Single Cell Genomics Core
At the moment our services consist of high throughput single-cell transcriptomics (RNA-Seq) and epigenetics (ATAC-Seq). In addition, we provide scientific consultation and engage in research collaborations focused on development and implementation of new methods and technologies.
We offer the 10 x Chromium technology as staff-assisted service. Also BD Rhapsody platform is also available for applications requiring low cell numbers (500-1000 cells) or for cells that might not be compatible with other systems.
In spring 2024, we also welcomed a new Xenium spatial transcriptomics platform (10xGenomics)!
Core Personell:
Minna Kaikkonen-Määttä (Head of the Unit)
Tiit Örd (Scientific Coordinator)
Mari Taipale (Scientific Coordinator)
Merja Lukkari (Lab Manager)
Systems Genomics - Heinäniemi lab 01.09.2014 -
Neuroinflammation research group 01.01.2017 -
Cellular Neurobiology 01.01.2017 -
Human Brain Disease Modelling (Lehtonen lab) 01.01.2021 -
Molecular Medicine 01.01.1995 -