Veli-Matti Maltamo
Metsänarvioimistieteen professori tutkii metsän inventointiin sekä kasvu- ja tuotosoppiin liittyv...
Metsätieteiden osasto, Luonnontieteiden, metsätieteiden ja tekniikan tiedekunta
[email protected] | 050 442 2941
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Estimating timber assortment reduction and sawlog proportions with the application of harvester measurements and open big geodata
Vähä-Konka, Ville; Korhonen, Lauri; Kärhä, Kalle; Maltamo, Matti. 2025. Trees, forests and people. 20: A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Miten lehtialaindeksitietoa voitaisiin kerätä kansalaistieteen ja pelillistämisen avulla?
Zhang, Shaohui; Korhonen, Lauri; Nummenmaa, Timo; Bianchi, Simone; Maltamo, Matti. 2025. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja. 2025: . 25001 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Band configurations and seasonality influence the predictions of common boreal tree species using UAS image data
Kukkonen, Mikko; Myllymäki, Mari; Räty, Janne; Varvia, Petri; Maltamo, Matti; Korhonen, Lauri; Packalen, Petteri. 2024. Annals of forest science. 81: . 31 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Comparison of Semi-physical and Empirical Models in the Estimation of Boreal Forest Leaf Area Index and Clumping with Airborne Laser Scanning Data
Zhang, Shaohui; Korhonen, Lauri; Lang, Mait; Pisek, Jan; Díaz, Gastón M.; Korpela, Ilkka; Xia, Zhongyu; Haapala, Hanna; Maltamo, Matti. 2024. IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 62: A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Detection of snow disturbances in boreal forests using unitemporal airborne lidar data and aerial images
Räty, Janne; Kukkonen, Mikko; Melin, Markus; Maltamo, Matti; Packalen, Petteri. 2024. Forestry. [Epub ahead of print 19 Nov 2024]: 1-13 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Drooni-aineistoon perustuva yksinpuintulkinta: kuinka hyödyntää kuviokohtaisia läpimittamittauksia kalibroinnissa?
Jääskeläinen, Johanna; Korhonen, Lauri; Kukkonen, Mikko; Packalen, Petteri; Maltamo, Matti. 2024. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja. 2024: . 24011 B1 Kirjoitus tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Effects of model-overfit on model-assisted forest inventory in boreal forests with remote sensing data
Cosenza, Diogo N; Saarela, Svetlana; Strunk, Jacob; Korhonen, Lauri; Maltamo, Matti; Packalen, Petteri. 2024. Forestry. [Epub ahead of print 1 Nov 2024]: 1-15 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Estimating the accuracy of smartphone app-based removal estimates against actual wood-harvesting data from clear cuttings
Vähä-Konka, Ville; Korhonen, Lauri; Kärhä, Kalle; Maltamo, Matti. 2024. Iforest-biogeosciences and forestry. 17: 140-147 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Estimation of boreal forest biomass from ICESat-2 data using hierarchical hybrid inference
Varvia, Petri; Saarela, Svetlana; Maltamo, Matti; Packalen, Petteri; Gobakken, Terje; Næsset, Erik; Ståhl, Göran; Korhonen, Lauri. 2024. Remote sensing of environment. 311: . 114249 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
How to implement the data collection of leaf area index by means of citizen science and forest gamification?
Zhang, Shaohui; Korhonen, Lauri; Nummenmaa, Timo; Bianchi, Simone; Maltamo, Matti. 2024. Silva fennica. 58: . 24044 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Improving airborne laser scanning-based species-specific forest volume estimation using sentinel-2 time series
Mäkinen, Katri; Korhonen, Lauri; Maltamo, Matti. 2024. European journal of remote sensing. 57: . 2422315 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Individual tree inventory based on uncrewed aerial vehicle data: how to utilise stand-wise field measurements of diameter for calibration?
Jääskeläinen, Johanna; Korhonen, Lauri; Kukkonen, Mikko; Packalen, Petteri; Maltamo, Matti. 2024. Silva fennica. 58: . 23042 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Kaukokartoitus ja metsäkoneiden sensorit metsien monimuotoisuusindikaattorien seurannassa
Korhonen, Lauri; Kärhä, Kalle; Maltamo, Matti; Malinen, Jukka; Hyyppä, Juha; Kaartinen, Harri; Toivonen, Janne; Packalen, Petteri; Koivula, Matti. 2024. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja. 2024: . 23010 A2 Katsausartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Mapping large European aspen (Populus tremula L.) in Finland using airborne lidar and image data
Toivonen, Janne; Kangas, Annika; Maltamo, Matti; Kukkonen, Mikko; Packalen, Petteri. 2024. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere. 54: 762-773 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Nationwide estimation of boreal forest above-ground biomass using ICESat-2 data
Korhonen, Lauri; Saarela, Svetlana; Maltamo, Matti; Packalen, Petteri; Popescu, Sorin; Varvia, Petri. 2024. abstract -
Assessing biodiversity using forest structure indicators based on airborne laser scanning data
Toivonen, Janne; Kangas, Annika; Maltamo, Matti; Kukkonen, Mikko; Packalen, Petteri. 2023. Forest ecology and management. 546: . 121376 A2 Katsausartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Can models for forest attributes based on airborne laser scanning be generalized for different silvicultural management systems?
Maltamo, M; Peltola, P; Packalen, P; Hardenbol, A; Räty, J; Saksa, T; Eerikäinen, K; Korhonen, L. 2023. Forest ecology and management. 546: A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Evaluation of a forest radiative transfer model using an extensive boreal forest inventory database
Gopalakrishnan, Ranjith; Korhonen, Lauri; Mõttus, Matti; Rautiainen, Miina; Hovi, Aarne; Mehtätalo, Lauri; Maltamo, Matti; Peltola, Heli; Packalen, Petteri. 2023. Science of remote sensing. 8: A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Circular or square plots in ALS-based forest inventories-does it matter?
Packalen, Petteri; Strunk, Jacob; Maltamo, Matti; Myllymaki, Mari. 2022. Forestry. 96: 49–61 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Detection of standing retention trees in boreal forests with airborne laser scanning point clouds and multispectral imagery
Hardenbol, Alwin A; Korhonen, Lauri; Kukkonen, Mikko; Maltamo, Matti. 2022. Methods in ecology and evolution. [Published online: 18 October 2022]: 1-13 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Effects of numbers of observations and predictors for various model types on the performance of forest inventory with airborne laser scanning
Cosenza, Diogo N; Packalen, Petteri; Maltamo, Matti; Varvia, Petri; Räty, Janne; Soares, Paula; Tomé, Margarida; Strunk, Jacob L; Korhonen, Lauri. 2022. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere. 52: 385-395 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Estimation of forest stand characteristics using individual tree detection, stochastic geometry and a sequential spatial point process model
Mehtätalo, Lauri; Yazigi, Adil; Kansanen, Kasper; Packalen, Petteri; Lähivaara, Timo; Maltamo, Matti; Myllymäki, Mari; Penttinen, Antti. 2022. International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation. 112: A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Estimation of periodic annual increment of tree ring widths by airborne laser scanning
Maltamo, Matti; Vartiainen, Petteri; Packalen, Petteri; Korhonen, Lauri. 2022. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere. 52: 644-651 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Evaluation of UAS LiDAR data for tree segmentation and diameter estimation in boreal forests using trunk- and crown-based methods
Kukkonen, Mikko; Maltamo, Matti; Korhonen, Lauri; Packalen, Petteri. 2022. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere. 52: 674-684 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
How to consider the effects of time of day, beam strength, and snow cover in ICESat-2 based estimation of boreal forest biomass?
Varvia, P.; Korhonen, L.; Bruguière, A.; Toivonen, J.; Packalen, P.; Maltamo, M.; Saarela, S.; Popescu, S.C.. 2022. Remote sensing of environment. 280: A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Optimal plot size, sample size, and point density selection for airborne laser scanning assisted basal area larger than mean (BALM) estimation
Syed, ADNAN; Rubén, Valbuena; Tuomo, Kauranne; Ranjith, Gopalakrishnan; Matti, Maltamo. 2022. poster -
Optimizing the airborne laser scanning estimation of basal area larger than mean (BALM): An indicator of cohort balance in forests
Adnan, Syed; Valbuena, Rubén; Kauranne, Tuomo; Gopalakrishnan, Ranjith; Maltamo, Matti. 2022. Ecological indicators. 142: A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Refining and evaluating a Horvitz–Thompson-like stand density estimator in individual tree detection based on airborne laser scanning
Kansanen, Kasper; Packalen, Petteri; Lähivaara, Timo; Seppänen, Aku; Vauhkonen, Jari; Maltamo, Matti; Mehtätalo, Lauri. 2022. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere. 52: 527-538 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
A Comparison of Linear-Mode and Single-Photon Airborne LiDAR in Species-Specific Forest Inventories
Räty, Janne; Varvia, Petri; Korhonen, Lauri; Savolainen, Pekka; Maltamo, Matti; Packalen, Petteri. 2021. IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing -
Detection of European Aspen (Populus tremula L.) Based on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Approach in Boreal Forests
Kuzmin, Anton; Korhonen, Lauri; Kivinen, Sonja; Hurskainen, Pekka; Korpelainen, Pasi; Tanhuanpää, Topi; Maltamo, Matti; Vihervaara, Petteri; Kumpula, Timo. 2021. Remote sensing -
Detection of aspen in conifer-dominated boreal forests with seasonal multispectral drone image point clouds
Hardenbol, AA; Kuzmin, A; Korhonen, L; Korpelainen, P; Kumpula, T; Maltamo, M; Kouki, J. 2021. Silva fennica -
Determining maximum entropy in 3D remote sensing height distributions and using it to improve aboveground biomass modelling via stratification
Adnan, Syed; Maltamo, Matti; Mehtätalo, Lauri; Ammaturo, Rhei NL; Packalen, Petteri; Valbuena, Rubén. 2021. Remote sensing of environment -
From comprehensive field inventories to remotely sensed wall-to-wall stand attribute data - a brief history of management inventories in the Nordic countries
Maltamo, M; Packalen, P; Kangas, A. 2021. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Fusion of crown and trunk detections from airborne UAS based laser scanning for small area forest inventories
Kukkonen, Mikko; Maltamo, Matti; Korhonen, Lauri; Packalen, Petteri. 2021. International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation -
Haapojen tunnistaminen havupuuvaltaisessa vanhassa metsässä eri vuodenaikojen droonikuva-aineistoista
Hardenbol, Alwin A; Kuzmin, Anton; Korhonen, Lauri; Korpelainen, Pasi; Kumpula, Timo; Maltamo, Matti; Kouki, Jari. 2021. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja -
In-situ calibration of stand level merchantable and sawlog volumes using cut-to-length harvester measurements and airborne laser scanning data
Karjalainen, Tomi; Mehtätalo, Lauri; Packalen, Petteri; Malinen, Jukka; Næsset, Erik; Gobakken, Terje; Maltamo, Matti. 2021. Forestry -
Modeling Forest Tree Data Using Sequential Spatial Point Processes
Yazigi, Adil; Penttinen, Antti; Ylitalo, Anna-Kaisa; Maltamo, Matti; Packalen, Petteri; Mehtätalo, Lauri. 2021. Journal of agricultural, biological, and environmental statistics -
Predicting bilberry and cowberry yields using airborne laser scanning and other auxiliary data combined with National Forest Inventory field plot data
Bohlin, Inka; Maltamo, Matti; Hedenås, Henrik; Lämås, Tomas; Dahlgren, Jonas; Mehtätalo, Lauri. 2021. Forest ecology and management -
Prediction error aggregation behaviour for remote sensing augmented forest inventory approaches
Kotivuori, Eetu; Maltamo, Matti; Korhonen, Lauri; Strunk, Jacob L; Packalen, Petteri. 2021. Forestry -
Transferability of ALS-based forest attribute models when predicting with drone-based image point cloud data
Toivonen, Janne; Korhonen, Lauri; Kukkonen, Mikko; Kotivuori, Eetu; Maltamo, Matti; Packalen, Petteri. 2021. International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation -
Volumes by tree species can be predicted using photogrammetric UAS data, Sentinel-2 images and prior field measurements.
Kukkonen, Mikko; Kotivuori, Eetu; Maltamo, Matti; Korhonen, Lauri; Packalen, Petteri. 2021. Silva fennica -
Comparison of linear regression, k-nearest neighbor, and random forest methods in airborne laser scanning-based prediction of growing stock
Cosenza, Diogo N; Korhonen, Lauri; Maltamo, Matti; Packalen, Petteri; Strunk, Jacob L; Næsset, Erik; Gobakken, Terje; Soares, Paula; Tomé, Margarida. 2020. Forestry -
Evaluating the accuracy of ALS-based removal estimates against actual logging data
Vähä-Konka, Ville; Maltamo, Matti; Pukkala, Timo; Kärhä, Kalle. 2020. Annals of forest science -
Field calibration of merchantable and sawlog volumes in forest inventories based on airborne laser scanning
Karjalainen, Tomi ; Mehtätalo, Lauri ; Packalen, Petteri ; Gobakken, Terje ; Næsset, Erik ; Maltamo, Matti. 2020. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Forest inventories for small areas using drone imagery without in-situ field measurements
Kotivuori, Eetu; Kukkonen, Mikko; Mehtätalo, Lauri; Maltamo, Matti; Korhonen, Lauri; Packalen, Petteri. 2020. Remote sensing of environment -
Horvitz-Thompson-like estimation with distance-based detection probabilities for circular plot sampling of forests
Kansanen, Kasper; Packalen, Petteri; Maltamo, Matti; Mehtätalo, Lauri. 2020. Biometrics -
Predicting stand age in managed forests using National Forest Inventory field data and airborne laser scanning
Maltamo, Matti; Kinnunen, Hermanni; Kangas, Annika; Korhonen, Lauri. 2020. Forest ecosystems -
Prediction of forest canopy fuel parameters in managed boreal forests using multispectral and unispectral airborne laser scanning data and aerial images
Maltamo, M; Räty, J; Korhonen, L; Kotivuori, E; Kukkonen, M; Peltola, H; Kangas, J; Packalen, P. 2020. European journal of remote sensing -
Standardizing Ecosystem Morphological Traits from 3D Information Sources
Valbuena, R; O'Connor, B; Zellweger, F; Simonson, W; Vihervaara, P; Maltamo, M; Silva, CA; Almeida, DRA; Danks, F; Morsdorf, F; Chirici, G; Lucas, R; Coomes, DA; Coops, NC. 2020. Trends in ecology and evolution -
A Simple Approach of Groundwater Quality Analysis, Classification, and Mapping in Peshawar, Pakistan
Adnan, Syed; Iqbal, Javed; Maltamo, Matti; Bacha, Muhammad Suleman; Shahab, Asfandyar; Valbuena, Ruben. 2019. Environments -
Comparison of multispectral airborne laser scanning and stereo matching of aerial images as a single sensor solution to forest inventories by tree species
Kukkonen, Mikko; Maltamo; Matti; Korhonen, Lauri; Packalen, Petteri. 2019. Remote sensing of environment -
Estimating forest stand density and structure using Bayesian individual tree detection, stochastic geometry, and distribution matching
Kansanen, Kasper; Vauhkonen, Jari; Lähivaara, Timo; Seppänen, Aku; Maltamo, Matti; Mehtätalo, Lauri. 2019. Isprs journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing -
Estimating stand level stem diameter distribution utilizing harvester data and airborne laser scanning
Maltamo, Matti; Hauglin, Marius; Naesset, Erik; Gobakken, Terje. 2019. Silva fennica -
Estimation of forest biomass components using airborne LiDAR and multispectral sensors
Hernando, Ana; Puerto, Luis; Mola-Yudego, Blas; Antonio Manzanera, Jose; Garcia-Abril, Antonio; Maltamo, Matti; Valbuena, Ruben. 2019. Iforest-biogeosciences and forestry -
Fusing diameter distributions predicted by an area-based approach and individual-tree detection in coniferous-dominated forests
Räty, Janne; Packalen, Petteri; Kotivuori, Eetu; Maltamo, Matti. 2019. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Laserkeilauspohjaisten puutason sekamallien soveltaminen ja kalibrointi inventointialueiden välillä
Korhonen, L; Repola, J; Karjalainen, T; Packalen, P; Maltamo, M. 2019. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja -
Leimikon läpimittajakauman kuvaaminen hakkuukone- ja laserkeilausaineistojen avulla
Maltamo, Matti. 2019. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja -
Multispectral Airborne LiDAR Data in the Prediction of Boreal Tree Species Composition
Kukkonen, Mikko; Maltamo, Matti; Korhonen, Lauri; Packalen, Petteri. 2019. IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing -
Nearest neighbor imputation of logwood volumes using bi-temporal ALS, multispectral ALS and aerial images
Räty, Janne; Packalen, Petteri; Maltamo, Matti. 2019. Scandinavian journal of forest research -
Predicting factual sawlog volumes in Scots pine dominated forests using airborne laser scanning data
Karjalainen, Tomi; Packalen Petteri; Räty Janne; Maltamo Matti. 2019. Silva fennica -
Predicting tree diameter using allometry described by non-parametric locally-estimated copulas from tree dimensions derived from airborne laser scanning
Xu, Qing; Li, Bo; Maltamo, Matti; Tokola, Timo; Hou, Zhengyang. 2019. Forest ecology and management -
Puuston laatutunnusten mittaus ja mallinnus
Pyörälä, Jiri; Räsänen, Tapio; Hämäläinen, Jarmo; Maltamo, Matti; Karjalainen, Tomi; Peuhkurinen, Jussi; Repola, Jaakko; Mäkinen, Harri; Hyyppä, Juha; Holopainen, Markus. 2019. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja -
Resolution dependence in an area-based approach to forest inventory with airborne laser scanning
Packalen, Petteri; Strunk, Jacob; Packalen, Tuula; Maltamo, Matti; Mehtätalo, Lauri. 2019. Remote sensing of environment -
Silva Fennica in 2019
Maltamo, Matti. 2019. Silva fennica -
The transferability of airborne laser scanning based tree-level models between different inventory areas
Karjalainen, Tomi; Korhonen, Lauri; Packalen, Petteri; Maltamo, Matti. 2019. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Transferability and calibration of airborne laser scanning based mixed-effects models to estimate the attributes of sawlog-sized Scots pines
Korhonen, L; Repola, J; Karjalainen, T; Packalen, P; Maltamo, M. 2019. Silva fennica -
A simple approach to forest structure classification using airborne laser scanning that can be adopted across bioregions
Adnan, Syed; Maltamo, Matti; Coomes, David A; García-Abril, Antonio; Malhi, Yadvinder; Manzanera, José Antonio; Butt, Nathalie; Morecroft, Mike; Valbuena, Rubén. 2018. Forest ecology and management -
Calibration of nationwide airborne laser scanning based stem volume models
Kotivuori, Eetu; Maltamo, Matti; Korhonen, Lauri; Packalen, Petteri. 2018. Remote Sensing of Environment -
Comparing nearest neighbor configurations in the prediction of species-specific diameter distributions
Räty, Janne; Packalen, Petteri; Maltamo, Matti. 2018. Annals of forest science -
GIS-based DRASTIC model for groundwater vulnerability and pollution risk assessment in the Peshawar District, Pakistan
Adnan, Syed; Iqbal, Javed; Maltamo, Matti; Valbuena, Ruben. 2018. Arabian journal of geosciences -
Gaussian Process Regression for Forest Attribute Estimation From Airborne Laser Scanning Data
Varvia, Petri; Lähivaara, Timo; Maltamo, Matti; Packalen, Petteri; Seppanen, Aku. 2018. IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing -
How much can airborne laser scanning based forest inventory by tree species benefit from auxiliary optical data?
Kukkonen, Mikael; Korhonen, Lauri; Maltamo, Matti; Suvanto, Aki; Packalen, Petteri. 2018. International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation -
Incorporating tree- and stand-level information on crown base height into multivariate forest management inventories based on airborne laser scanning
Maltamo, Matti; Karjalainen, Tomi; Repola, Jaakko; Vauhkonen, Jari. 2018. Silva fennica -
Läpimittajakautumat eilen - tänään
Maltamo, Matti; Mehtätalo, Lauri. 2018. Taksaattoriklubi -
Remote sensing and forest inventories in Nordic countries - roadmap for the future
Kangas, Annika; Astrup, Rasmus; Breidenbach, Johannes; Fridman, Jonas; Gobakken, Terje; Korhonen, Kari T; Maltamo, Matti; Nilsson, Mats; Nord-Larsen, Thomas; Næsset, Erik; Olsson, Håkan. 2018. Scandinavian journal of forest research -
Vaihtoehtoja latvusrajatiedon liittämiseksi laserkeilausinventointiin
Maltamo Matti; Karjalainen Tomi; Repola Jaakko; Vauhkonen Jari. 2018. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja -
Airborne laser scanning for tree diameter distribution modelling: a comparison of different modelling alternatives in a tropical single-species plantation
Maltamo M, Mehtätalo L, Valbuena R, Vauhkonen J, Packalen P. 2017. Forestry -
Effects of plot size, stand density, and scan density on the relationship between airborne laser scanning metrics and the Gini coefficient of tree size inequality
Adnan, Syed; Maltamo, Matti; Coomes, David A; Valbuena, Ruben. 2017. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Image matching as a data source for forest inventory - Comparison of Semi-Global Matching and Next-Generation Automatic Terrain Extraction algorithms in a typical managed boreal forest environment
Kukkonen M, Maltamo M, Packalen P. 2017. International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation -
Key structural features of Boreal forests may be detected directly using L-moments from airborne lidar data
Valbuena Rubén, Maltamo Matti, Mehtätalo Lauri, Packalen Petteri. 2017. Remote Sensing of Environment -
Automatic segment-level tree species recognition using high resolution aerial winter imagery
Kuzmin Anton, Korhonen Lauri, Manninen Terhikki, Maltamo Matti. 2016. European journal of remote sensing -
Classification of forest development stages from national low-density lidar datasets: a comparison of machine learning methods
Valbuena R, Maltamo M, Packalen P. 2016. Revista de teledetección -
Classification of multilayered forest development classes from low-density national airborne lidar datasets
Valbuena Rubén, Maltamo Matti, Packalen Petteri. 2016. Forestry -
Effect of flying altitude, scanning angle and scanning mode on the accuracy of ALS based forest inventory
Keränen Juha, Maltamo Matti, Packalen Petteri. 2016. International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation -
Large-scale prediction of aboveground biomass in heterogeneous mountain forests by means of airborne laser scanning
Maltamo M, Bollandsås OM, Gobakken T, Næsset E. 2016. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
On the potential to predetermine dominant tree species based on sparse-density airborne laser scanning data for improving subsequent predictions of species-specific timber volumes
Räty Janne, Vauhkonen Jari, Maltamo Matti, Tokola Timo. 2016. Forest ecosystems -
Simple approach to improving the extraction of canopy metrics from airborne laser scanning data for tropical forests
Hou Zhengyang, Maltamo Matti, Tokola Timo. 2016. Journal of applied remote sensing -
Species-specific combination and calibration between area-based and tree-based diameter distributions using airborne laser scanning
Hou Zhengyang, Xu Qing, Vauhkonen Jari, Maltamo Matti, Tokola Timo. 2016. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Uncertainty Quantification in ALS-Based Species-Specific Growing Stock Volume Estimation
Varvia Petri, Lähivaara Timo, Maltamo Matti, Packalen Petteri, Tokola Timo, Seppänen Aku. 2016. IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing -
Classification of forest land attributes using multi-source remotely sensed data
Pippuri Inka, Suvanto Aki, Maltamo Matti, Korhonen Kari T, Pitkänen Juho, Packalen Petteri. 2015. International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation -
Edge-Tree Correction for Predicting Forest Inventory Attributes Using Area-Based Approach With Airborne Laser Scanning
Packalen Petteri, Strunk Jacob L, Pitkänen Juho A, Temesgen Hailemariam, Maltamo Matti. 2015. IEEE journal of selected topics in applied earth observations and remote sensing -
Effect of minimum diameter at breast hight and standing dead wood field measurements on the accuracy of ALS-based forest inventory
Keränen Juha, Peuhkurinen Jussi, Packalen Petteri, Maltamo Matti. 2015. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Gini coefficient predictions from airborne lidar remote sensing display the effect of management intensity on forest structure
Valbuena Ruben, Eerikäinen Kalle, Packalen Petteri, Maltamo Matti. 2015. Ecological indicators -
Impact of plot size and spatial pattern of forest attributes on sampling efficacy
Hou Zhengyang, Xu Qing, Hartikainen Sauli, Anttila Perttu, Packalen Tuula, Maltamo Matti, Tokola Timo. 2015. Forest science -
Inventory of aspen trees in spruce dominated stands in conservation area
Maltamo Matti, Pesonen Annukka, Korhonen Lauri, Kouki Jari, Vehmas Mikko, Eerikäinen Kalle. 2015. Forest ecosystems -
Uncertainty quantification in ALS-based species-specific growing stock volume estimation
Varvia Petri, Lähivaara Timo, Maltamo Matti, Packalén Petteri, Tokola Timo, Seppänen Aku. 2015. -
Airborne laser scanning-based decision support for wood procurement planning
Jari Vauhkonen, Petteri Packalen, Jukka Malinen, Juho Pitkänen & Matti Maltamo. 2014. Scandinavian journal of forest research -
Bayesian Approach to Tree Detection Based on Airborne Laser Scanning Data
Lähivaara Timo, Seppänen Aku, Kaipio Jari, Vauhkonen Jari, Korhonen Lauri, Tokola Timo, Maltamo Matti. 2014. IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing -
Calibration of area based diameter distribution with individual tree based diameter estimates using airborne laser scanning
Xu Qing, Hou Zhenyang, Maltamo Matti, Tokola Timo. 2014. Isprs journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing -
Canonical correlation analysis for interpreting airborne laser scanning metrics along the Lorenz curve of tree size inequality
Valbuena R., Packalen P., Tokola, T., Maltamo, M.. 2014. Baltic forestry -
Comparison of airborne laser scanning methods for estimating forest structure indicators based on Lorenz curves
Valbuena R, Vauhkonen J, Packalen P, Pitkänen J, Maltamo M. 2014. Isprs journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing -
Forestry applications of airborne laser scanning - Concepts and case studies
Maltamo, M., Naesset, E., Vauhkonen, J.. 2014. Managing Forest Ecosystems -
Introduction to forest applications of airborne laser scanning
Vauhkonen Jari, Maltamo Matti, McRoberts Ronald E, Næsset rik. 2014. Managing Forest Ecosystems -
Inventory of forest plantations
Vauhkonen Jari, Rombouts Jan, Maltamo Matti. 2014. Managing Forest Ecosystems -
Metsämaiseman visualisointi laserkeilausaineistolla
Maltamo, M.. 2014. Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden seura -
Moose (Alces alces) reacts to high summer temperatures by utilizing thermal shelters in boreal forests - an analysis based on airborne laser scanning of the canopy structure at moose locations
Melin Markus, Matala Juho, Mehtätalo Lauri, Tiilikainen Raisa, Tikkanen Olli-Pekka, Maltamo Matti, Pusenius Jyrki, Packalen Petteri. 2014. Global change biology -
Retrieving suppressed trees from model-based height distribution by combining high and low density airborne laser scanning data
Xu Q. Hou Z,, Maltamo M., Tokola T.. 2014. Canadian journal of remote sensing -
Using pre-classification to improve the accuracy of species-specific forest attribute estimates from airborne laser scanner data and aerial images
Maltamo M, Ørka HO, Bollandsås OM, Gobakken T, Næsset E. 2014. Scandinavian journal of forest research -
Characterizing forest structural types and shelterwood dynamics from Lorenz-based indicators predicted by airborne laser scanning
Valbuena Ruben, Packalen Petteri, Mehtätalo Lauri, Garcia-Abril Antonio, Maltamo Matti. 2013. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Comparing parametric and non-parametric modelling of diameter distributions on independent data using airborne laser scanning in a boreal conifer forest
Bollandsås OM, Maltamo M, Naesset E, Gobakken T. 2013. Forestry -
Detection of the need for seedling stand tending using high-resolution remote sensing data
Korhonen L, Pippuri I, Packalén P, Heikkinen V, Maltamo M, Heikkilä J. 2013. Silva fennica -
Patterns of Covariance between Airborne Laser Scanning Metrics and Lorenz Curve Descriptors of Tree Size Inequality.
Valbuena R, Maltamo M, Martín-Fernández S, Packalen P, Pascual C, Nabuurs GJ. 2013. Canadian journal of remote sensing -
Predicting species-specific basal areas in urban forests using airborne laser scanning and existing stand register data
Pippuri Inka, Maltamo Matti, Packalen Petteri, Mäkitalo Juha. 2013. European journal of forest research -
Predicting the spatial pattern of trees by airborne laser scanning
Packalen P, Vauhkonen J, Kallio E, Peuhkurinen J, Pitkänen J, Pippuri I, Strunk J, Maltamo M. 2013. International journal of remote sensing -
Taimikonhoitotarpeen määrittäminen korkean resoluution kaukokartoitusaineistojen avulla
Korhonen L, Pippuri I, Packalén P, Heikkinen V, Maltamo M, Heikkilä J. 2013. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja -
Within-Species Benefits of Back-projecting Airborne Laser Scanner and Multispectral Sensors in Monospecific Pinus sylvestris Forests
Valbuena Rubén, De-Blas Alejandro, Martín-Fernández Susana, Maltamo Matti, Nabuurs Gert-Jan, Manzanera José Antonio. 2013. European journal of remote sensing -
Bayesian approach to tree detection with airborne laser scanning
Lähivaara T, Seppänen A, Kaipio J.P, Vauhkonen J, Korhonen L, Tokola T, Maltamo M. 2012. -
Comparative testing of single-tree detection algorithms
Vauhkonen, J. Ene, L., Gupta, S., Heinzel, J., Holmgren, J., Pitkänen, J., Solberg, S., Wang, Y., Weinacker, H., Hauglin, K.M., Lien, V., Packalén, P., Gobakken, T., Koch, B., Næsset, E., Tokola, T. and Maltamo, M.. 2012. Forestry -
Diversity and Equitability Ordering Profiles Applied to the Study of Forest Structure
Valbuena Ruben, Packalén Petteri , Martin-Fernandez Susana, Maltamo Matti. 2012. Forest ecology and management -
Exploring horizontal area-based metrics to discriminate the spatial pattern of trees and need for first thinning using airborne laser scanning
Inka Pippuri, Eveliina Kallio, Matti Maltamo, Heli Peltola ja Petteri Packelén. 2012. Forestry -
Missing data in forest ecology and management: Advances in quantitative methods. Preface
Barrett Tara, Maltamo Matti. 2012. Forest ecology and management -
On non-circularity of tree stem-cross sections: Effect of diameter selection on cross-section area estimation, bitterlich sampling and stem volume estimation is Scots pine
Minna Pulkkinen. 2012. Silva fennica -
Predicting and calibrating tree attributes by means of airborne laser scanning and field measurements
Maltamo Matti, Mehtätalo Lauri, Vauhkonen Jari, Packalén Petteri. 2012. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
The suitability of leaf-off airborne laser scanner data for forest inventory
Villikka, M., Packalén, P. and Maltamo, M. 2012. Silva fennica -
Variable Selection Strategies for Nearest Neighbor Imputation in Remote Sensing Based Forest Inventory
Packalén P, Temesgen H, Maltamo M. 2012. Canadian journal of remote sensing -
ALS-based estimation of plot volume and site index in a eucalyptus plantation with a nonlinear mixed-effect model that accounts for the clone effect
Packalén, P., Mehtätalo, L. and Maltamo, M.. 2011. Annals of forest science -
Airborne discrete-return LiDAR data in the estimation of vertical canopy cover, angular canopy closure and leaf area index
Korhonen Lauri, Korpela Ilkka, Heiskanen Janne, Maltamo Matti. 2011. Remote Sensing of Environment -
Airborne laser scanning for the site type identification of mature boreal forest stands
Vehmas, M., Eerikäinen, K., Peuhkurinen, J., Packalén, P. and Maltamo, M. 2011. Remote sensing -
Comparing individual tree detection and the area-based statistical approach for the retrieval of forest stand characteristics using airborne laser scanning in Scots pine stands.
Peuhkurinen Jussi, Mehtätalo Lauri, Maltamo Matti. 2011. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Different plot selection strategies for field training data in ALS-assisted forest inventory
Maltamo, M., Bollandsås, O.M., Næsset, E., Gobakken, T. and Packalén, P.. 2011. Forestry -
Dynamic treatment units in Eucalyptus plantations
Packalén, P., Heinonen, T., Pukkala, T., Vauhkonen, J. and Maltamo, M. 2011. Forest science -
Prediction of timber quality parameters of forest stands by means of small footprint airborne laser scanner data
Bollandsås, O. M., Maltamo, M., Gobakken, T., Næsset, E. and Lien, V.. 2011. International journal of forest engineering -
Request-driven generation of calculation chains for adaptive forest analysis
Nuutinen, T., Berger, F., Karjalainen, A., Lempinen, R., Maltamo, M and Siitonen M.. 2011. Scandinavian journal of forest research -
Using airborne laser scanning data for detecting canopy gaps and their understory type in mature boreal forest
Vehmas M., Packalén, P., Maltamo, M., and Eerikäinen, K.. 2011. Annals of forest science -
Applied 3D texture features in ALS-based forest inventory
Jari Vauhkonen, Timo Tokola, Matti Maltamo & Petteri Packalén. 2010. European journal of forest research -
Comparing different methods for prediction of mean crown height in Norway spruce stands using airborne laser scanner data
Maltamo Matti, Bollandsås Ole Martin, Vauhkonen Jari, Breidenbach Johannes, Gobakken Terje, Næsset Erik. 2010. Forestry -
Comparison of different non-parametric growth imputation methods in the presence of correlative observations
Sironen Susanna, Kangas Annika, Maltamo Matti. 2010. Forestry -
Different sources of auxiliary information in coarse woody debris inventory
Pesonen Annukka, Kangas Annika, Maltamo Matti and Packalén Petteri. 2010. Forest ecology and management -
Imputation of single-tree attributes using airborne laser scanning-based height, intensity, and alpha shape metrics
Jari Vauhkonen, Ilkka Korpela, Matti Maltamo & Timo Tokola. 2010. Remote Sensing of Environment -
Neural networks for the prediction of species-specific stem volumes using airborne laser scanning and aerial photographs
Niska H, Packalén P, Skön J-P, Tokola T, Maltamo M & Kolehmainen M. 2010. IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing -
Ruissalon tammien visuaalinen tulkinta stereokuvalta
Eerikäinen Hanna, Packalén Petteri, Maltamo Matti, Mäkitalo Juha. 2010. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja -
The comparison of airborne laser scanning-based probability layers as auxiliary information for assessing coarse woody debris
Pesonen Annukka, Maltamo Matti, Kangas Annika. 2010. International journal of remote sensing -
Tree species classification using airborne LiDAR effects of stand and tree parameters, downsizing of training set, intensity normalization and sensor type
Korpela, I., Ørka, H. O., Maltamo, M., Tokola, T. & Hyyppä, J.. 2010. Silva fennica -
Using mixed estimation for combining ALS data in two different forest areas
Suvanto Aki, Maltamo Matti. 2010. Silva fennica -
A two stage method to estimate species-specific growing stock by combining ALS data and aerial photographs of known orientation parameters
Packalén, Petteri, Suvanto, Aki, and Maltamo, Matti. 2009. Photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing -
Assessing deadwood existence in canopy gaps by using ALS data.
Vehmas, Mikko; Packalén, Petteri ja Maltamo, Matti. 2009. -
Combining ALS and NFI training data for forest management planning -a Case Study in Kuortane, Western Finland
Maltamo, Matti, Packalén, Petteri, Suvanto, Aki, Korhonen, Kari Tapani, Mehtätalo, Lauri ja Hyvönen, Pekka. 2009. European Journal of Forest Research -
Different sampling strategies for field training plots in ALS inventory
Maltamo, Matti, Bollandsås, Ole Martin, Næsset, Erik, Gobakken, Terje ja Packalén, Petteri. 2009. -
Different sources of auxiliary information in coarse woody debris inventory.
Pesonen, A., Packalén, P., Maltamo, M. and Kangas, A. 2009.. 2009. -
Identification of Scandinavian Commercial Species of Individual Trees from Airborne Laser Scanning Data Using Alpha Shape Metrics
Vauhkonen, Jari; Tokola, Timo; Packalén, Petteri; Maltamo, Matti. 2009. Forest science -
Identification of boreal forest stands with high herbaceous plant diversity using airborne laser scanning.
Vehmas, Mikko; Eerikäinen, Kalle; Peuhkurinen, Jussi; Packalén, Petteri ja Maltamo, Matti. 2009. Forest ecology and management -
Models for predicting tree and stand development on larch plantations in Hallormsstaður, Iceland
Pesonen Annukka, Eerikainen Kalle, Maltamo Matti & Tahvanainen Timo. 2009. New forests -
Männyn puu- ja laatutunnusten ennustaminen laserkeilauksella
Maltamo, Matti, Peuhkurinen, Jussi, Malinen, Jukka, Vauhkonen, Jari, Packalén, Petteri ja Tokola, Timo. 2009. -
Non-parametric estimation of diameter distributions by using ALS data
Maltamo, Matti, Naesset, Erik, Bollandsås, Ole Martin, Gobakken, Terje ja Packalén, Petteri. 2009. Scandinavian journal of forest research -
Predicting tree attributes and quality characteristics of Scots pine using airborne laser scanning data
Maltamo, Matti, Peuhkurinen, Jussi, Malinen, Jukka, Vauhkonen, Jari, Packalén, Petteri ja Tokola, Timo. 2009. Silva fennica -
The comparison of field sampling methods and the use of airborne laser scanning as auxiliary information for assessing coarse woody debris
Pesonen, A., Leino, O., Maltamo, M. and Kangas, A. 2009. Forest ecology and management -
Use of airborne laser scanning data in assessing various ecologically important habitats in natural stage boreal forests.
Vehmas, Mikko; Pesonen, Annukka; Packalén, Petteri ja Maltamo, Matti. 2009. -
Airborne laser scanning for the identification of boreal forest site types
Vehmas, Mikko; Eerikäinen, Kalle; Peuhkurinen, Jussi; Packalén, Petteri ja Maltamo, Matti. 2008. -
Airborne laser scanning-based prediction of coarse woody debris volumes in a conservation area
Pesonen Annukka, Maltamo Matti, Eerikäinen Kalle & Packalén Petteri. 2008. Forest ecology and management -
Applied 3D texture features in ALS based forest inventory
Jari Vauhkonen, Timo Tokola, Petteri Packalén, Matti Maltamo. 2008. -
Automatic delineation of forest stands from lidar data
Leppänen Vesa, Tokola Timo, Maltamo Matti, Mehtätalo Lauri, Pusa T. ja Mustonen Jukka. 2008. -
Comparison of individual tree detection and canopy height distribution approaches: a case study in Finland
Packalén, Petteri; Pitkänen, Juho and Maltamo, Matti. 2008. -
Detailed Assessment Using Remote Sensing Techniques
Packalén, Petteri, Maltamo, Matti and Tokola, Timo. 2008. Managing Forest Ecosystems -
Detection of aspens using high resolution aerial laser scanning data and digital aerial images
Raita Säynäjoki, Petteri Packalén, Matti Maltamo, Mikko Vehmas ja Kalle Eerikäinen. 2008. Sensors -
Effects of pulse density on predicting characteristics of individual trees of Scandinavian commercial species using alpha shape metrics based on airborne laser scanning data
Jari Vauhkonen, Timo Tokola, Matti Maltamo, and Petteri Packalén. 2008. Canadian journal of remote sensing -
Estimating species-specific diameter distributions and saw log recoveries of boreal forests from airborne laser scanning data and aerial photographs: a distribution-based approach
Jussi Peuhkurinen, Matti Maltamo & Jukka Malinen. 2008. Silva fennica -
Estimation of Forest Stand Characteristics Using Spectral Histograms Derived from an Ikonos Satellite Image
Jussi Peuhkurinen, Matti Maltamo, Lauri Vesa, and Petteri Packalén. 2008. Photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing -
Forest inventory with sparse resolution Airborne Laser Scanning data ¿ a literature review.
Säynäjoki Raita, Maltamo Matti, Kari Tapani Korhonen. 2008. Metlan työraportteja / Working Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute -
Integration of ALS based bioenergy inventory data and optimal bucking for stand level decision making
Tokola Timo, Maltamo Matti, Kotamaa Eveliina, Packalén Petteri ja Kurttila Mikko. 2008. -
Kuusen taimikoiden inventointi ja taimikonhoidon kiireellisyyden määrittäminen laserkeilauksen ja metsäsuunnitelmatietojen avulla
Matti Närhi, Matti Maltamo, Petteri Packalén, Heli Peltola ja Janne Soimasuo. 2008. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja -
Laserkeilaustulkinnan hyödyntäminen metsäsuunnittelun tietolähteenä
Matti Maltamo, Petteri Packalén, Janne Uuttera, Esa Äröla, Juho Heikkilä. 2008. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja -
Methods of small-footprint airborne laser scanning for extracting forest inventory data in boreal forests
Juha Hyyppä, Hannu Hyyppä, Don Leckie, F. Gougeon, Xiaowei Yu ja Matti Maltamo. 2008. International journal of remote sensing -
Obtaining plotwise mean height and volume growth in boreal forests using multitemporal laser surveys and various change detection techniques
Xiaowei Yu, Juha Hyyppä, Harri Kaartinen ja Matti Maltamo. 2008. International journal of remote sensing -
Predicting tree level quality characteristics of Scots pine using airborne laser scanning data
Matti Maltamo, Jussi Peuhkurinen, Jukka Malinen, Jari Vauhkonen, Petteri Packalén ja Timo Tokola. 2008. -
Sparse Bayesian Estimation of Forest Stand Characteristics from ALS
Virpi Junttila, Matti Maltamo ja Tuomo Kauranne. 2008. Forest science -
The comparison of airborne laser scanning-based probability layers as auxiliary information for assessing coarse woody debris
Pesonen Annukka, Maltamo Matti, Petteri Packalén, Leino Olli. 2008. -
The estimation of species-specific diameter distributions using airborne laser scanning and aerial photographs
Packalén, Petteri and Maltamo, Matti. 2008. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
The use of airborne laser scanning to estimate sawlog volumes
Korhonen Lauri, Peuhkurinen Jussi, Malinen Jukka, Suvanto Aki, Maltamo Matti, Packalen Petteri and Kangas Jyrki. 2008. Forestry -
A test on the usability of truncated angle count sample plots as ground truth in airborne laser scanning based forest inventory.
Maltamo Matti;Korhonen Kari Tapani;Packalén Petteri;Mehtätalo Lauri;Suvanto Aki. 2007. Forestry -
Alternatives for predicting tree-level stem volume of Norway spruce using airborne laser scanner data
Villikka Maria;Maltamo Matti;Packalén Petteri;Vehmas Mikko;Hyyppä Juha. 2007. Photogrammetric Journal of Finland -
Comparison of approaches to integrate energy wood estimation into the Finnish compartment inventory system
Tahvanainen Timo;Kaartinen Kalle;Pukkala Timo;Maltamo Matti. 2007. Silva fennica -
Comparison of basal area and stem frequency diameter distribution modelling using airborne laser scanner data and calibration estimation
Maltamo Matti;Suvanto Aki;Packalén Petteri. 2007. Forest ecology and management -
Experiences and possibilities of ALS based forest inventory in Finland
Maltamo Matti;Packalén Petteri;Peuhkurinen Jussi;Suvanto Aki;Pesonen Annukka;Hyyppä Juha. 2007. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences -
Local models for forest canopy cover with beta regression
Korhonen Lauri;Korhonen Kari T.;Stenberg Pauline;Maltamo Matti ja Rautiainen Miina. 2007. Silva fennica -
Modeling percentile based basal area weighted diameter distribution
Kangas Annika;Mehtätalo Lauri;Maltamo Matti. 2007. Silva fennica -
Preharvest Measurement of Marked Stands Using Airborne Laser Scanning
Peuhkurinen, Jussi; Maltamo, Matti; Malinen, Jukka; Pitkänen, Juho; Packalén, Petteri. 2007. Forest science -
Preharvest measurement of marked stands using airborne laser scanning
Peuhkurinen Jussi;Maltamo Matti;Malinen Jukka;Pitkänen Juho;Packalén Petteri. 2007. Forest science -
Recovering plot-specific diameter distribution and height-diameter curve using ALS based stand characteristics
Mehtätalo Lauri;Maltamo Matti;Packalén Petteri. 2007. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences -
Standing volume estimates of forests in Russia: how accurate is the published data?
Kinnunen Jari;Maltamo Matti;Päivinen Risto. 2007. Forestry -
Taimikonhoitotarpeen arviointi valtakunnan metsien inventoinnin metsävarakartan pohjalta
Pesonen Annukka;Korhonen Kari Tapani;Tuominen Sakari;Maltamo Matti;Lukkarinen Eero. 2007. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja -
The k-MSN method for the prediction of species-specific stand attributes using airborne laser scanning and aerial photographs
Packalén Petteri & Maltamo Matti. 2007. Remote Sensing of Environment -
A comparative study of the use of laser scanner data and field measurements in the prediction of crown height in boreal forests
Maltamo Matti;Hyyppä Juha;Malinen Jukka. 2006. Scandinavian journal of forest research -
Change detection techniques for canopy height growth measurements using airborne laser scanner data
Yu Xiaowei;Hyyppä Juha;Kukko Antero;Maltamo Matti;Kaartinen Harri. 2006. Photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing -
Combined use of ALS data and aerial photographs for predicting stand volume by tree species
Packalén Petteri;Maltamo Matti. 2006. -
Estimation of stem volume using laser scanning based canopy height metrics
Maltamo Matti;Eerikäinen Kalle;Packalén Petteri;Hyyppä Juha. 2006. Forestry -
Extending and improving methods for operational stand-wise forest inventories utilizing multi-resolution airborne laser scanner data
Næsset Erik.;Gobakken Terje;Kangas Annika;Maltamo Matti;Bollandsås Ole Martin;Aasland Tord;Solberg Svein. 2006. -
Forest Inventory Methodology & Applications
Kangas Annika;Maltamo Matti. 2006. Mapping Forest Ecosystems -
Inventories of vegetation, wildberries and mushrooms
Maltamo Matti. 2006. Mapping Forest Ecosystems -
Methods of Airborne Laser Scanning for Forest Information Extraction
Hyyppä Juha;Yu Xiaowei;Hyyppä Hannu;Maltamo;Matti. 2006. -
Metsikön vertikaalisen rakenteen tutkiminen 3D-kaukokartoituksen avulla
Maltamo Matti;Hyyppä Juha;Eerikäinen Kalle;Packalén Petteri;Vehmas Mikko;Kouki Jari. 2006. -
Non-parametric estimation of stem volume using laser scanning, aerial photography and stand register data
Maltamo Matti;Malinen Jukka;Packalén Petteri;Suvanto Aki;Kangas Jyrki. 2006. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Obtaining plotwise height and volume growth in boreal forests using multitemporal laser surveys: a comparison of various techniques
Yu Xiaowei;Hyyppä Juha;Kaartinen Harri;Maltamo Matti;Hyyppä Hannu. 2006. -
Predicting the plot volume by tree species using airborne laser scanning and aerial photographs
Petteri Packalén & Matti Maltamo. 2006. Forest science -
Structural diversity of tree stands on peatland
Hotanen Juha-Pekka;Maltamo Matti;Reinikainen Antti. 2006. Silva fennica -
Suometsien kerroksellisuusrakenne Suomessa
Hotanen Juha-Pekka;Maltamo Matti Reinikainen Antti. 2006. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja -
The use of quantile trees in the prediction of the diameter distribution of a stand
Mehtätalo Lauri;Maltamo Matti;Kangas Annika. 2006. Silva fennica -
Use of a superresolution method in interpretation of forests from multiple NOAA/AVHRR images
Petteri Packalén;Timo Tokola;Juhani Saastamoinen & Matti Maltamo. 2006. International journal of remote sensing -
Yksityismetsien metsävaratiedon keruuseen soveltuvilla kaukokartoitusmenetelmillä estimoitujen puustotunnusten luotettavuus
Uuttera Janne;Anttila Perttu;Suvanto Aki;Maltamo Matti. 2006. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja -
Computing canopy surface models from airborne laser scanner data for individual tree detection
Pitkänen Juho;Maltamo Matti;Hyyppä Juha & Yu Xiaowei. 2005. -
Identifying and quantifying structural characteristics of heterogeneous boreal forests using laser scanner data
Maltamo Matti;Packalén Petteri;Yu Xiaowei;Eerikäinen Kalle;Hyyppä. Juha & Pitkänen Juho. 2005. Forest ecology and management -
Kuviokohtaisten puustotunnusten ennustaminen laserkeilauksella
Suvanto Aki;Maltamo Matti;Packalén Petteri & Kangas Jyrki. 2005. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja -
Measuring the growth of individual trees using multitemporal airborne laser scanning point clouds
Yu Xiaowei;Hyyppä Juha;Kaartinen Harri;Hyyppä Hannu;Maltamo Matti & Rönnholm Petri. 2005. -
Team report from University of Joensuu, Faculty of Forestry, Forest Mensuration and Planning 2001-2004
Maltamo Matti;Anttila Perttu;Eerikäinen Kalle;Malinen Jukka;Packalén Petteri & Pitkänen Juho. 2005. -
The analysis of forest structure using laser scanner data
Maltamo Matti. 2005. -
Using individual tree crown approach for forest volume extraction with aerial images and laser point clouds
Hyyppä Juha;Mielonen Teemu;Hyyppä Hannu;Maltamo Matti;Yu Xiaowei;Honkavaara Eija & Kaartinen Harri. 2005. -
Using laser scanning and aerial photography to estimate plot volume
Packalén Petteri;Maltamo Matti;Malinen Jukka;Suvanto Aki &Kangas Jyrki. 2005. -
Wood Properties of Mature Norway spruce on Drained Peatlands Compared to Mineral Forest Lands in Southern Finland
Malinen Jukka;Maltamo Matti & Verkasalo Erkki. 2005. Baltic forestry -
Accuracy of partially visually assessed stand characteristics - A case study of Finnish forest inventory by compartments
Kangas Annika;Heikkinen Elina;Maltamo Matti. 2004. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Adaptive methods for individual tree detection on airborne laser based canopy height model
Pitkänen Juho;Maltamo Matti;Hyyppä Juha;Yu Xiaowei. 2004. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences -
Algorithms and methods of airborne laser scanning for forest measurements
Hyyppä Juha;Hyyppä Hannu;Litkey Paula;Yu Xiaowei;Haggrén Henrik;Rönnholm Petri;Pyysalo Ulla;Pitkänen Juho;Maltamo Matti. 2004. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences -
Automatic detection of harvested trees and determination of forest growth using airborne laser scanning
Yu Xiaowei;Hyyppä Juha;Kaartinen Harri;Maltamo Matti. 2004. Remote Sensing of Environment -
Effects of flight altitude on tree height estimation using airborne laser scanning
Yu Xiaowei;Hyyppä Juha;Hyyppä Hannu;Maltamo Matti. 2004. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences -
Estimation of timber volume and stem density based on scanning laser altimetry and expected tree size distribution functions
Maltamo Matti;Eerikäinen Kalle;Pitkänen Juho;Hyyppä Juha;Vehmas Mikko. 2004. Remote Sensing of Environment -
Identifying and quantifying heterogeneous boreal forest structures using laser scanner data
Maltamo Matti;Packalén Petteri;Yu Xiaowei;Eerikäinen Kalle;Hyyppä Juha;Pitkänen Juho. 2004. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences -
Kuusen sisäisen laadun ja arvon ei-parametrinen ennustaminen ja tukkijakaumien samankaltaisuusvertailut puunhankinnan suunnittelun tukena
Jukka Malinen;Matti Maltamo;Teijo Palander & Erkki Verkasalo. 2004. Tiedonantoja/ Joensuun yliopisto, metsätieteellinen tiedekunta -
Laser scanning of forest resources: the Scandinavian experience
Næsset Erik;Brandtberg Tomas;Gobakken Terje;Holmgren Johan;Hyyppä Juha;Hyyppä Hannu;Maltamo Matti;Nilsson Mats;Olsson Håkan;Persson Åsa;Söderman Ulf. 2004. Scandinavian journal of forest research -
Metsän mittaus ja kartoitus
Kangas Annika;Päivinen Risto;Holopainen Markus & Maltamo Matti. 2004. Silva carelica -
Modelling the end-use based value of Norway spruce trees and logs by using predictors of stand and tree levels
Verkasalo Erkki;Sairanen Pentti;Kilpeläinen Harri;Maltamo Matti. 2004. -
Predicting the internal quality and value of Norway spruce trees using non-parametric nearest neighbor methods
Malinen Jukka;Maltamo Matti;Verkasalo Erkki. 2004. INRA -
The accuracy of estimating individual tree variables with airborne laser scanning in a boreal nature reserve
Maltamo Matti;Mustonen Kari;Hyyppä Juha;Pitkänen Juho;Yu Xiaowei. 2004. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Toimenpide-ehdotusten simulointi laskennallisesti ajantasaistetusta kuvioaineistosta
Haara Arto;Korhonen Kari Tapani. 2004. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja -
A percentile based basal area diameter distribution model for predicting the stand development of Pinus kesiya plantations in Zambia and Zimbabwe
Eerikäinen Kalle;Maltamo Matti. 2003. Forest ecology and management -
Calibrating predicted diameter distribution with additional information -in growth and yield predictions
Kangas Annika;Maltamo Matti. 2003. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Combination of single tree laser scanning and theoretical distribution functions in the estimation of plot volume and number of stems
Maltamo Matti;Eerikäinen Kalle;Pitkänen Juho;Hyyppä;Juha;Vehmas Mikko. 2003. SLU, Department of Forest Resource Management and Geomatics. Working paper -
Detection of harvested trees and estimation of forest growth using laser scanning
Yu Xiaowei;Hyyppä Juha;Rönnholm Petri;Kaartinen Harri;Maltamo Matti;Hyyppä Hannu. 2003. SLU, Department of Forest Resource Management and Geomatics. Working paper -
Estimating individual tree growth with non-parametric methods
Sironen Susanna;Kangas Annika;Maltamo Matti;Kangas Jyrki. 2003. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Estimating stand characteristics by combining single tree pattern recognition of digital video imagery and a theoretical diameter distribution model
Maltamo Matti;Tokola Timo;Lehikoinen Mikko. 2003. Forest science -
Estimating stand characteristics using an approach combining single tree recognition from high resolution remote sensing imagery and theoretical distribution
Maltamo Matti. 2003. -
Laser scanning of forest resources some of the Finnish experience
Hyyppä Juha;Hyyppä Hannu;Maltamo Matti;Yu Xiaowei;Ahokas Eero;Pyysalo Ulla. 2003. SLU, Department of Forest Resource Management and Geomatics. Working paper -
Laserkeilauksen metsätaloudelliset sovellusmahdollisuudet
Maltamo Matti & Pitkänen Juho. 2003. Maanmittaustieteiden Seuran julkaisu -
Most similar neighbour based stand variable estimation for use in inventory by compartments in Finland
Maltamo Matti;Malinen Jukka;Kangas Annika;Härkönen;Sanna;Pasanen Anna-Mari. 2003. Forestry -
Predicting the internal quality and value of Norway spruce trees
Malinen Jukka;Maltamo Matti;Verkasalo Erkki. 2003. Forest products journal -
Predicting the internal quality and value of Norway spruce trees by using two non-parametric nearest neighbor methods
Malinen Jukka;Maltamo Matti;Verkasalo Erkki. 2003. -
The accuracy of forest inventory data in the Novgorod region in Russia
Kinnunen Jari;Maltamo Matti;Pussinen Ari. 2003. EFI Proceedings -
Anticipating the variance of predicted stand volume and timber assortments with respect to stand characteristics and field measurements
Kangas Annika;Maltamo Matti. 2002. Silva fennica -
Calibrating predicted diameter distribution with additional information for structurally diverse forest stands
Puumalainen Janna;Maltamo Matti;Kangas Annika. 2002. Kluwer academic publishers -
Estimating tree stocks using an approach combining single tree recognition from digital video image and a diameter distribution model
Maltamo Matti;Tokola Timo;Lehikoinen Mikko. 2002. Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen tiedonantoja -
Evaluation of the suitability of the ICP data set for forest biodiversity monitoring. Final Report.
Packalén Petteri;Maltamo Matti. 2002. Joint Research Centre. European commission. EURO-landscape Project. Land Management Unit. Institute for Environment and Sustainability. -
Kuusen laatu ja arvo sahauksessa
Verkasalo Erkki;Sairanen Pentti;Yli-Kojola Hannu;Maltamo Matti;Melén Peter. 2002. Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen tiedonantoja -
Läpimittajakaumamalleihin perustuvat vaihtoehdot kuvauspuiden muodostamiseen puuston keskitunnustietojen avulla
Maltamo Matti;Haara Arto;Hirvelä Hannu;Kangas Annika;Lempinen Reetta;Malinen Juha;Nalli Aki;Nuutinen Tuula;Siipilehto Jouni. 2002. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja -
MELA2002 ja kuvauspuiden muodostamisen vaihtoehdot
Maltamo Matti;Haara Arto;Hirvelä Hannu;Kangas Annika;Lempinen Reetta;Malinen Juha;Nalli Aki;Nuutinen Tuula;Siipilehto Jouni. 2002. Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen tiedonantoja -
Ojitettujen korpien ja kivennäismaiden kuusitukkirunkojen ja puuaineen laatu- ja arvoerot
Verkasalo Erkki;Maltamo Matti. 2002. Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen tiedonantoja -
Predicting and calibrating diameter distributions of Eucalyptus grandis (Hill) Maiden plantations in Zimbabwe
Mabvurira Danaza;Maltamo Matti;Kangas Annika. 2002. New forests -
Puun kasvun ennustaminen k-lähimmän naapurin menetelmällä ja k-Most Similar Neighbour -menetelmällä
Sironen Susanna;Kangas Annika;Maltamo Matti;Kangas Jyrki. 2002. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja -
Puuston puutavaralajien tilavuuksien ennustevirheiden ennakoiminen eri mittausyhdistelmillä ja erityyppisissä metsiköissä
Kangas Annika;Maltamo Matti. 2002. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja -
Puuston rakennetunnusten analysointi, ennustaminen ja vertailu
Maltamo Matti. 2002. Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen tiedonantoja -
Puustotunnusten maastoarvioinnin luotettavuus ja ajanmenekki
Kangas Annika;Heikkinen Elina;Maltamo Matti. 2002. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja -
Team report from University of Joensuu, Faculty of Forestry, forest mensuration and planning
Maltamo Matti;Anttila Perttu;Eerikäinen Kalle;Lehikoinen Mikko;Löfman Satu;Malinen Jukka;Pukkala Timo;Pykäläinen Jouni;Sironen Susanna. 2002. Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen tiedonantoja -
Turvemaiden kuusi sahapuuna
Maltamo Matti;Verkasalo Erkki. 2002. Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen tiedonantoja -
Application of Most Similar Neighbor Inference for Estimating Marked Stand Characteristics Using Harvester and Inventory Generated Stem Databases
Malinen Jukka;Maltamo Matti;Harstela Pertti. 2001. International journal of forest engineering -
The most similar neighbour reference in the yield prediction of Pinus kesiya stands in Zambia
Maltamo Matti;Eerikäinen Kalle. 2001. Silva fennica -
Calibrating predicted diameter distribution with additional information
Kangas Annika;Maltamo Matti. 2000. Forest science -
Comparison of percentile based predicted methods and Weibull distribution in describing diameter distribution of heterogeneous Scots pine stands
Maltamo Matti;Kangas Annika;Uuttera Janne;Torniainen tatu;Saramäki Jussi. 2000. Forest ecology and management -
Diameter distribution, stem volume and stem quality models for grey alder (Alnus incana) in eastern Finland
Kärki Timo;Maltamo Matti;Eerikäinen Kalle. 2000. New forests -
Differences in the structure of primary and managed forests in East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Uuttera Janne;Tokola Timo;Maltamo Matti. 2000. Forest ecology and management -
Kasvuennusteiden ongelmana heikot lähtötiedot
Kangas Annika;Maltamo Matti. 2000. Asiantuntija-lehti -
Non-parametric growth and yield model for Pinus kesiya in Zambia
Maltamo Matti;Eerikäinen Kalle. 2000. Tiedonantoja/ Joensuun yliopisto, metsätieteellinen tiedekunta -
Percentile based basal area diameter distribution models for Scots pine, Norway spruce and birch species
Kangas Annika;Maltamo Matti. 2000. Silva fennica -
Performance of percentile based diameter distribution prediction and weibull method in independent data sets
Kangas Annika;Maltamo Matti. 2000. Silva fennica -
Modelling the growth and yield of Pinus kesiya in Chati, Zambia
Miina Jari;Maltamo Matti;Eerikäinen Kalle. 1999. Tiedonantoja/ Joensuun yliopisto, metsätieteellinen tiedekunta -
Predicting the quality and value of Norway Spruce trees and logs for traditional and end-use oriented sawing
Verkasalo Erkki;Maltamo Matti;Sairanen Pentti;Melen Peter. 1999. -
Prediction of diameter distribution of Eucalyptus grandis in Zimbabwe using varying information
Maltamo Matti;Mabvurira Danaza. 1999. Tiedonantoja/ Joensuun yliopisto, metsätieteellinen tiedekunta -
Prosenttiosuusmenetelmä puujoukon ennustamisessa
Maltamo matti;Kangas Annika. 1999. Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen tiedonantoja -
Stand structure in semi-natural and managed mesic and sub-xeric forests in eastern Finland and Russian Karelia
Uotila Anneli;Maltamo Matti;Uuttera Janne;Isomäki Antti. 1999. Kronlund Field Station, Umeå University -
Stand structure in succession - a comparison betveen managed and semi-natural mesic and sub-xeric forests
Uotila Anneli;Maltamo Matti;Uuttera Janne;Isomäki Antti. 1999. Hakapaino Oy -
Suunnittelun lähtötietojen laskennallinen ajantasaistus - esimerkkinä MELA
Malinen Juha;Maltamo Matti;Nuutinen Tuula. 1999. Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen tiedonantoja -
Basal area diameter distribution in estimating the quality and structure growing stock
Maltamo;Matti. 1998. -
Basal area diameter distribution in estimating the quality and structure of growing stock
Maltamo Matti. 1998. Tiedonantoja/ Joensuun yliopisto, metsätieteellinen tiedekunta -
Determination of spatial distribution of trees from digital aerial photographs
Uuttera;Janne;Haara;Arto;Tokola;Timo & Maltamo;Matti. 1998. Forest ecology and management -
Diameter distribution models in forestry applications
Maltamo Matti;Puumalainen Janna. 1998. Tiedonantoja/ Joensuun yliopisto, metsätieteellinen tiedekunta -
Differences in forest structure and landscape patterns between ownership groups in Central Finland
Uuttera;Janne;Maltamo;Matti;Kurki;Sami & Mykrä;Sakari. 1998. Boreal environment research -
Intensiivisen metsätalouden aiheuttamat muutokset metsien rakenteessa
Uuttera;Janne & Maltamo;Matti. 1998. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja -
Methods based on k-nearest neighbor regression in the estimation of basal area diameter distribution
Maltamo;M. & Kangas;A.. 1998. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Static stand and tree characteristics models for Acacia mangium plantations
Forss Eero;Maltamo Matti;Saramäki Jussi. 1998. Journal of Tropical Forest Science -
The angle-count sampling in description of forest stands structure.
Maltamo;Matti & Uuttera;Janne. 1998. Forest and Landscape Research -
Comparing basal area diameter distributions estimated by tree species and for the entire growing stock in a mixed stand
Maltamo Matti. 1997. Silva fennica -
Differences in forest stand structure between forest ownership groups in central Finland
Maltamo;Matti; Uuttera;Janne & Kuusela;Kullervo. 1997. -
Männikön laatujakauman kuvaaminen oksarajatiedon avulla kuvioittaisessa arvioinnissa
Rouvinen Seppo;Kangas Annika;Maltamo Matti. 1997. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja -
The k-nearest-neighbour Method for Estimating Basal-Area Diameter Distribution
Haara Arto;Maltamo Matti;Tokola Timo. 1997. Scandinavian journal of forest research -
The structure of forest stands on virgin and managed peatland habitats. Comparative study between North Karelia, Finland and Republic of Karelia, Russian Federation
Uuttera;J.; Maltamo;M. & Hotanen;J.-P.. 1997. -
The structure of forest stands on virgin and managed peatland habitats. Comparative study between North Karelia, Finland and Republic of Karelia, Russian Federation
Uuttera Janne;Maltamo Matti;Hotanen Juha-Pekka. 1997. Forest ecology and management -
The variation of mineral soil forest stand structure by forest ownership groups in five forestry districts in southern Finland
Maltamo Matti;Uuttera Janne;Kuusela Kullervo. 1997. Journal of Environmental Management -
Impact of Forest Management History on the State of Forests in Relation to Natural Forest Succession. Comparative study North Karelia, Finland vs. Republic of Karelia, Russian Federation
Uuttera Janne;Maltamo Matti;Kuusela Kullervo. 1996. Forest ecology and management -
Stand structure of undrained and drained peatland forests in central Finland
Uuttera Janne;Maltamo Matti;Hotanen Juha-Pekka. 1996. Suo -
Comparison of Beta and Weibull Functions for Modelling Basal Area Diameter Distribution in Stands of Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies
Maltamo Matti;Puumalainen Janna;Päivinen Risto. 1995. Scandinavian journal of forest research -
Impact of regeneration method on forest structure prior to first thinning. Comparative study North Karelia, Finland vs. Republic of Carelia
Uuttera Janne;Maltamo Matti. 1995. Silva fennica -
Impact of regeneration method on stand structure prior to first thinning. Comparative study North Karelia, Finland vs. Republic of Karelia, Russian Federation
Uuttera;Janne & Maltamo;Matti. 1995. -
Sapwood and heartwood taper in Scots pine stems
Ojansuu Risto;Maltamo Matti. 1995. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
The evaluation of forest inventory designs using correlation functions
Korhonen Kari T.;Maltamo Matti. 1991. Silva fennica -
Use of the Weibull function in estimating the basal-area diameter distribution
Kilkki Pekka;Maltamo Matti;Mykkänen Reijo;Päivinen Risto. 1989. Silva fennica