Ulla-Mari Kinnunen
Professor of Health and Human Services Informatics, Adjunct Professor
Department of Health and Social Management, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
[email protected] | +358 40 355 3953
I am a Professor in HHSI Master’s programme and an Adjunct Professor in Evidence Based Research and Development. My research interests are data structures and classifications in EHR, evidence-based health care and informatics competencies both for professionals and citizens including educational and organizational factors in enhancing digitalization in health and social care services. I am a chair of the Finnish nursing terminology, FinCC, expert group and a co-chair of the IMIA NI Practice Advisory Panel, and a core staff member of the Finnish Centre for Evidence-Based Health Care: A Joanna Briggs Institute Centre of Excellence.
I am a supervisor for more the 10 doctoral students and the same amount of master’s thesis, and responsible for Master’s thesis seminar and Informatics Methodology course.
I am a member of the Publication Forum (https://www.tsv.fi/julkaisufoorumi/haku.php?lang=en ), panel 14, 2022–2025 and 2025-2028 and a member of the Editorial Board of JMIR Nursing
I got the IMIA fellowship Fellow of the International Academy of Health Sciences Informatics 2021
Research groups
FinCC, Finnish Care Classification - research gro… 01.01.2010 -
Health and Human Services Informatics Research Gr… 01.01.2001 -
House of Effectiveness 01.11.2018 -
72/146 items-
Comparisons of Physicians’, Nurses’, and Social Welfare Professionals’ Experiences With Participation in Information System Development: Cross-Sectional Survey Study
Martikainen, Susanna; Viitanen, Johanna; Salovaara, Samuel; Kinnunen, Ulla-Mari; Lääveri, Tinja. 2025. JMIR human factors. 12: e51495-e51495 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
ICT acceptance in social and healthcare context – A scoping review of theories and models
Kumpulainen, Heli; Kinnunen, Ulla-Mari; Jylhä, Virpi. 2025. International journal of medical informatics. 195: A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
Mobile health interventions on vaccination coverage among children under 5 years of age in Low and Middle-Income countries; a scoping review
Onigbogi, Olanrewaju; Ojo, Omobola Yetunde; Kinnunen, Ulla-Mari; Saranto, Kaija. 2025. Frontiers in public health. 13: . 1392709 A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
The Significance of Information Quality for the Secondary Use of the Information in the National Healthcare Quality Registers in Finland
Frondelius, Anna; Kinnunen, Ulla-Mari; Jormanainen, Vesa. 2025. Methods of information in medicine. [Epub ahead of print 29 Jan 2025]: 1-11 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Digimentoroinnilla konkreettisiin muutoksiin ikääntyvien palveluissa
Kivekäs, Eija; Kinnunen, Ulla-Mari; Ikonen, Johanna; Miettinen, Tanja; Saranto, Kaija. 2024. Finnish Journal of eHealth and eWelfare. 16: 144-157 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Discovering the importance of health informatics education competencies in healthcare practice. A focus group interview
Mannevaara, Pauleen; Kinnunen, Ulla-Mari; Egbert, Nicole; Hübner, Ursula; Vieira-Marques, Pedro; Sousa, Paulino; Saranto, Kaija. 2024. International journal of medical informatics. 187: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Experiences of Electronic Health Records’ and Client Information Systems’ Use on a Mobile Device and Factors Associated With Work Time Savings Among Practical Nurses: Cross-Sectional Study
Paatela, Satu; Kyytsönen, Maiju; Saranto, Kaija; Kinnunen, Ulla-Mari; Vehko, Tuulikki. 2024. Journal of medical internet research. 26: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Health information system support for collaboration between physicians and registered nurses: National cross-sectional user experience surveys from 2010 to 2023
Lääveri, Tinja; Viitanen, Johanna; Mykkänen, Minna; Kinnunen, Ulla-Mari. 2024. International journal of medical informatics. 2025; 195: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Järjestelmälliset katsaukset tutkimustiedon tiivistämisen menetelmänä: menetelmä ja sovelluskohteet sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa
Jylhä, Virpi; Ristolainen, Hanna; Kekoni, Taru; Kinnunen, Ulla-Mari. 2024. Sosiaalilääketieteellinen aikakauslehti. 61: 377-392 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Käyttöönoton ajankohdan sekä osaamiseen ja koulutukseen liittyvien tekijöiden yhteys sairaanhoitajien antamaan arvioon asiakas- tai potilastietojärjestelmästä
Kyytsönen Maiju, Kaihlanen Anu-Marja, Kinnunen Ulla-Mari, Saranto Kaija, Vehko Tuulikki. 2024. Finnish Journal of eHealth and eWelfare. 16: 81–94 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research