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Tomi Kinnunen (

Tomi H. Kinnunen is a Professor at the University of Eastern Finland. He received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of Joensuu in 2005. From 2005 to 2007, he was an associate scientist at the Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R) in Singapore. Since 2007, he has been with UEF. In 2010-2012, he was funded by a post-doctoral grant from Academy of Finland focusing on speaker recognition. He has been a PI or co-PI in three other large Academy of Finland funded projects on speaker recognition and voice anti-spoofing, and a partner in H2020-funded OCTAVE project focusing on voice biometrics for physical and logical access control. He chaired Odyssey 2014 workshop and served as an associate editor in Digital Signal Processing. From 2015 to 2018, he served as an associate editor in IEEE/ACM Trans. on Audio, Speech and Language Processing and from 2016 to 2018 as a Subject Editor in Speech Communication. Between 2015 and 2016 he visited 6 months at National Institute of Informatics (NII), Japan, under a mobility grant from Academy of Finland, with focus on voice conversion and spoofing. Since 2017, he has been Associate Professor at UEF, where he leads Computational Speech Group ( He is known as one of the co-founders of ASVspoof challenge (, a non-profit initiate that seeks to evaluate and improve security of voice biometric solutions under spoofing attacks.

Research interests:
– Speaker and language recognition (in wide sense; includes automatic and perceptual methods)
– Spoofing and countermeasures for speaker recognition
– Voice transformation
– Application of my research to other bioacoustic signals

Tommi Tiihonen (

Tommi Tiihonen is a Junior Researcher at the University of Eastern Finland (UEF), where he obtained his M.Sc. in 2018 in the Department of Applied physics, researching silicon-based battery anodes potentially used in future battery technologies. In the beginning of 2019, he started his path towards PhD in the same department after he obtained a 4-year-grant for his PhD project from Maj and Tor Nessling foundation. His PhD project is titled ”Real-time on-site analytics of low concentration metal solutions”.

During years 2017-2018 Tommi was working for a Business Finland (former TEKES) funded project where the aim was to commercialize University research. At the beginning of 2019 Tommi was one of the founding members of 3AWater startup focusing on commercializing the water analysis research from past years.

Yulia Yamineva (

My primary area of expertise is climate law and governance, where I have worked on a variety of topics, including:

  • International climate law and governance, UN climate negotiations, climate finance;
  • Law and governance of mitigating emissions of non-CO2 GHGs; short-lived climate pollutants; climate – air quality policy integration;
  • Governance of climate tipping points;
  • Climate law and climate modelling;
  • Science-policy interface, especially Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change;
  • Climate policies in national and regional contexts: EU, Arctic, Russia, China.

My approach to research is interdisciplinary, drawing on the fields of climate and environmental law, policy and governance, and, sometimes, science & technology studies. I closely collaborate with climate and atmospheric scientists.

At the UEF Law School, I am also Co-Director of the Master’s Degree Programme in Environmental Policy and Law, responsible for its major in climate law, as well as Director of the UEF-UNEP Course on Multilateral Environmental Agreements.

Prior to academic work, I worked for the UN Climate Change Convention Secretariat, supporting intergovernmental negotiations on climate finance, and International Institute for Sustainable Development – Earth Negotiations Bulletin. I hold PhD in International Studies and MPhil in Environmental Policy, both from the University of Cambridge. I am proud of my Bashkort heritage: Bashkort people are an ethnic group indigenous to Southern Urals in Russia.

Current projects:

Principal investigator of the project consortium ‘ClimAirPathways: Science-based legal pathways to reduce black carbon emissions in the EU and China: Towards integrated climate – air quality approaches’ (Research Council of Finland, 2023-2027)

Current PhD students:

  1. Raihanatul Jannat “Building climate-resilient development of women in Bangladesh through adaptation: A study on the potential of global environmental law” (2020)
  2. Saga Eriksson ‘EU sustainable finance legislation: Towards creation of green markets and agency?’ (2022; UEF Law School funding)
  3. Moritz Petersmann ‘Fit for governing modern wicked problems? International science-policy interfaces under scrutiny’ (2022; Kone Foundation grant)
  4. Katri Varis ‘Role of scientific advisory bodies in EU climate law and policy’ (2023)
  5. Camille Bertaux ‘WHO guidelines & environmental law in a moving context – from mere reference to conclusive influence?’, UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles, Centre for Environmental Law (Member of the supervisory committee with Prof Misonne and Prof Peeters; 2022)
  6. Niklas Löther ‘From fragmentation to integration in legal responses to climate change and air pollution: A transnational investigation of pathways and obstacles to integrated environmental lawmaking in the European Union’ (2023; funded by ClimAirPathways project)