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School well-being, learning support and segregation of teachers (KOTOPE)´s Profile image

School well-being, learning support and segregation of teachers (KOTOPE)

Finished 01.06.2022 - 31.12.2024
School of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Philosophical Faculty


Main funder

Ministry of Education and Culture

Ministry of Education and Culture


The project concentrates on segregation of teachers in Finland, and well-being and general support of students in early childhood education and care (ECEC), primary, lower and higher secondary education. The project is funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

The project has a survey and interviews gathered from teachers across the country. The project brings together fields of sociology of education, urban geography and educational sciences. The aim is to answer following questions:

  • How are practices of student well-being and learning support executed in the everyday life of schools and ECEC centres?
  • How is segregation of teachers constructed in Finland?
  • How do the phenomena influence in-/equlity of education, and well-being of both students and school staff.



5 items
