Markus Storvik
Vanhempi yliopistonlehtori
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Farmasian laitos, Terveystieteiden tiedekunta
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Effects of nitrous oxide and ketamine on electrophysiological and molecular responses in the prefrontal cortex of mice: A comparative study
Rozov, Stanislav; Saarreharju, Roosa; Khirug, Stanislav; Storvik, Markus; Rivera, Claudio; Rantamäki, Tomi. 2024. European journal of pharmacology. 968: -
Comparative steroid profiling of newborn hair and umbilical cord serum highlights the role of fetal adrenals, placenta, and pregnancy outcomes in fetal steroid metabolism
Koskivuori, Johanna; Voutilainen, Raimo; Storvik, Markus; Hakkinen, Merja R.; Uusitalo, Lauri; Keski-Nisula, Leea; Backman, Katri; Auriola, Seppo; Lehtonen, Marko. 2023. Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology. 232: -
Aflatoxin B1 targeted gene expression profiles in human placental primary trophoblast cells
El-Dairi, Rami; Rysä, Jaana; Storvik, Markus; Pasanen, Markku; Huuskonen, Pasi. 2022. Current research in toxicology. 3: -
Self-Reported Efficacy of Treatments in Cluster Headache: a Systematic Review of Survey Studies
Rusanen, Sakari Santeri; De, Suchetana; Schindler, Emmanuelle Andree Danielle; Artto, Ville Aleksi; Storvik, Markus. 2022. Current pain and headache reports. 26: 623-637 -
The prefrontal cortex shows widespread decrease in H3 histamine receptor binding densities in rats with genetic generalized epilepsies
Midzyanovskaya, Inna S; Birioukova, Lidia M; Storvik, Markus; Luijtelaar, Gilles van; Tuomisto, Leena M. 2022. Epilepsy research. 182: -
Lääkehoito osastohoidossa olevilla kehitysvammaisilla eri autismikirjon potilailla
Bjelogrlic-Laakso, Nina; Vuoti, Heidi; Storvik, Markus. 2020. Dosis. 36: 24-34 -
Biomarkers of Toxicity in Human Placenta [Chapter 18]
Vähäkangas, Kirsi; Loikkanen, Jarkko; Sahlman, Heidi; Karttunen, Vesa; Repo, Jenni; Sieppi, Elina; Kummu, Maria; Huuskonen, Pasi; Myöhänen, Kirsi; Storvik, Markus; Pasanen, Markku; Myllynen, Päivi; Pelkonen, Olavi. Teoksessa: Gupta, Ramesh C(toim.) , 2019. Biomarkers in Toxicology (Second edition). s. 303-339. Academic press -
Increased [³H]quisqualic acid binding density in the dorsal striatum and anterior insula of alcoholics: A post-mortem whole-hemisphere autoradiography study
Laukkanen, V; Kärkkäinen, O; Kautiainen, H; Tiihonen, J; Storvik, M. 2019. Psychiatry research: neuroimaging. 287: 63-69 -
Sex-specific transcriptional and proteomic signatures in schizophrenia
Tiihonen, J; Koskuvi, M; Storvik, M; Hyötyläinen, I; Gao, Y; Puttonen, KA; Giniatullina, R; Poguzhelskaya, E; Ojansuu, I; Vaurio, O; Cannon, TD; Lönnqvist, J; Therman, S; Suvisaari, J; Kaprio, J; Cheng, L; Hill, AF; Lähteenvuo, M; Tohka, J; Giniatullin, R; et al.. 2019. Nature communications. 10: 3933 -
Molecular targets of chloropicrin in human airway epithelial cells
Pesonen M, Rysä J, Storvik M, Rilla K, Pasanen M, Vähäkangas K. 2017. Toxicology in vitro. 42: 247-254