Research groups
Thanks to long-term and persistent efforts by our research groups, we constantly generate new, interdisciplinary research knowledge that makes an impact. On UEF Connect, you can browse our research groups to learn more about the work and results of our researchers.
Between the Normal and the Abnormal - Cultural Meanings of Dementia and Old Age in Finland and Russia (DemOldCult)
01.01.2010 -
Biogeochemistry research group
01.01.1993 -
Bioinformatics Center
01.01.2014 -
Biomarkers for Neurological Disorders
08.06.2004 -
Biomass Production
01.09.2015 -
Biomaterials technology group
01.01.2010 -
Biomedical Image Analysis
01.11.2016 -
Biomedical Informatics (Fortino's group)
01.02.2019 -
Biomedical MRI
01.01.1995 -
Biomedical Spectroscopy Laboratory (biomedspect)
01.09.2018 -
BioMedical Ultrasound Group
01.07.1999 -
Biophysics of Bone and Cartilage (BBC)
01.01.1998 -
01.01.2010 -
Biosignal Analysis and Medical Imaging research group (BSAMIG)
01.01.1994 -
Borders, Migration, Security
Brain Research Unit (BRU) - Clinical Trial Unit
Brexit, migration and mobility
Finished 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2021
Business Education Research Hub
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