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Teemu  Oivo

Teemu Oivo

Postdoctoral Researcher

Karelian Institute, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies

[email protected]

Teemu Oivo is a postdoctoral researcher at the Karelian Institute studying digital borders. Additionally, Oivo is part of the Academy of Finland-funded project “Transnational Death: Practices of death and remembrance in the transnational everyday on the Finnish-Russian border” and the Kone Foundation funded-project “Flowision”. In Fall 2023, Oivo is doing a research exchange at the Université Grenoble Alpes as part of the “Transnational Death” -project.

Oivo is specialized in critical discourse analysis and media research, using varieties of platforms, most notably in-depth analysis of online group communications. Oivo’s doctoral dissertation examines how “Russianness” was produced in Finnish-Russian transnational media space in the 2010s. Oivo’s recent research project affiliations include “Strategies of Persuasion: Russian Propaganda in the Algorithmic Age”, and “The Ancient Finnish Kings: a computational study of pseudohistory, medievalism and history politics in contemporary Finland and Russia”.


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