanen Teppo;Pukkala Timo;Pykäläinen Jouni. 1996. Acta Forestalia Fennica -
Vuorovaikutteinen heuristinen optimointi yksityismetsien suunnittelussa
Kangas Jyrki;Timo Pukkala & Pykäläinen Jouni. 1996. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja