We investigate the role of multilingual communication in research work and the translatoriality that is included in the research process. In other words, we study those activities where a content expressed in one language is transformed into a corresponding message in another language. Our primary concern is on those forms of interlingual communication where the active agents are the researcher themselves, but we are also interested in professional as well as non-professional translation and interpreting in research context. In addition to research, we are also involved in training and since 2018 we have been organizing a course in the Doctoral Programme of Social and Cultural Encounters (SCE) at UEF where we offer PhD students tools to deal with translational challenges they meet in their research work.
We have received funding from the Kone Foundation for 2024–2027 for the project ”Multilingualism and translation in researcher’s changing work: perspectives from practice and philosophy of science”.
Post-doctoral Researchers
Doctoral Researchers
University Lecturers
Research assistant
5 items-
Increasing translation awareness: A course designed for PhD researchers
Riionheimo, Helka; Lång, Juha; Suokas, Juho; Vottonen, Erja; Penttilä, Esa. 2024. Mikael : Kääntämisen ja tulkkauksen tutkimuksen aikakauslehti. 17: 122-137 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
The (in)visibility of translation and translatorian agents in academic research
Penttilä, Esa; Lång, Juha; Suokas, Juho; Vottonen, Erja; Riionheimo, Helka. Teoksessa: Freeth; Peter J; Treviño, Rafael(toim.) , 2024. Beyond the translator’s invisibility: Critical reflections and new perspectives. s. 253-277. Leuven university press A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Superdiversiteetti ja tieteellisen tiedon muodostumisen translatorisuus
Penttilä, Esa. Teoksessa: Martikainen, Tuomas; Pöyhönen, Sari(toim.) , 2023. Superdiversiteetti: Näkökulmia maahanmuuton monimuotoisuuteen. s. 268–289. Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden seura A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Multilingual communication in a researcher's work: Preliminary results of a questionnaire survey
Penttilä, Esa; Lång, Juha; Riionheimo, Helka; Suokas, Juho; Vottonen; Erja. 2021. Mikael : Kääntämisen ja tulkkauksen tutkimuksen aikakauslehti -
Ihmistieteellinen tutkimuskonteksti kääntämisen tilana - Kääntäminen ja tulkkaus osana väitöskirjatutkijoiden työtä
Penttilä, Esa; Lång, Juha; Riionheimo, Helka; Suokas, Juho; Vottonen, Erja. 2020. Mikael : Kääntämisen ja tulkkauksen tutkimuksen aikakauslehti