Our study seeks to address the research question as to how effective social work interventions are in providing integrated service paths, linking hospital services with social care and achieving measurable patient well-being. An audit survey of health social work practice will be undertaken at Kuopio University Hospital (KUH). This data will be analyzed together with the dataset from preliminary research undertaken at Helsinki and Tampere Hospitals in 2019. Based on these results and guided by Practice Research methodologies, a quasi- experimental study will be implemented at each of the 3 hospital sites (Helsinki Children’s Hospital (HUS), Tampere University Hospital (TAUH) and Kuopio University Hospital (KUH)). The study will investigate the efficacy of social work assessment, intervention, and linkage informing an evidence-based model of linkage between health and social care. This service path will integrate health and social services in relation to complex children’s issues (Helsinki), psychiatric mental health (Tampere) and hospital cancer care (Kuopio). Participants will be assessed at discharge, 6 weeks and 6 months follow-up. If supported, our research will provide solid evidence, underpinning a model for health social work practice which may be scaled up for use in hospital services in urban and regional centers in Finland. This study will provide further evidence as effective integration of hospital services and social care. It involves an extension of preliminary research undertaken with the Heikki Waris Institute (HWI, Helsinki) in 2019 in collaboration with Professor Lynette Joubert (The University of Melbourne). This study audited the day-to-day practice of health social workers in Helsinki and Tampere and provided important evidence for the role of health social work in implementing the service path between the hospital and the municipal services and Kela benefits.
Senior Researchers
Post-doctoral Researchers
Project worker
Other group members
Professor Lynette Joubert, University of Melbourne [email protected]
Assistant professor Maija Jäppinen, University of Helsinki [email protected]
Anna Metteri, University of Tampere [email protected]
Ulla-Maija Perttula [email protected]
Leena Männistö, New Children's Hospital, Helsinki [email protected]
Pinja Kemppi [email protected]
11 items-
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Mäki-Opas, Tomi; Laatikainen, Tiina. 2021. Yleislääkäri. 36: 27-30 D1 Article in a trade journal -
The covid-19 pandemic and care homes for older people in Europe - deaths, damage and violations of human rights
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Life as an Immigrant from a Refugee or Asylum Backround Living in Regional Finland
Anand, Janet Carter; Veszteg, Csilla; Batbaatar, Enkhjargal. Teoksessa: Leinonen, Leena; Kekoni, Taru; Pakarinen, Eine(toim.) , 2020. Tutkiva sosiaalityö. Hyvinvointi 2020. s. 90 - 101. Talentia ry ja Sosiaalityön tutkimuksen seura D3 Professional conference proceedings -
The performance of researching with migrants and refugees
Carter Anand, Janet; Das, Chaitali; Veszteg, Csilla; Batbaatar, Enkhjargal. Teoksessa: Joubert, Lynette; Webber, Martin(toim.) , 2020. The Routledge Handbook of Social Work Practice Research. s. 430-440. Routledge D2 Article in a professional book (incl. an introduction by the editor) -
New ways of thinking about and doing social work in health care
Anand, Janet. 2018. Sociální práce. 18: 2-5 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Osallistava terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin edistäminen (PROMEQ) - Sosiaalisen markkinoinnin lähestymistapa interventioiden suunnitteluun, toteuttamiseen ja arviointiin
Tomi Mäki-Opas, Richard Pieper, Marja Vaarama. 2017. -
Social isolation and older men - learning from research
Devine Paula, Montgomery Lorna, Anand Janet, Ni Dhonaill Caoimhe. 2017. Community development journal. 2019; 54: 273-289 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
'....It Took a Leap of Faith.' Care and Connect: A Model for Pracitioner Research in Ireland
Donnelly Sarah, Anand Janet. 2016. Irish Social Worker Journal. 2016-12: 4-9 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
'Pushing theory: applying cultural competence in practice - a case study of community conflict in Northern Ireland
Das Chaital, Anand Janet Carter. Teoksessa: Williams Charlotte, Graham Mekada J(toim.) , 2016. Social Work in a Diverse Society. Transformative Practice with Black and Ethnic Minority Individuals and Communities. s. 21-38. Policy press B2 Book section -
Osallistava terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin edistäminen (PROMEQ-konsortio): Tilannekuvaraportti
Vaarama Marja, Rissanen Sari, Anand Janet, Mäki-Opas Tomi, Hartikainen Maija, Veszteg Csilla, Eskelinen Niko, Tiilikainen Elisa, Hujala Anneli, Ahonen Tiina, Valkonen Tarmo, Martikainen Pekka, Aaltonen Sanna, Kivijärvi Antti, Mäntysaari Mikko, Ylistö Sami, Närhi Kati, Kannasoja Sirpa, Rissanen Pekka, Forma Leena et al. 2016. . . D4 Published development or research report or study