Social studies in Urban Education SURE
Research group
01.05.2019 -
School of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Philosophical Faculty
Social Studies in Urban Education (SURE) is a research unit focusing on the social phenomena embedded in urban schooling in diverse urban environments. The research foci comprise the themes of educational transitions in the life-course, urban and school segregation, diversified social environments and social dynamics in schools and classrooms, as well as the differentiated everyday practices and educational experiences of children and young people from different backgrounds. The group operates primarily in the fields of sociology of education and urban studies, and aims to operationalise and analyse the phenomena on macro, meso and micro levels, as well as between them, through intersectional lenses.
Post-doctoral Researchers
Doctoral Researchers
Sara Juvonen
Postdoctoral ResearcherSchool of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Philosophical Faculty -
Alina Inkinen
Project ResearcherSchool of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Philosophical Faculty -
Marika Pylkkö
Project ResearcherSchool of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Philosophical Faculty