Tiina Kuutti
University Teacher
University Teacher, Early Childhood Education Teacher training
School of Applied Educational Science and Teacher Education, Philosophical Faculty
[email protected] | +358 50 533 4465
I work as a University Teacher in Early Childhood Education Teacher training. I am also a Ph.D. student and I am currently working on my doctoral thesis. My research focuses on the participation and peer relationships of children with special educational needs in early childhood education. The aim of my research is to find out effective ways to support inclusion in ECE and the belonging of each child.
8/8 items-
Interprofessional practicum in the context of Finnish early childhood education and care
Kahila, Sanni; Kuutti, Tiina; Kahila, Juho; Sajaniemi, Nina. 2023. Journal of early childhood education research. 12: 89-118 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Opettajan pedagogista johtajuutta harjoittelemassa - Varhaiskasvatuksen opettajaopiskelijoiden näkemyksiä
Kahila, Sanni; Kuutti, Tiina; Heikka, Johanna; Sajaniemi, Nina . Teoksessa: Kontkanen, Sini; Piispa-Hakala, Satu; Havu-Nuutinen, Sari(toim.) , 2023. Oppimisen muuntuvat maisemat. s. 29-51. Suomen kasvatustieteellinen seura A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Students' discourses on interprofessional collaboration in the context of Finnish early childhood education
Kahila, Sanni; Kuutti, Tiina; Heikka, Johanna; Sajaniemi, Nina. 2023. Learning, culture and social interaction. 41: . 100736 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
The significance of practicum work communities for students' professional development - perceptions of Finnish ECE teacher students
Kahila, Sanni; Kuutti, T; Kahila, J; Sajaniemi, N. 2023. Journal of early childhood teacher education. 2024; 45: 38-55 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Timelines in researching student teachers' well-being during teaching practice
Pihlainen, Kaisa; Clarke, Emma; Kahila, Sanni; Vellonen, Virpi; Waltzer, Katariina; Kuutti, Tiina; Quickfall, Aimee. 2023. International journal of research and method in education. 2024; 47: 311-327 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Finnish Early Childhood Education and Care Leaders’ Perceptions of Their Role in Supporting Staff’s Well-Being
Kuutti, Tiina; Sajaniemi, Nina; Björn, Piia Maria. Teoksessa: Carmo, Mafalda(toim.) , 2022. Education and New Developments 2022 : Volume 2. s. 210-214. InSciencePress A4 Conference proceedings -
Participation, involvement and peer relationships in children with special educational needs in early childhood education
Kuutti, Tiina; Sajaniemi, Nina; Björn, Piia M; Heiskanen, Nina; Reunamo, Jyrki. 2021. European journal of special needs education. [Epub ahead of print 25 April 2021]: 1-16 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Pedagogiikkaa poikkeusaikana - päiväkotien varhaiskasvatushenkilöstön kokemuksia pedagogiikan toteuttamisesta COVID-19-pandemian aikana
Kuutti, Tiina; Kahila, Sanni; Sajaniemi, Nina. 2021. Journal of early childhood education research. 10: 217-239 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research