Tomi Mäki-Opas
Professor, social and public policy, especially effectiveness research. Shared position with U...
Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
[email protected] | +358 50 323 4020
I work as a professor of social policy and I have a title of docent in health policy. I am particularly interested in the effectiveness of social policy, social and health services and the promotion of wellbeing, especially from the perspective wellbeing and societal equity.
I lead the “Effectiveness in social and health services” research community and the operation and development of the “House of Effectiveness” network. In addition, I work in close cooperation with the Northern Savo welfare region, where the special theme of the cooperation is wellbeing services research and effectiveness.
I teach at all levels of the subjects related to the mentioned themes, effectiveness research methods, designs, and supervise dissertations related to the topics.
Research groups
Sostyö-TerVa Evidencing the effectiveness of heal… 01.09.2021 -
House of Effectiveness 01.11.2018 -
PREcision promotion of positive mental WELLbeing … 01.01.2025 - 31.12.2028
Improving effectiveness of wellbeing promotion and primary healthcare integration in North Savo (HYPE) 01.09.2023 - 31.12.2025
Improving the effectiveness of well-being and health of older people in Kainuu Finished 02.01.2021 - 31.08.2022
Economic evaluation of cultural Health and Wellbeing -project Finished 01.04.2022 - 30.04.2023
PROMEQ Finished 01.08.2016 - 31.12.2021
SOLA Matrix - Social Quality Effectiveness Indicators for Regional and Municipal Well-being Finished 01.05.2022 - 31.10.2024
Center for Social and Health Care Effectiveness -project Finished 01.01.2021 - 30.09.2021
Population-based Perceived Wellbeing and Health Finished 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2024
Joint Action on CARdiovascular diseases and DIabetes in Europe 01.11.2023 - 31.10.2027
2 itemsPublications
57/57 items-
Investigating the Capability Approach: How Long-Term Unemployed People in Finland Perceive Their Access to Commodities, Conversion Factors and Capabilities
Ahonen, Tiina; Mäki-Opas, Tomi; Kouvo, Antti; Toikko, Timo. 2025. Social indicators research. [Epub ahead of print 5 Feb 2025]: 1-23 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Luonnossa vietetyn ajan ja liikunnan yhteydet positiiviseen mielenterveyteen työelämän ulkopuolella olevilla pohjoissavolaisilla
Rekola, Hanna; Kurkinen, Karoliina; Tolmunen, Tommi; Pentikäinen, Heikki; Lakka, Timo A; Mäki-Opas, Tomi. 2024. Liikunta ja tiede. 61: 105-111 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Näkökulmia mielenterveyteen ja mielen hyvinvointiin
Mäki-Opas, Tomi. 2024. Liikunta ja tiede. 61: 49-53 D1 Article in a trade journal -
Seeking the aim – perspectives of asylum seekers, nurses, and authorities on the objectives of the asylum seekers’ initial health assessment: a qualitative study
Mustonen, K-L; Ismail, M; Mäki-Opas, T; Castaneda, AE; Kauhanen, J; Atkins, S; Skogberg, N. 2024. Bmc health services research. 24: . 1132 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Sosiaalinen markkinointi: ihmisen ja yhteiskunnan yhteistä etua edistämässä
Tamminen, Heini; Sormunen, Marjorita; Mäki-Opas, Tomi. 2024. Guide (National Institute for Health and Welfare). . Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos D5 Textbook, professional manual or guide -
Terveydenhuollon vaikuttavuuden mittaaminen terveyshyötyjen näkökulmasta
Liimatainen, Suvi; Torkki, Paulus; Parkkila, Anna-Kaisa; Kokko, Petra; Mäki-Opas, Tomi. 2024. Duodecim. 140: 927-932 A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
The mediating role of behavioral risk factors in the pathway between childhood disadvantage and adult psychological distress in a Finnish employee cohort
Salmela, Jatta; Lallukka, Tea; Mäki-Opas, Tomi; Vähäsarja, Luka; Salonsalmi, Aino. 2024. Scientific reports. 14: . 23422 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Sundblom, Dan; Rikkilä, Saana; Puustinen, Alisa; Somerkoski, Brita; Mäki-Opas, Tomi. 2024. Tiede ja ase. 2023; 81: 112-136 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Vaikuttaaks tää? -kamppanjan vaikuttavuus arvioinnin menetelmät pelastusalalla - tapaus NouHätä!
Rikkilä, Saana; Sundblom, Dan; Mäki-Opas, Tomi; Somerkoski, Brita; Ahonen, Tiina; Puustinen, Alisa. Teoksessa: Juutinen, Marko; Nygren, Hanna(toim.) , 2024. Pelastus- ja turvallisuustutkimuksen vuosikirja 2024. s. 23-45. Pelastusopisto A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Väestön koettu hyvinvointi hyvinvointialueilla - mistä se muodostuu?
Torkki, Paulus; Martikainen, Janne; Nuutinen, Mikko; Kauppi, Krista; Lavikainen, Piia; Mäki-Opas, Tomi. 2024. Sosiaalilääketieteellinen aikakauslehti. 61: 47-60 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research