Teemu Oivo
Postdoctoral Researcher
Karelian Institute, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
Teemu Oivo is a postdoctoral researcher at the Karelian Institute studying digital borders. Additionally, Oivo is part of the Academy of Finland-funded project “Transnational Death: Practices of death and remembrance in the transnational everyday on the Finnish-Russian border” and the Kone Foundation funded-project “Flowision”. In Fall 2023, Oivo is doing a research exchange at the Université Grenoble Alpes as part of the “Transnational Death” -project.
Oivo is specialized in critical discourse analysis and media research, using varieties of platforms, most notably in-depth analysis of online group communications. Oivo’s doctoral dissertation examines how “Russianness” was produced in Finnish-Russian transnational media space in the 2010s. Oivo’s recent research project affiliations include “Strategies of Persuasion: Russian Propaganda in the Algorithmic Age”, and “The Ancient Finnish Kings: a computational study of pseudohistory, medievalism and history politics in contemporary Finland and Russia”.
Research groups
34/34 items-
The Environmental Agenda in Exceptional and Not-So-Exceptional Times in Russia
Oivo, Teemu. 2025. Environmental communication: a journal of nature and culture. [Epub ahead of print 03 Feb 2025]: 1-17 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Ed. Reima Välimäki. Medievalism in Finland and Russia: Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Aspects. New Directions in Medieval Studies. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2022. xxiv, 238 pp. Appendixes. Notes. Bibliography. Index. Photographs. Figures. Tables. Maps. $85.00, hard bound.
Oivo, Teemu. 2024. Slavic review. 83: 387-389 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Intervening by staying professional: How Nordic environmental journalists make sense of their roles
Hujanen, Jaana; Jangdal, Lottie; Dovbysh, Olga; Andersen, Ida Vikoren; Kolbeins, Guobjorg Hildur; Lehtisaari, Katja; Oivo, Teemu. 2024. Nordicom review. 45: 257-276 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Kuolema sanattomana tehokeinona venäläisessä sotapropagandassa
Oivo, Teemu; Väistö, Niko. 2024. Thanatos. 12: 1-34 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Retrospective Commentary on “External Border Management as an Instrument of Migration Control: The Finnish – Russian Border” by Katharina Koch
Oivo, Teemu. 2024. Migration. 50: 60-63 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Exploring the Central Cemetery of Grenoble
Oivo, Teemu. 2023. Puheenvuoroja - Itä-Suomen yliopiston toimijoiden puheenvuoroblogi. : . E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
Grenoble cemetery
Oivo, Teemu. 2023. KTL-blogi. : . E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
Kuinka ympäristökeskustelujen on käynyt Venäjällä?
Oivo, Teemu. 2023. Idäntutkimus. 30: 27-33 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Reflections on the Secondhand Time: The Last of the Soviets
Oivo, Teemu. 2023. KTL-blogi. : . E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
Suuri isänmaallinen, muttei sota: sotilaskuolemien diskursiivinen mediatapahtuma Venäjän Karjalassa
Oivo, Teemu. 2023. Ennen ja nyt. 23: 53-72 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research